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Everything posted by hedgehog337

  1. 1. NY has more chances since they have two out of four lotto picks. So let's say that they will get lucky. To make things more ridiculous, they will win the first OV with the TOR pick hehe. 2. Haven't really watched VHLM deals, but it's nice to see GM's doing something. IIRC, we didn't have lots of going on in S50's and these last seasons is an improvement. Not only in terms of activity, deals are also here. 3. Hard to say. McKinnon and Wilson are two equaly worthy players for being MVP. We shall see when the season ends. 4. Nobody tbh. Would've been Zajaczkowski for the best VHLM two-way player, but Randoms is doing what he is supposed to do with this build. 21 points is nice anyways. 5. I'm the GM already. But let's say, Rylan Peace cause I'm a bit biased. 6. Doing good for a 24th OV pick tbh. I think Randoms could become the second Kiaskov at some point (as much as Mulligan) since I'm earning 9 TPE per week at least now. Maybe even 11 if we're getting trivia results.
  2. Yes, this is another ramblings about pretty much nothing. I'm for some reason thought today is Sunday. I have a free day since it's my b-day and right now the constant alco use in past 3-4 days will make it harder for me to get back on track, especially tomorrow. But I don't care much anyways, at least I had a reason to celebrate. In two weeks, we'll have an independence day (100th year). So this is gonna be another big event hehe. Still waiting when @Bushito is gonna finish his house reno. After all, we're still waiting for trivia results. And I won't have to come up with another 150 word uninspired piece of nothing, like this. Riga is still first. Still waiting when Kallis is gonna pull last VHLM playoffs, but all I will get from him is couple of trash games. Whether in regular season or in playoffs. That's a shame, but he's too raw for now. But we may still win this if pumping size to at least 80 would make him a bit more consistent. I'm done. 2 TPE goes to Kallis
  3. May not have good stats enough for HoF imo. And I think the record was 1580 somthing TPE, idk.
  4. wtf is happening with this portal? 


    Update with this type and link already exists for this player


    the fuck? @Will

    1. hedgehog337


      never mind, my drunk face didn't realize I asked Q's to Victor last week, not this. smh. it's all ok. 

    2. Will
  5. I never wanted to type another 150 words, but Bushito with his house reno can't post trivia results. Shaking My Head. Also, I'm still waiting for @Will updating players in sim. I'm wondering how Kallis is gonna perform with a 70 size instead of 35 cause right now he's inconsistent as hell. I don't think this will be a world beating difference, but I still want to know. I only had once goalie in a hockey sim league and I want to finally have a full career with a goalie. And I already told you I'm not a good condition to do much now. And what a shame - my birthday is tomorrow. On Monday. Luckily, I have a free day tomorrow so I'll likely drink again and miss the work on Tuesday. Like I gave much shits. It's hard to write without any grammar errors tbh. Riga is still first despite of Kallis. Nice to see my players scoring much points whether from the first or the second line. I like this depth. Will we win the championship? We actually can do this if my goalie finally will stop perform like a trash in some games. So I'm done with this quote. 2 TPe goes to Kallis.
  6. *me soon* So this is yet another week I wanted to make a big media, but once again I had no desire to do so at the end of the week. And there was the another reason I will only do a usual media. Cause I'm a bit drunk. So let's talk about S56 draftees. This is going to be the last season for them so you probably already know what I'm going to do now. This draft didn't spawn a lot of stars, but it still might be a memorable one. And the very first player on this list may be the reason of it. 1. GABRIEL McALLISTER @CowboyinAmerica And I'm talking about this player. CIA was always grinding hard for TPE and this could make him a record breaker. Right now he has 1550 TPE and we still have a month before this season ends. So he might break Boubs TPE record and he even can break the 1600 TPE mark. Although there are some questions about it. Like, compensation TPE in S58 off-season? Are the experience points counting as TPE too? Anyways, he's very likely the only contender for a HoF spot among S56 draftees. He may never had a blow-out-the-water stats in terms of points, but the HoF commitee can't miss out his great two-way play. Also, he has 10 personal awards, + 2 VHL championships (at this moment) which only soldifies his spot in the VHL history. So yes, 'Cock did what he needed to do and wasn't disappointed with this pick. 2. AY AY RON @boubabi Ironcally, CIA is about to take a TPE record from this man. Boubs was always known as the TPE whore and Ron was about to become another great player from this member. Unfortunately, this was not bound to happen as he was banned. He had a couple of good seasons in Helsinki, then he was traded to Davos where Tyler changed his position to forward. As of this moment, he lost a considerable ammount of TPE due to regression, but he still is being a reliable player for Toronto. But he may not even be a second best player in this draft. 3. SERGEI KOMAROV @Gooningitup The reason why Ron may not even be a second best player in this draft is this man. Komarov was a Goon's attempt to create a HoF player. And while this player likely won't make even the ballot, he was yet another good two-was player. He had a good chance to becoming the best S57 rookie, but lost it to Casey Jones (ironically, he is the career teammate whether he was playing in NY or QUE). He had another solid seasons, especially in S60 where he broke the 100 point mark for the last time. Right now, he's a career +1 PPG player so we can say Goon managed to make a good player who's not only puting bodies into boards. 4. AACKCKQZ KY @Tagger Before he made Edwin Preencarnacion, Tagger a.k.a. YEAH! had this player. This was his try to have fun with a completely random player, but unfortunately it didn't last long. After some time, he went inactive and this player didn't do something much in Toronto. It's obvious that he never had good stats either. I'm sure he had more fun with a ''career backup'' in Threencarnacion (he even earned respectable ammount of TPE, 600+) 5. MATTHIEU BOURDON @Lunaro For some reason I thought he was a centre then he changed a position to defence. I guess I confused him with someone else (like Thrower). Anyways, Lunaro had some good players in past, but he didn't find enough motivation for this player. He hit 250 something TPE and went inactive. Matthieu was playing for a contender Riga (and Seattle? not sure) in first half of his career, but after S61 he became just another low TPE player for a rebuilding team. Then this draft had some players from famous members which ended up with nothing (Ho Lee Fook by @Will or Mr.Shakedown from @Jericho), but there is one player left who could his footprint on the VHL league despite not having much TPE. 12. AUGUSTUS GLOOP @evrydayimbyfuglien He only played three seasons, but he managed to win two Continental Cups (S58 with Riga and S60 with Helsinki). I think he stopped at 230 something TPE make and his stats weren't spectacular, but he was considered as the cap friendly third/fourth defenceman for the contender team. It's a shame, but this player remains as the last more or less reliable player from Evryday. The S56 draft re-draft by myself: 1. Gabriel McAllister - This is very obvious. Lots of personal awards, two Continanteal cups and a good shot at the HoF. The best S56 player by a wide margin. 2. Ay Ay Ron - He player one more season than Komarov and 7 personal awards are putting him above Goon's player. This is a ''what could have been'' type of a player. Ron vs McA should've been a tense rivalry, but it is what it is. 3. Sergei Komarov - Good news for the ex(?) Saskatoon GM is his player won't fall behind a third spot despite not winning a championship or a VHL personal award. He's too soild for that. 4. Augustus Gloop - Probably a weird re-draft by me, but two championships makes his career more soild. 5. Matthieu Bourdon - Despite of having a full career, he never won any championships and his best season (69 points in last season) doesn't means much since he did it in a rebuilding NY. 6. Aackckqz Ky - the only thing he will remembered for is being a randomized player. Could've been more interesting if Tagger stuck with this player to make a defensive version of Kiaskov. 7. Brienne O'Tarth - At least he played in the VHL league. Thanks you, Toronto. Well, my S56 draft recap is coming to an end. I think I did a good job with this considering I'm still drinking at this moment and I spent multiple hours on creating this thread. And don't even at me on visual part. That's it and I'm out. 6x2=12 TPE goes to Kallis 29.10 - 04.11 05.11 - 11.11
  7. so much goalies goalie inflation era part 2 out now
  8. +Jeff Gow. at least he said he's gonna retire him. Probably will make a recreate at the deadline.
  9. fuck off Kallis inconsistent piece of shit
  10. 104 Seattle Bears @ Helsinki Titans 105 New York Americans @ Riga Reign 106 Quebec City Meute @ HC Davos Dynamo 107 Toronto Legion @ Calgary Wranglers
  11. @Enorama @Dtayl get in here! the second pair burned Toronto.
  12. idk some afilliate member claims welfare 6 TPE + some small PT and then what? nothing much for a second one. And yes, the burnout thing is still gonna do a damage.
  13. 66 Yukon Rush @ Las Vegas Aces 67 Halifax 21st @ Oslo Storm 68 Saskatoon Wild @ Ottawa Lynx 69 Las Vegas Aces @ Halifax 21st
  14. two championships and three Victory cups are saying otherwise. meanwhile, Brodeur hasn't been relevant even in a championship Davos
  15. 1. Do you think that you should've been in first pair instead of Glade? 2. How it is playing with Nguyen and Nano in same pairing? 3. You said you grew up in Ukrainian area. Salo then? 4. Excited for the brands tournament? 5. Why Slovenia football team fell off so hard?
  16. 1. Do you want your meme channel back on discord? 2. Are you ok with penny memes there? 3. Do you think we can hold the first spot by the end of season? 4. Is Ryuu Crimson your real name? 5. Do you think you'll ever see Calgary Flames win Stanley?
  17. Toronto winning something this season brb your team falling to #5 by the end of season
  18. more like you barely beat a rookie goalie lmao
  19. So Riga started this season very well. Currently we're first which is nice. Calgary and Quebec are somewhere beinnd at #4 and #5, but I assume they'll bounce back anyways. We're gonna have a lot of Toronto and Quebec games coming up and I'd like to see us getting majority of points out there. We actually have a big chance on doing it. The only guy who might ruin it is my rookie goalie who somehow rebounded from that horrible third period against Calgary. But in overall, I like this season so far. Randoms is getting points. Somehow. 10 points in 13 games, that's surprising. But then, we have a similar player who is playing in VHL since like S59 and was having decent stats in a big league. That guy is David Kiaskov. So perhaps my welfare dude is gonna have a similar career. But right now, I'm more curious about his future. I won't be surprised of Beaviss gonna sell him to some other team cause it's hard to imagine he can play in a contender team yet. But then, we have Jose Gonzalez who's not having a lots of TPE but still playing a 7th forward. So we shall see. the quote is done 2 TPE goes to Kallis
  20. Are you worried about Cast's performance this season? Is that normal to have so much players in a team? Pray for people that were in Leicester City owner h-copter. Do you think the S63 Riga draftees could make into the team next season? Your thoughts on Crimson being a first liner? Can England make a hockey team by themselves?
  21. Your reaction on Cole Mertz's comeback? Are you hyped for the brands tournament? Would you be ok with splitting games with Cole next season? Is Arizona obsessed with Outlaws thing? Would it be better to see a VHL expansion to not put active goalies to backup?
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