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Everything posted by hedgehog337

  1. 3. Riga Reign , Randoms 15 (RIG C2 2, RIG D3 2) at 4:59 probably the only way how he can score
  2. Ryuu Crimson beats up Carles Puigdemont at 2:05 of 1st period Ryuu Crimson beats up Carles Puigdemont at 5:59 of 2nd period @Eudaldkp thought he had one @SlapshotDragon a real goon out here
  3. 216 Calgary Wranglers @ Riga Reign 217 Helsinki Titans @ Toronto Legion 218 HC Davos Dynamo @ Moscow Menace 219 New York Americans @ Seattle Bears
  4. Cast has had enough in this sim. he wants to be our true superstar
  5. 1. Do you think another VHL expansion gonna happen after this season? 2. In case if this happens - could your desitnation rankings change based on GM and team location/logo? 3. Are you sad that Shawnomir only will play 8 seasons unlike Jaromir? 4. Do you think you will be drafted in the first round? 5. Which VHL career you enjoyed the most (out of your players)? 6. What will happen if your teammate also wants to wear the #68 jersey? 7. Have you ever been in Kladno? 8. Are you considering Slovakia as your rivals? 9. Is this might be your last player? 10. How you feel about being a part of this stacked draft?
  6. 1. Do you miss Riga? 2. Do you miss Davos? 3. Are you happy to play for Moscow? 4. Is the current standings discouraging you? 5. Can the Leafs reach, let's say finals at least this year? 6. Are you hoping to catch Blake and Gebauer before the season ends? 7. Is there any meanings behind your nickname? 8. Least fav NHL team? 9. Do you still remember that 13' playoffs vs Boston? 10. Are you confident that you could reach 20 goal plateau?
  7. * * If you thought other teams won't get the love or hate from me - here are you. Second part out now! Decent Davos. Let's be honest. The only reason why Davos is ahead of Calgary is Peace and Dahlberg. This is the time when I did right for a player's career with a trade. Rylan had an okay rookie season in Riga, but right now he's killing it for his team. Right now the Swiss team is where I expected them to be - a solid #7 spot with a great future ahead. Rebuilding teams. Calgary actually is doing somewhat nice for a team that has only one 500+ TPE player. Another team with a great future, but at this moment they will watch the playoffs from their TV. As for Moscow - their first line had an awesome start. And it's not like they slowed down very much. Gebauer is currently sitting 18th in points with solid 52 points. Kyson Blake has a good shot at the rookie of the year award. So yeah, the Menace is dead last, but there are some bright moments too. No true superstars? And I'm not talking about the league-wide. This is about one team that has no true superstar, but is being bolstered by two equally good lines. Riga Reign. Just look at the scoring leaderboard to see what I'm talking about. The best Riga player, Cast is currently 10th with 56 points. And that's with Thompson and Smirnov having two games in hand so it's not even certain that he would even be there. But this team is also having very solid second line. Crimson - 54 points Pajari - 46 points Shan - 37 points We could argue that Seattle is having a better stat for both lines. But we already figured it out their offense is from other world. It's more interesting to see Riga doing well despite not having a true superstar. Like, Vancouver has Louth and Davis. Toronto has Arroyo and The Charm plus def pairing Malenko - Tzuyu. Even Davos has Dahlberg and Peace. So yeah, the team still has a chance to win it all even without a player who is scoring three points per every game. Goalies suck. Except of Sterling. I guess we're entering a new era when even a .920 stat can be considered as an elite. For some members is disheartening. For some it's just surprising. But members who joined this league before S60 definitely should've saw the change in goalies performance. From times when .925 was nothing very special to times when .925 is a HoF worthy stat. That's not really wassup for guys like me who was expecting the same kind of performance from a goalie when I created him. End of the report. In overall, I think this season doesn't have much surprises in store. Toronto being #2 is kinda surprising, but so far four players are holding them that high. I also thought Helsinki would have more points at this moment. Other than that, teams are performing like they should be. That's it and I'm out.  6 TPE goes to Randoms.
  8. * * It's been 30+ games since I wrote a report on the season. Now I'm back at it with the mid-season report. All teams played 40 or more games so it's time to highlight some moments since we definitely have a more clear view. Seattle and everyone else? As of this moment, Seattle is leading the league with 63 points in 40 games. They are 4 points ahead of Toronto and 5 of Riga while having two games in hand. Looks like they are poised to take the Victory Cup one again. Even ''a weird goalie build'' Sterling is having a career season so far. He has all the chances to take both goalie awards, although he has a competition for the Clegane award. Toronto vs Riga. These two are going neck on neck for the #2 spot, they're also going to play next three games against each other. I suppose I don't have to explain how important these games will be for both teams. Also, these two are having a good lead on the next group so there's even better chance Toronto and Riga are going to have a clash against each other in semi finals. Wtf, Vancouver? Last time, I was praising their offense and even was ready to name them a real contender. And while Louth and Davis are still not slowing down. Everyone else aren't helping them much. Especially Palo who just simply can't carry two much lower TPE guys in Weyed and Gritty. The Wolves already were slowing Dragomir down before he went to Seattle. Now I guess it's Rauno's turn. 800+ TPE and still lower less than a point per game - Ruutu definitely wasn't expecting this when he was earning all of these TPE. Is it time for him to leave this team? Also, look at their last 10 record. 2-8! That's the second worst result, only better than Moscow. Not even mentioning Iseult who somehow took a huge nosedive. I mean, he had a regression, but he still has 90+ on an important attributes. Yet, he is performing even worse than Kriketers on his worst days. Anyways, 30+ games left. As I like to tell - everything can happen. And the ex-Quebec still has a time to right their sinking ship. As much as Beaviss can ask a help from STHS pros once again hehe.  Fight for the wildcard spot. Now Vancouver has to fight for being in the playoffs with two more teams. The Titans' start was pretty much atrocious due to a backup goalie and messed up lines. However, they started to catching up once Quik got Canmore via trade. Honestly, I was expecting a bit more from this team. I thought they could make their way into the ''Toronto-Riga'' group by this time, but at this moment they have to fight their way into the playoff spot. Another team who is trying to get on Helsinki and Vancouver nerves is New York. They were about to make a breakthrough with acquisition of couple of notable players. Like Twinger and Puigdemont. And while they are definitely playing better than last year, there is no big jump to the big league. I also need to point out that Leph finally cracked the 1+ PPG mark. But I really thought he's going to make a triumphant return after I traded him to the Americans. Well, he is NY's scoring leader at least.  End of the part one. 6 TPE goes to Kallis
  9. your editing skills hit a new bottom just like your team against Davos today
  10. one thing fo sure, current goalies will have a very hard time to get inducted into HoF. and I'm still mad cause I'm still stuck in S50's and expecting Kallis numbers to be 0.925+
  11. you have bad editing skills. just like your skills on winning championships.
  12. shit game as always they're being lucky ass
  13. 170 New York Americans @ Calgary Wranglers 171 Moscow Menace @ Seattle Bears 172 Riga Reign @ Vancouver Wolves 173 HC Davos Dynamo @ Helsinki Titans
  14. 173 HC Davos Dynamo 2:4 Helsinki Titans
  15. here are you some more questions: 1. do you hope to play your whole career in Moscow? 2. Your fav place in Moscow? 3. Have you ever been in Moscow irl? 4. Which Moscow LR is more active - forum or discord? 5. How's GM? 6. In how many seasons Moscow could begin to compete? 7. Are you surprised by your and a couple of your teammates performance? 8. the most funny teammate? 9. do you want to meet Putin? 10. Are you excited to meet S66 draftees soon?
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