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Everything posted by hedgehog337

  1. Name: Randoms Height: 6'8'' Weight: 250 lbs. Birthplace: somewhere in Latvia Do we need to introduce this...dude? Or a robot? It's certain that Latvian engineers kinda failed to make a relevant copy of Ky and AIM-11 (another robotic player that had a promise, but faded away). But hey, I assume they were good enough to build a thing that going to work for more than one season. It managed to spend a whole season in Las Vegas and is about to make a debut in Quebec. Ok, now about it's strength and flaws. STRENGTHS: 1. Good power forward. Actually these engineers had some other player in mind when they were creating this piece of stick-holding iron. That player probably was Guntis Petenis - he also was a good checking player. So they already managed to build a robot that could put bodies into the board. In this season it managed to do that more than 300 times which is pretty impressive. 2. Decent all around. It don't care what to upgrade. Checking, penalty shot or defence - it does the upgrade with the help of random.org site. So far, it is having a good checking, puck handling and some defence skills. Looking forward to see more skills being upgraded. 3. Consistent worker. It certainly isn't the hardest worker out there (I mean, the 24th pick), but which could be good for Quebec is that this ''guy'' isn't missing it's weekly upgrading sessions. Sometimes it does more, sometime it does less. But still, Randoms is consistent and looks like we will see this for a long time. FLAWS: 1. A robot...? Yeah, you're correct. And this means that we're seeing no soul, no entertaiment and other thing that humans are doing. So that also means it is boring to see him on the ice. Yes, he does a checking job very well, but it doesn't entertains us. 2. Not too much all around? It does a bit of everything, but isn't excelling at one particular skill. That's not the way how to become a superstar. At this point, Randoms is more of a power forward, but will be that enough to leave a mark in the big league? I'm not sure. 3. Is this for the long time? We mentioned that it could, but is this certain? It can become rusty or just can fall apart cause the engineers couldn't build Randoms properly. This is what the VHL GM's need to consider if they want to take a shot at this player. Looks like Quebec's GM is pretty confident in this creation, at least Keaton Louth had the courage to draft Randoms. The fourth line hero incoming? This rookie profile about the robot named Randoms is coming to and end. We mentioned that this creation is too boring, but it also might be unpredictable. Like nobody knows if it can hold for all 8 seasons or Randoms will just gonna fall apart even before the game 1 of S64. So let's just take a seat, relax and you will know the answer to this question sooner than later. 8 TPE goes to Randoms.
  2. *such is life...* Back in S50's the league was lacking of players and members were worried about this. Then Molholt has brought the Player 2 idea to fill the draft and not having teams trying to barely scrap inactive players from FA to fill their roster. Little they knew it was the start of the goalie influx. Since a very few of them had goalies in the past they decided to create them to try something new. Like one player and one goalie. Well, makes sense. But at one point, some goalies were forced to play for some rebuidling team just because nobody wanted them. Like Key Perought (or something like that) - he wasn't very active, but still had some promise. He ended up as one of three Seattle goalies. Or Torstein Ironside - yeah he had a shit luck in playoffs, but can you imagine to pass a 1000+ TPE goalie? But yes, nobody really wanted him and he was forced to end his career in a rebuilding Davos team. That's a shame. So the S60's arrived and majority of these PP2 goalies became old. They were about to retire in one-two seasons and it looked like we may see the opposite. The lack of goalies was about to become a thing...until the recruitment team has started to put up some real work. Also, GM's continued to create goalies as well to just make sure they will have a starter before starting to compete. And I'm one of them - although this was kinda forced moved when Aamo went inactive. Kingfisher seemed like another forced move - Arkander was about to have a forced retirement and Spade was trying to save NY contention window. Without a success, but why retiring his goalie then? It makes his team's future better, isn't it? So Ismond stayed. But it still was tolerable until the S63 came around. After all, Stopko wasn't so far from a retirement and Davos had some problems with this position as well. But this is where all problems started. We saw another two active goalies coming up and one semi-active Sohva who more looks like a decent VHLM starter, but still. These two active goalies are Brick Wahl and Finn Davison. It looked very nice - they were warned about the potential goalie influx. But they both decided to fight for the glory. But it all became worse: it appeared that Stoffiday wasn't going to quit and fought hard enough for taking a starter spot in Davos. As about another potential destiantion in Calgary - their GM wasn't fond of Wahl taking the other team's AGM spot and looks like Bash is inclined to create a GM goalie instead. So all of this put both Wahl and Davison into jeopardy. Only Calgary has a free goalie spot, but will the GM look at their way? Nevermind, there are more than question about this situation: 1. Will Bash make a surprise and choose Wahl? 2. Or maybe he will take Davison? Poptart isn't a GM or AGM in any team so it shouldn't really bother him. Also, I don't see Calgary being shitty with Canmore, Lawson and Revchenko on their roster, so taking a goalie makes a sense. 3. Will Shawn Glade make an insurance pick by taking another goalie? He may make Stoffiday to work harder with this pick. 4. Will Blade change her mind and agree to play backup for one season and see from there? 5. Or she will retire because nobody is giving her goalie a chance? The upcoming draft will be interesting as the last three, but the goalie thing takes the cake there. Can't wait for the Tuesday (or Wednesday night for me) to see the revelation of this drama. That's it and I'm out. No TPE gained since it's for the affiliate leagues.
  3. Yeah, I'm back with another random quote. I have some free time to get max TPE for Randoms so I'm doing this. Beaviss is happy probably, but in reality he's very likely trying to sell this dude since Quebec's cap situation is not that good. So he gotta get rid of someone. My first guess is Gonzalez since he's inactive. And then he could say good bye to either Weyed or Randoms. I don't think LPLL is safe as well. So let's talk about this upcoming draft. Despite winning championship I have a shit ton of pick and very likely I will draft. The first question is - draft a dude who passed the 200 TPE mark and give some garbage minutes or get a player who won't be up. And probably this is the only question lol. This is actually another good draft. Worse than S63, but comparing to S43-60 drafts this is still a blessing. Don't want to shit on S52-54 drafts cause these were nice too, but very few first gens. In this draft, only two of all active draftees are recreates. That's really nice. I've heard some talks about expansion already, but looks like commishes will wait for some time and will make this happen somewhere in S66-67 if the next drafts will be as good as the last four. So yeah, I hit 200 words again. 2 TPE goes to Randoms
  4. 1. Are you gonna be frustrated if for some reasons Sullivan Jr. isn't going #1 OV? 2. Are you still hoping to play one day in a team you never played for? 3. You're probably one of only two recreate players in this draft. How it is to see much active first gens? 4. Are you hoping for an expansion? Cause you want to return to GM'ing, I assume. 5. Your reaction if some first gen gonna call his player Ryan Sullivan?
  5. 1. Feels good, isn't it? Already got the championship in first competing year. 2. But can Riga do this for the long time? The cap and things... 3. Your opinion on Kisshan and Dabarno potentially stuck at the fourth line cause nobody wants them yet? 4. Can Toronto be a legitimate contender if they're re-signing Louth? 5. Seems like Streetlight went inactive? Are you happy or sad about it?
  6. So the trivia results are yet to be posted so here's another randoms thing. So the Friday was the good day. Riga Reign could overcome after that 1-6 loss and win the game 6 to become the champions! This is the third ring in my GM'ing career. Also, I have 4 Victory Cups since we won this too. As I was expected, Stopko was doing what he could but the depth prevailed. I was kinda surprised we managed to take a 3-0 lead in series with the same 3-2 score in every game. That pretty much means we were also a great clutch team. As far as I remember, we won all one-goal games but the game 5 against Calgary. Also, we had a bit unexpected team's leader in points. Ryuu Crimson has decided to show em' all with 13 points in 11 games. That's a bold statement although the playoff MVP award will likely go to Stopko for shutting Seattle down. Another interesting fact - all Riga players finished with the minus rating despite winning the championship with only losing three games. Only Crimson had +2. Well, you already know who to blame, right? 0.894 stat gotta be one of the worst playoff performance in a championship team of all time lol. Kallis really had a rough rookie year in playoffs, but luckily the team could overcome. And all that trashing aside - even Kallis had some nice games - first four games vs Calgary and some vs Quebec too. So he wasn't horrible. But he needs to step up cause he might be forever known as a goalie who was carried to the championship(s) by his team. What's next for Riga? We're just chilling now and I passed the 200 word mark already. 2 TPE goes to Kallis
  7. 1. Excited for the draft? 2. Were you hoping to steal at least one game from Sasky in finals? 3. Are you worried you may end up as the backup in your rookie season? 4. Has any team contacted you? 5. Is there any rivalry between Wahl and you? 6. Your opinion on the recent controversy about Calgary? 7. Which round do you think you will be picked? 8. Why this player's name not based on wrestling? 9. Excited about the woman TLC match? 10. Which country is better - USA or Canada?
  8. Seems like it won't be voided.
  9. Ok, that's weird. thought he would be gunning for Louth instead tbh.
  10. So basically The Charm is a rental for Seattle?
  11. Don't see a difference between Ironside and Charm situation. - previous GM stepped down - new GM arrived - new GM created a GM player - in first case, Ironside stays in Toronto until Rift comes up. what's the difference between these trades?
  12. Uhmm.... TOR/RIG trade part 2? I believe Charm can't be traded.
  13. Thought this deal will include Carison too. Other than that, expected trade.
  14. Maybe you're the worst goalie in a championship team ever, but thanks for these 4 saves in the third period, Kallis. EdwinCast + Crimson WE DID IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! @Victor @Fire Hakstol @Higgins @ShawnGlade @Dtayl @SlapshotDragon @Peace @Enorama @Kisshan @Tagger @Devise @Smarch @LordTony @DollarAndADream
  15. I told him Riga gonna beat Seattle every time if he doesn't rigs a win for us.
  16. Bad news for the Wranglers. I appointed a simmer @Will as the new Riga GM. Sorry Calgary, I had to do that to secure a win for Riga. Better luck next time hah.
  17. The minors team GM likely gonna send you a welcoming PM after he drafts you. and then send a locker room permissions.
  18. Great. Now we'll have to wait for another day and half cause this trash can't play properly.
  19. 1. Are you excited to get it started? 2. Did you check out VHLM teams? 3. If so, in which team you'd like to get drafted? 4. Are you in VHL discord? 5. What type of a player you want to build? 6. First impressions of this league? answering to all 6 q's gets you 2 TPE. @xsjack
  20. Part I - Pick em' (Pick the correct winners of all three games for 2 TPE) Game 5 - Ottawa Lynx Saskatoon Wild Game 6 - Saskatoon Wild @ Ottawa Lynx N/A Game 7 - Ottawa Lynx @ Saskatoon Wild N/A Part II - Predict the Score (Predict the correct score and winner of this game for 3 TPE) Game 5 - Ottawa Lynx 1:3 Saskatoon Wild Part III - Player Predictions (Predict the correct player for each category, 1 TPE for each correct answer) Series leader in points: Burnt Toast Series leader in goals: Mark Gebauer Series leader in assists: Burnt Toast
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