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Everything posted by hedgehog337

  1. I agree, we're really pretty people out there
  2. idk if you read my mind before writing this. but majority of players you put to my team actually are ones that I really want lol
  3. lol mentioned Pederson yesterday and he gets traded. he even might get some playing time. such wow
  4. iirc it was 5:4 in favor of the secret draft. although I was more neutral on this and just voted yes for that trial run
  5. yeah, I was about to say this. Riga Bears Riga Legion Helsinki Wolves
  6. btw, did you claim the carryover for Kronos? real curious now @Quik
  7. 1. how's vacation? 2. Who you prefer to draft? old school members or first gens? 3. Which team is surprising you so far? 4. Have you decided already about the position of your recreate? 5. Do you think we need to get rid of regional (like Western Europe, Scandinavia e.t.c) teams for WC? 6. Are you confident Cast will break 900 point mark? 7. Your reaction on Advantage becoming a GM again? 8. Do you like their logo? 9. Vancouver...just wtf? 10. Codrick Past ---> Moscow?
  8. 1. Who actually made the Malmo logo? 2. Have you decided about the direction for the next season? rebuild/compete? 3. Do you want to see teams expose younger or more skilled players? 4. Do you hope nobody gonna break your record? (on both most wins and most cumulative seasons as a GM) 5. Is choosing the bird mascot an ode to Vasteras? 6. Who you prefer to draft, first gens or old school members? 7. Will you create another D as a GM player? 8. Dean Ambrose ---> AEW? 9. Uso's ---> AEW? 10. Are yall still doing Pajodcast?
  9. 267 Seattle Bears 4:3 Helsinki Titans
  10. 266 New York Americans @ Moscow Menace 267 Seattle Bears @ Helsinki Titans 268 Riga Reign @ New York Americans 269 Vancouver Wolves @ Toronto Legion
  11. There's another thing from me. It's not even that important, it's just could fun I guess. EFL has this display name history stuff. Idk maybe VHL also wants to implement this.
  12. HHH and Vancouver falling correlation crazy
  13. Maybe it's not for the near future. but if the recruitment crew will continue their strong run we could consider to change some things with the World Championship. Now we have USA and Canada and then regions. Scandinavia, Western Europe and thing. Maybe we could consider about running with countries other than NA ones. Like choose the most popular Europe hockey nations like Russia, Finalnd, Sweden e.t.c. Or even choose more exotic one. I mean, we could have enough players to fill 6 teams at least? Maybe I'm wrong and other members won't be ok with playing for a specific country, but that's what I was thinking. SBA is already running with FIBA so we could try to make our hockey version of Olympics and World Championship. By the way, I'm not sure. Are we getting payouts for performance? I don't remember. But if not, I'd suggest to do that. TPE, or maybe even money, like SBA is doing this.
  14. Ok let's continue. The season is about to end next week or in beginning of the 04/14 week. So right now Seattle is still leading and I think they're gonna snatch the Victory Cup. Riga is second with the 18 win streak before losing it to fucking Moscow. Trashbag ass CPU goalie being a total dumbass and I'm still mad about it. The win streak wasn't supposed to end like that. Toronto is third and they are trying to secure it from Helsinki. Since they can beat the Titans, I assume they could hold on and face us in semis. NY is fifth. Well, I don't like it cause I need a lotto picks so they better fuck off back to sixth spot. And here comes a bunch of scrubs from Vancouver, the reason why NY is still fifth somehow. They better pick it up before I'll trash them even more if they won't. Davos is seventh, just like they were supposed to be. They actually had some chances at playoffs, but they can't lose to Calgary all the time if they want any chances for that. Calgary is sitting eighth and Moscow is on the hard rebuild mode. End of this article and I hope Riga wins the championship. That's it and I'm out. 2 TPE goes to Randoms
  15. I haven't done trivia last week so there is no option left for me. Ok, there is the reviewing thing, but I'm too lazy and perhaps it's even easier for me to type combined 400+ words for two players. Cause sometimes I don't even think what I'm writing about. And I feel like I'm being lazy on grammar lately as well. Back in days I was actually trying to check every word and to not make much stylistic mistakes. Now I'm about to stop care about it, what a shame. Is it time to start thinking about graphics? I never even considered about that and I assume I wouldn't be a shit even after a half-of-year. And with Gorlab coming back and trying to ''change the culture of GFX''...nah I'm definitely gonna get a verbal beating for my ''efforts'' lol. But yeah, here I am with the random quote cause I didn't put an answers last week. And to be fair, I actually gave a wrong answer to others about a goals leader who never won the scoring leader award. So I guess that's sort of a self punishment for that. And yes, I sent answers this week so no more quotes for some time. 2 TPE goes to Kallis.
  16. 1. You just re-signed with Seattle for one more season. Are you confident the team could compete next season? 2. Finally Veran is showing what he's capable for. feels good, isn't it? 3. Are you loyal in general? I haven't seen you hitting FA yet tbh. 4. Have you been in Seattle IRL? 5. Do you have positive memories about your last stint in Quebec despite Veran underperforming? 6. Malmo instead of Vasteras. your opinion? 7. Do you like their logo? 8. Do you hope to play with Kylrad at some point? 9. Will you recreate after Dragomir? 10. Is there any meaning behind your nickname?
  17. 1. Are you surprised Vancouver is out of playoff zone at this moment? 2. Are you confident NY could make the playoffs? 3. Are you happy with your player performance? 4. Shaggy's Recturn? what is that? 5. How's the VSN? 6. Who's the greatest writer out there? 7. Can the Islanders go far in playoffs with their goaltending? 8. Who's more dangerous now, Tampa, Boston or Washington? 9. Are you afraid you could be put in the expansion draft? 10. The best Americans player at this moment, in your opinion?
  18. *More young players!* Part 2! D - Jad Clapperton User: @Jad TPE - 47 Current stats: GP: 28 | G: 0 | A: 2 | P: 2 | +/- : +5 Yes, another D. And yes, another inactive prospect D. Moose became even more important youngster for Riga now. Guess in which league I was trying to bring him back. And guess what, another failed attempt by me. He actually responded to my message, but never came back. And right now, he's not even playing in Halifax despite him still being listed as their player. I don't know if he was cut out or not. But one way or another, his career is all but over at this moment. At least he could net two points before being pushed out by more talented defencemans. LW - Magnus Pederson User: @Bandit TPE - 50 Current stats: GP: 6 | G: 0 | A: 0 | P: 0 | +/- : +0 This member only did PT for two weeks, but was constantly checking in. So I figured it out I could help him so I drafted him. It didn't work though. He never responded to my PM, didn't accept my offer and left discord as well. He also only played 6 games for Las Vegas as the scratch player and that's it. At this moment, this is another youngster who is about to say goodbye to his career. LW - Milan Griffin User: @Sogarn TPE - 147 Current stats: GP: 53 | G: 18 | A: 21 | P: 39 | +/- : -4 | HITS: 113 A sleeper pick. He was drafted 23rd OV in last draft as the player who might eventually make it into our roster. And so far it looks like he will do it sooner or later. He is a consistent 8 TPE earner from welfare, PF and trivia. He mentioned in PM that this is his side thing for fun, but as long as he's claiming all these TPE Griffin should be fine. Right now, he's playing for one of expansion teams, Houston Bulls. His +/- rating isn't the best, but he's still being a solid second line power forward. 39 points won't be enough for getting much TPE from achievement tracker. However, his hits count definitely gives him a better chance at getting more than 10 TPE. At this moment he might be close or maybe over 200 TPE. This might come down to his decision - does he wants to be a part of a big league or he would be interested to play in minors again. Anyways, a good pick by me hehe. LW - Nico Sulerzyski TPE - 82 User: @Brolaski Current stats: GP: 52 | G: 15 | A: 18 | P: 33 | +/- : -20 He had such a good start as he was one of TOP 10 S65 draftee at some point. However, he couldn't keep his enthusiasm for a long time and this caused him to become only a 39th pick in the draft. I saw him logging in at times so I took a chance, but of course it didn't end up as a success. He's currently playing in Philly and I guess he is being lucky that his team is rebuilding. This is the reason he is serving as the first line guy there. Can't say he is doing a wonderful job though. 33 points isn't really an elite stat and given that he is done with this league, his future even in minors is very bleak. RW - Rocky LaGarza User: @SwagSloth TPE - 175 Current stats: GP: 52 | G: 42 | A: 38 | P: 80 | +/- : -11 It's a shame that he stopped to update his player. And it's even more of a shame that I'm constantly forgetting to PM him in discord about this league as I see he's doing PT in other affiliate league. Right now he's killing it in Vegas. If this team is having any chances in playoffs, Rocky is one of main reasons. He is on pace of 100+ point season and that shows how much potential this player has. Swag hasn't updated his player for a while, yet he's still having a shot at the big league. A couple more weeks of 8-9 TPE weeks, plus TC, plus achievement tracker (he will be close at 20 TPE and even might get full) could still put him at ~230 TPE before the next season. Here's to hope he would consider of coming back...and hope I won't forgot to PM him lol. C - Teagan Glover User: @Bucky___lastard TPE - 214 Current stats: GP: 52 | G: 26 | A: 34 | P: 60 | +/- : +25 Remember I was mentioning about the Basaraba Moose partner in Halifax? Here he is, Teagan Glover. The 19th OV pick in the S65 draft and the main rival of Matthews for the future 2C spot in Riga. At this moment, he has less TPE than the Yukon's center, but the gap isn't too big to not overcome. His stats are also good. He is over 1 PPG and I'm seeing him keeping this pace. It isn't really hard to do so with Moose as your D partner. I remember him being a bit less active back then, but right now I'm seeing him logging in more often. Does that means he will eventually turn into a consistent PT member? I'm not 100% sure. But one thing is for sure. He won't be a forgotten one with his current TPE earning pace. I see him being at 270-280 TPE player by the beginning of the next season. Before I'm ending this article, here's one more fact: there a two teams my send downs are not part of: Minnesota Storm and Saskatoon Wild. The latter one a bit surprising as that team was supposed to be sort of the Reign's affiliate team with multiple players coming in from there. I guess now it's more about Halifax. Ok, that was interesting. Was expecting to do two 500 word articles, but looks like I'll get two weeks for both players. Which is not ideal lol since I will still need to do an article next week due to a themed PT. Oh well. That's it and I'm out. 6x2=12 TPE goes to Randoms
  19. *A future Riga player in action* We will have a themed PT in next week. But before that, let me cheer up Riga Reign send downs. I'm very excited about the S66 draft, but I can't forget about the S65 ones. They also are fighting for the spot in my team. And now let's see how are they doing now. This article is going to be about them and their performances in minors so far. I'll do this in alphabetical order by the way. C - Anthony Matthews User: @Anthony Matthews TPE - 233 Current stats: GP: 53 | G: 19 | A: 52 | P: 71 | +/- :0 And let's start with a one of the best Riga send downs. Anthony was drafted 11th by me in the S65 draft as a potential future second line center. As Mikka Pajari isn't becoming any younger, this pick was making a perfect sense. Also, he was willing to spend one more season in minors to get more TPE. It appears that this was a great decision as he's currently is second scorer in Yukon. Which makes it more impressive is that he's not even a first line center there. So that means he never was riding HHH coattails and he was doing it by himself. He is showing that he could be ready for the big league. By the start of the next season he is projected to be close or a bit over 300 TPE. Yes, there would be better 2C's there, but not every team will even have a young gun, let alone a more experienced center. So he's going to be fine as long as he will consistently updating his player. And it doesn't matter if that's a welfare or a PT. D - Austen Fourier User: @speck1447 TPE - 82 Current stats: GP: 52 | G: 10 | A: 16 | P: 26 | +/- : +3 Auston was taken in so called ''fifth round'' in the same draft as Matthews. Basically, I was just trying to snatch a potential steal in a very late round. And actually, he sort of came back after I sent him a message in SBA, but it looks like he's more comfortable in a basketball league. He wasn't updating his player since the beginning of March and probably will serve as a VHLM depth defenceman for his entire career. He is currently being as sort of a scratch player in Las Vegas. He is only being used as the second PP unit defenceman. And yet he's actually having very decent stats considering his status in LV. It seems like he had and maybe still has some potential, but he won't be anything make it in the big league with his current work ethic. D - Basaraba Moose User: @Toasty TPE - 234 Current stats: GP: 52 | G: 26 | A: 42 | P: 68 | +/- : +20 | HITS: 174 | SB: 90 And now we're coming back to elite send downs. Moose is a S64 player so he only has one rookie season left. But it could've been a lot worse as he was inactive during the majority of S64. He was brought back by @Thranduil and this appears to be a game changer for this player. At this moment the S64 draft 28th pick can definitely be considered as the steal and is showing that he's ready for a jump to VHL. And not only by earning TPE. His stats are also reflecting that as he already registered 68 points among with 174 hits and 90 shot blocks. And knowing that defencemans are having an easier time with getting good TPE from achievement tracker, I expect him getting close or even full 20 TPE from there. Which could be a big boost before the next season. That could potentially put him at ~300 TPE which could be enough for being a second pair D in Riga. By the way, he's playing in Halifax and I think I needed to mention this fact as Riga has another notable send down who is playing there. Moreso, he's a Moose partner who's playing in the first line. But I'll talk later about him. D - Benson Van Roosen User: @Benson TPE - 90 Current stats: GP: 52 | G: 12 | A: 25 | P: 37 | +/- : +5 Another send down from Vegas that had a potential, but couldn't make something from it due his work ethic. And that's not a knock on @Jubo07, just a sad coincidence. Just like Speck, I tried to bring Ben back from SBA. He showed some promise in first two weeks before dipping and looks like he did it for good. He hasn't accepted my offer yet and he also left the VHL discord. Which means he's not interested in this league anymore. At least he has a bit more TPE than Fourier so he was put as the second pair def by Jubo. That's why he's having better stats than his fellow SBA AD. Will his time in the minors last long though? Considering that he's not updating his player anymore, I don't think so. D - Derek Bohne User: @wuma TPE - 52 Current stats: GP: 52 | G: 7 | A: 12 | P: 19 | +/- : +18 | SB: 73 Here's another defenceman that couldn't get over his laziness. He was making signs of coming back before the draft so I decided to draft him in the fourth round. However, it didn't last long and right now he's being a third and fourth pair defenceman in Ottawa. He definitely has good D skills as he was able to block shots 73 times despite not having a huge role on his team. But we can't expect him to stay in his team for a long time considering amount of the future draftees. We can say that Benson and Fourier still have a tiny chance to make an appearance in bigs if they will come back. Bohne though? Everything can happen. But at this moment, not a good chance. Part 2 coming now. 6x2=12 TPE goes to Kallis.
  20. really? Our winning streak just getting ruined by a garbage ass cpu goalie? foh with this nonsense
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