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Everything posted by hedgehog337

  1. You can check S51-52 VHLM indexes to see the proof. Like, I was Bratislava GM by that time so I remember who played for my team back then.
  2. It was Bratislava though, Muller never played in Brampton.
  3. Here goes the the second kickstarter of Riga contending longevity. to a legend!
  4. Moscow is lucky...if they even can consider themselves like that since the playoffs is still too far. But more 2 TPE for Randoms, I guess that's something. Here is some whinny post about me having too little desire for articles. I had periods of that before, but I feel like this gone too far. It's been like 3-4 months since I had an interesting media spot. After that, only rumblings and hate for sim. The only stuff that I'm still interested to do is GM'ing, my brains are still producing future plans (and in-season too, at least this was enough to bring Palo here) and I don't feel this is forced. Unfortunately, I'm finding it harder to find an idea for articl...I'm lying. I'm still having some interesting ideas (at least I'd like to think like that), it's just I have no interest to bring it to life. So the news about the end of PP2 wasn't a sad moment for me. Most likely, Randoms would've been the my last PP2 player anyways. It's kinda fun to have two players, but not when you just have no drive to produce articles after articles after articles. But one thing for sure. I'll try to finish strong with Randoms and won't abandon him. He will play full career. After that, I might even take some break from players unless I'll need to fill a position for Riga. 2 TPE for Randoms oh and yeah. That's it and I'm out.
  5. What a shitty thing from our trivia head he pulled this week. He's making me to write another rumbling without any meanings behind it by not putting trivia this week. For that I'm wishing Moscow to miss the playoffs and I don't even care that Randoms is playing there. You just can't hurt hedgehog like that. But seriously, is there anything to write about? An inconsistent ShiteTHS made me to release the new part of my I'm Mad series one day earlier than it should've been. Other than that, I have nothing in my mind. Is there any reasons why should I recycle the words for another random quote for Randoms? Oh yeah, Randoms getting less again, Moscow suffering again hehe. All these almost sleepless nights with some fuel in my body is really doing me bad and now I'm not feeling very well. So here you are, closer to Dills level VHL.com article and I'm hoping to get 2 TPE from that. And one more thing. Speaking about Dill - I STILL NEED TO UPDATE RANDOMS! I tried to think for another thing for 2 minutes, nothing came up in my mind. 2 TPE to KK
  6. 1. How do you feel about Project Player 2 (second player for GMs) being ended with this season? Don't care tbh. Randoms most likely would've been my last second player anyways, not much desire to do hardworking stuff anymore. 2. Now that this season is over, what improvement(s) would you recommend for the VHL? fix STHS 3. The standings currently have EU Conference teams as the top 4; do the playoffs need to include the possibility of a cross-over to accommodate Moscow (7th in the standings, would be #3 seed in NA)? Might the the most fair solution. But tbf the same thing could happen in NA in a couple of seasons so let it be. 4. Who would you add to the VHL Clown List? me at D tier 5. Who takes home the gold in the World Juniors Cup this year? Is this happening? Saw in discord it's being postponed, to say at least. 6. Shout out an old minors teammate. What makes them awesome? Kastelic is still a Riga MVP. 7. Which player in the upcoming draft intrigues you most? Some good first gens there. Saskamoose/Summer/Lesieur. A couple of nice ones a bit behind too. 8. When STHS gets inconsistent it's a little frustrating. What do you think the team could do to improve morale? fix STHS 9. I saw our boss hedgehog typing away on a keyboard today. Where do you think he learned to use human technology? he actually can do everything except of creating good players since Krīgars. 10. What would you(r player) be doing if not hockey? Being the woat catcher in baseball. also, smoking mids.
  7. this kind of garbage is what discourages from building good teams. cause at the end of the day, we're still seeing this absolutely crapastic nonsense domestic turkey IQ tier results Which time of the season Cricket shit the bed? can you tell me? cause I lost the count, this is how stupid this sim is.
  8. I've heard he actually was good in the vhlm
  9. A perfect successor of Kriketers right here
  10. I'm really missing something. cause once again, it's me who got a pick, not Vancouver.
  11. I'm also annoyed by the fact that nowadays we should have at least 8 forwards and 5 defencemans to shut these bots down. and it's also annoying that these scrubs taking off deserving minutes from my players and fucking up our games.
  12. But not THAT much. only one forward got a 2 minutes PIM so I don't see why bots should've squeaked in. just taking minutes off from our players for no reason.
  13. may I ask yall what the fuck is this bullshit? β-RIG LW1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/0 7:36 0:00 0:00 β-RIG C1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/0 1:38 0:00 0:00 β-RIG C2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/3 2:55 0:00 0:00 the same stupid crap in last game. and that's with 7 forwards. this bitch ass sim still acts broken and isn't doing what it's supposed to do.
  14. this fufu ass Indian really had the guts to put me into the b tier here I'm actually an S tier and S stands for sleeping. and don't you forget about that!
  15. lost a pick? Last time I saw the trade thread I received a first and I already explained the reasons behind this
  16. Hi @jRuutu. Welcome to Riga! I do hope we won't kill your good season with this trade ?
  17. like I said, what goes around comes around: the story of Piotr Jerwa
  18. Still remember the pre draft scouting when I was choosing between you and Baxter for 11th pick. This was an example of making the right choice although Lando is still here. Good luck with the recreate! p.s. why retiring Warren though?
  19. 1. ? DRAMA ALERT ? Diljodh Starload was traded for picks and retired very shortly thereafter, with possible miscommunication the proposed culprit. What's your impression of this deal? And then he unretired next day. His value went down after that though, so he may spend the rest of his career in Vancouver. 2. Should anything about rookie contracts change, in your opinion? Not having a strong opinion on this aka idc. We had a proposal which could bring more headache for GM's, but this would not be the most concerning part of my job anyways. 3. How do you feel about free agency in the VHL? Is it exciting, too limited, etc.? Too many loyal players which is good for GM's. Bur it's not like the market itself is dry either. Some good to star players poppin in each offseason so it's fine. 4. If you had to pick a 'breakout player of the year' (veteran, rookie, or anything in between), who would it be? Philliefan really stepped up, also Smitty has a good season as well. 5. How many hours a day do you think hedge sleeps? can't answer to this question, I'm sleeping 6. Starload drama aside, how have Vancouver (23-16-3, 5th overall) maintained their success in spite of Beau Louth's retirement? Palo can carry a team and their offense as a whole is good. 7. What sport do you think deserves a sim league of its own? Football. It's a shame we don't have a proper sim engine for that. Like we tried this and that before and never survived more than one season. 8. Who's a player you feel is undervalued/underappreciated by their team? can't name a player from a get go. I know Matthews from our team could've been bigger but that's what happens when literally all of our forwards are active. 9. Is there parity in the league right now? Is that a good or bad thing for the future? it's more exciting for the league, but also it's killing my nerve system. I'm sick and tired to lose to rebuilding expansion teams just cause sths doesn't understand that these kind of teams shouldn't beat top tier teams on a regular basis. 10. Malmo only really had one significant player change this season. How'd they go from worst to (almost) first? Does signing Matt Thompson alone cause that significant a change? only one? How about Sullivan Jr? And their young guys weren't sitting and doing nothing either. Their current success is expected.
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