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Everything posted by hedgehog337

  1. Player Information Username: hedgehog337 Player Name: AK92 Wit da Hoodie Recruited From: Returning Age: 29 Position: D Height: 71 in. Weight: 190 lbs. Birthplace: Latvia Player Page @VHLM GM
  2. sim recap - fuck meta - fuck meta - fuck meta - Riga Reign is your future S82 Continental Cup champions!
  3. the Devise side of me has returned boiiiii
  4. no posts here yet, sad. sim recap - Reinhart cooled down the Peace-Matty connection big time - I'm really good at trades when I have desire aint't it - every neutral spectator thinks EU is way more fun conference, at least we don't have a situation when we can easily predict all 5 playoff teams three seasons in advance - Riga Reign is your future S82 Continental Cup champions!
  5. sim recap - the second line terror continues - speaking of which, Sandstrom for def awards! - 2 more wins to our pocket, can't stop won't stop baby - Riga Reign is your future S82 Continental Cup champions!
  6. Oh boy a theme week about the dream lineup. I'm wondering how much old player we will see this well in dream teams. I bet most of them are contemporary S65 and beyond players. Anyways. Without further ado, here is my dream team. RW - Randoms You really thought I'm going to choose any other players for my dream team? Hell to the NAW. This article is only about me and my players. And for real, why not. Moscow's version of Randoms was actually a pretty good two way forward in the dead puck era. He claimed the Boulet trophy twice and also was the best goal scorer in his last season. I would even go further and say his later career was almost HoF worthy. There was probably a chance for that, but me playing with his attributes randomly for no reason whatsoever put these talks to sleep. Still, a good forward who will fit into my dream team perfectly. LW - Benjamin Zeptenbergs My first ever player in this league. Was a slow burner, but eventually the 14th overall appeared to be a decent steal I'd say. His stats never blew anyone out of their minds, but I think he went over PPG for couple of seasons, mostly the later ones. Also, he knows how it is to be a part of a dynasty. Well, Randoms did win one championship too, but Zep's two with Toronto are certainly offsetting my more recent winger's trophy case. The only problem is he never won any personal awards, but who cares. His winner mentality is enough to be in my dream team. C - Fredinamijs Krīgars Well, you can say nothing about this choice cause he went to the HoF. Is also considered among 75 best VHL players of all time. His connection with John Locke was a match made in heaven. However, people are forgetting about the fact that even before that game changing trade with Davos the Nereta native was already a force to be reckon with. He popped off a season before with 119 points and was pretty much the main reason why a 300 TPE inactive managed to post his career best numbers. So yes, bringing up Locke proved to be a championship move, but don't sleep on Fred. He was legit. D - Guntis Petenis Perhaps a particlular GM still has a minor PTSD everytime when this player is metioned. I really tried to ignore a scoring early in his career which stopped Seattle from elevating even further in early 50's. However, the trade to Riga and the update scale change which was followed by the free TPE reroll changed everything. This was actually my only somewhat meta player to this day as I still ignored passing, but did put some into scoring. As the result he swept the most important awards in his time in Riga and then repeating the Labatte win a season later. Indeed, he appeared to be one of the best defensemans in the league in his prime and is certainly gonna be the welcomed addition to my dream team. D - Gaidis Olnīca Uhhh....have you ever seen him play in VHL? Me neither. He was not even supposed to be here, but you know who will be in this lineup? My potential recreate if the same themed theme week will pop off in couple of seasons. As for this one...BOT D? Olnīca? Even Klam? In fairness, maybe there was a chance Gaidis could've had a good career. I just had to retire him to make an emergency player for Riga needs.... G - Kallis Kriketers ....speaking of which. The emergency creation for Riga needs. As our previous goaltending hope went inactive rather quickly, I had to create Kallis so Riga wouldn't be empty at the net. Fast forward to the end of S70, he turned to be a fine player. Was complaining about him a lot cause I was a dumbass that couldn't even bother to change settings in lineup hence he was being pulled out a lot. Anyways, he hit a jackpot in S69 with the elite goaltending stats with the ultimate dead puck Riga (pretty much the prime definition of that era). If only he could've been a consistent player in finals shaking my head. Anyways, as of like S80 he is the 33rd best player in the history of this league. I guess that's cool. Alright, that's enough. That's it and I'm out.
  7. 1. Riga is in a bit of a slump after a strong start, are you concerned? No because we're winning the continental cup. 2. Did you do trivia last week, if so, did you have much trouble finding the answers? Yeah, had 4/4 in two weeks. not a very hard task. 3. Anze Miklavz is having a disappointing start for the team captain, what do you think he needs to work on? Uhhh.....developing a chemistry or something? looks like somewhat a classic situation here - big TPE forward can't score while lower TPE second liners are popping. 4. Who is your early Brett Slobodzian trophy candidate so far? Any who is scoring most of points. 5. Who do you think will win the Hart trophy this year in the NHL? Zero idea, not watching NHL very closely tbh. 6. Were you satisfied with the result of the Superbowl? Fine. Was more rooting for BUNGLES, but do not mind LAR as well.
  8. sim recap - another one game sim? At least we won - Carter finds a new victim! who cares about a scoring when you can put your oponent to hospital - our main scoring brigade gets the job done as it was advertised - Riga Reign is your future S82 Continental Cup champions!
  9. damn mid seasons suck activity wise sheesh sim recap: - Bot goalie sends his last hello by stopping Prague's 10 win streak - also 2 wins against Europe rivals is always dope - now it's both Carter and Giant with fights...uhhh maybe stop please? - Giant with the 4 point sim! - Riga Reign is your future S82 Continental Cup champions!
  10. Here's another one for 3 TPE in SBA. And I see leagues decided to have even more tight cross promotion. Basically, posting the affiliate on the announcement section with their discord server perms. I guess this will happen every offseason of either league. I'm still wondering if EFL will just remain as the just third wheel in the big affiliate trio. These vibes are certainly there since their last 10-15 seasons. Anyways, back to VHL. Half of season is over. This was kinda fast. Sometimes I feel the season isn't moving quickly, but this time it's otherwise. Riga is still sitting nicely in the playoff zone, just like we wanted. London is still trying, but probably will fall more into the wildcard spot. Prague might have the best timeline of their franchise history. The S78 playoffs was a good one too, but the 9 win streak is certainly giving them a hope. And here Acyd was even contemplating to blow it up after losing Devise. Well...can you sell some of your players to me please? And he should cause we all know that Riga is the S82 Continental Cup champs and you can do nothing about that! Even a Metacouver. Even a half meta LA. An any else team. That's it and I'm out.
  11. sim recap: - back on track baby! The league's third fastest skater on the second def pair is money! - Tallinder back to kill all opponent's hopes and dreams - Leduc also benefits from that, Helsinki has something to say about it - also, one of their players decided to have some nice chat with us in our locker room - Riga Reign is your future S82 Continental Cup champions!
  12. sim recap - one game sim is even worse than a loss, don't even try to change my opinion on that - plus one point, things are good as always - Riga Reign is your future S82 Continental Cup champions!
  13. sim recap: - oh boy, Eso used to be my teammate in Calgary. Now he is getting punked by Donny Carter - speaking of which, apparently he is our new resident fighter - another win to our pockets, always hyped to see that! - Riga Reign is your future S82 Continental Cup champions!
  14. мем хуйня и ты тоже boiiii
  15. sim recap: - boy, Giant had everything against Creed breaking the shot blocks record so he decided to send that stat padding def fly out of the United Center - D Markov = money - Bot goalie is not on top of his game. Looks like Arpa is already better by a country mile - Riga Reign is your future S82 Continental Cup champions!
  16. Forgot I have SBA and I need to claim TPE there. That's the only reason I gotta type something in this section. Trivia is certainly gonna be way easier way to get 2 TPE than doing this. Once I say bye bye with ABC there, no more vhl.coms here. Hooray. In other news, 26 games have been played. I'm kinda impressed by either Josh or the schedule. Every team has played exactly 26 games so far. It was funny to see when one team already played like 28 games and other team only 22. This definitely looks more cool. Anyways, Riga is sitting fine in the European conference. Right now we are second and this means we will make the playoffs, don't at me. Right now DaMoose, Sandstrom and Tallinder are leading the way with Markov being somewhere little bit behind in points. Linus actually is still over PPG which is impressive as hell. Also, finding Markov in FA and turing him to D was certainly a good idea. Now just to wait for our rookies to get better (mostly at defense, and for Biggie, something else, like skating, puck handling etc) and then we can see results of this. The Continental cup with definitely goes to Riga. Don't at me. That's it and I'm out.
  17. sim recap: - dear Klamasteris, can you stop being a clumsy bum and actually save games against contending teams? - speaking of which, I was too cruel and forced Reinhart to play 24 games in a row. Now he finally gets a rest - We're scoring good...NEED MORE! - Riga Reign is your future S82 Continental Cup champions!
  18. That's right, nobody will reach us! We'll stomp on your body over and over again, rain on everyone's parades and take the Continental Cup with us. It's all how it's supposed to be.
  19. Because refs had to save you on both occasions. How much did you pay them for that btw? Also, we do reach for the stars. And this word is in lowercase fyi.
  20. No we didn't. Your body, however took a major L there.
  21. Every human being needs some laugh now and then and you just provided that. Anyways, here's the real sim recap: - sending prayers to Florida Man after being bullied by Donny Carter. Twice. - 1 more point to our stash, let's get it! - Speaking of Calgary, look at Tallinder go when his hands are not tied by a wannabe "defensive" team - and here's the correct outcome: Riga Reign is your future S82 Continental Cup champions!
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