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Everything posted by hedgehog337

  1. Yeah, here I am with another quote. but this time about Randoms. I was calling off-season intersting. One of reasons was seeing Randoms being traded to Davos. I had a brief history with this team when Petenis was trying to win them a championship after Quebec put him into the waiver. But that was for the half of a season. Now it seems like I will stay in this team for a longer time. This team also being managed by Shawn Glade - his defenceman is playing for Riga. It might be an interesting rivalry in future, but at this point the Dynamo is rebuilding. So let's wait for S66 or something like that. Also, I still haven't put all these banked TPE into attributes. I will do this week, but it's fun to see so much banked points. I think I'm having this situation in EFL where at one point I almos had 300 banked TPE. But sooner than later all these points are going to attys so nevermind. Also, is it going to be a steal of the S63 draft? He was picked 24th OV. So that could be interesting. Cause all I do is creating steals. That's it and I'm out. 2 TPE goes to Randoms
  2. 1. Are you surprised by Helsinki quick comeup? 2. Do you think we may see and expansion someday? 3. Goals for Edwin for this season? 4. Were you surprised when Crimson won the Kanou? 5. Can every send down make it into the roster next season? 6. Try to predict the S64 rookie of the year. 7. How much scoring could go down with all these goalies now? 8. Can you name Toronto as contenders now? 9. How will you celebrate X-Mas? 10. And how about New Year?
  3. So the new season trivia started this week. But until then, here is my yet another quote. The off-season is about to be over. This was another interesting event with some exciting movements. Toronto was going in for three Calgary players, but Louth thought that Helsinki is more promising. I didn't expect much, but this team seems a fine contender. I don't believe in their cup chances though cause as the Riga GM I shouldn't. Also, we had another deep draft. Some of members were predicting me taking Zabby in their mocks. Instead, i chose Kyson Blake. I think the reason is obvious af. I don't want to screw up a rookie season for player so I picked a player who is staying down in minors for this season. And he still could be a 300+ TPE player before the next season which is going to be good for us. Also, I picked another players that have a potential. Even a 24th pick Bolt Vanderhuge might have a chance to be called up in next season. It's not certain, but definitely a chance. So I hit the 200 word mark quickly. I like this fact and I'm also gonna think how to spend all these TPE to Kallis. That's it and I'm not out yet. 2 TPE goes to Kallis
  4. 1. How do you celebrate X-Mas? 2. And how about New Year? 3. Any worries about another centre Ryan Zabby being drafted to NY? Competition and thing? 4. Can NY win the championship this season? 5. Are you mad I called you a potential bust in my article? 6. Most annoying teammate? 7. How many Kingfisher jokes do you have? 8. Were you caring about the brands tournament? 9. Helsinki is about to compete and NY is still stuck in rebuild. Isn't this bothering you? 10. Not too much questions?
  5. I did a 2000 word article last week. so I still can claim it as a doubles, right?
  6. 1. Are you still glad Calgary was in finals once again last season? 2. Your reactions on your trade? 3. Do you think Toronto can compete this season? 4. Your opinion on their future? 5. Are you mad at Keaton Louth for signing with other team? 6. Can you say that your career is good so far? 7. Are you proud you're one of the best S60 players? 8. How's Toronto GM? 9. How's their LR? 10. Are people pointing out you're coming from the non-hockey country named Puerto Rico?
  7. 1. Do you think you can repeat your last season performance? 2. Is Stopko the only reason why Seattle couldn't get past Calgary? 3. Your thoughts about the future of Seattle? 4. Your thoughts about the team that drafted you, Toronto? 5. Will you make sure to not do the same mistake with lines like your predecessor a.k.a. Barzal fan?
  8. 1. You won the Playoff MVP award in your rookie season. How much are you surprised? 2. Do you hope to see your production going up in S63? 3. Your comments about the upcoming cap situation in Riga? 4. Are you IRL friends with Dtayl? 5. The toughest opponent for S63, in your opinion?
  9. *talking about steals* This is the second part of my article. Here, I'm going to review the second round of this draft. Plus one more player after that. 9. C - Mikhail Vega TPE: 174 Member: @iRockstar And we will start the second part with this bust. Although it might be debatable to call a second round draftee a bust. But then, there were a couple of much better players being drafted after him. So yea, he is a BUST! Rockstar started off with a solid activity and even held a VHLM GM position for some time. So the Legion management started to believe that we will finally see a relevant Rockstar's player since Teuvo Ruutu retired. And now let's name the trend of all his players after Ruutu: 1. starting off as a very active member; 2. suddenly going semi-active before the season ends; 3. completily going inactive. Nothing has changed since and the same applies to Vega. Toronto really needed a good draft after having a failure in S60. It didn't happen mainly thanks to this player. 10. LW - Marvin Harding TPE: 590 Member: @.sniffuM Toronto was likely even more upset to see they missed on this player. But to be fair, too few members knew this is going to be the first successful Muffins' player in a while. He had the same issues as with Rockstar: starting off well, but going inactive before even the draft approaches. But unlike Vega, Marvin's importance to Quebec is far more significant. I would even call this a mini steal considering that we had two busts drafted before him. He is also a VHLM commish which is saying a lot. And even though his activity level dropped for a bit, he is in same boat as Malenko. Harding is going to be a good player regardless until his sixth or seventh season. 11. D - Alvaro Jokinen TPE: 444 Member: @Ahma This is being considered as the mistake on Beaviss part despite Alvaro having 444 TPE so far. Why? I'm not sure if Quebec's GM knew about that before, but I'm sure he will know now: Ahma is a Davos for life member. It's pretty much impossible to convince him to play for other team. The proof of this is the S55 off-season when he came fresh of the VHL championship that he won with Helsinki. But you know what? He went to FA and signed with Davos, of course. So you can win 7 championships in a row with an inactive Ahma and then he comes back, realizes he was a part of the seven-peat and still sign with Davos in his last season. So it was obvious that Beav will have to trade Alvaro in the same off-season. The price was fair, a second round pick for this player. Which makes it even more fair, Ahma is still claiming welfare and being a good defenceman for Davos and that S62 second was a valuable one as they could get an active member with that pick. 12. D - Jacob Smith TPE: 312 Member: @jacobaa19 So Davos just missed Jokinen because Quebec's GM decided to take a risk. But his Davos colleague came out from the off-season as even more happier than he would've been. Not only he managed to get Jokinen back to the Dynamo, he also drafted another promising D in Jacob Smith. This member didn't start off with a bang. But as time progressed, Jacob could pick it up and even become the Las Vegas GM. It was still kind of a risk to take a first gen member back in the day so his draft position wasn't very high. Anyways. Smith could make into the Davos squad in S62 and he is still playing there. I believe he will start in the first pair with the previous pick, Jokinen. Unfortunately, this member likely won't see it as he decided to step down from this league due to his commitement to school. He was claiming welfare at time, but it looks like it is pretty much over for him. Still, Smith could be a reliable second pair defenceman for some time before he regresses. 14. D - Chat TPE: 90, retired Member: @eaglesfan036 We could consider this as the first bad pick by Seattle. But to be fair, there was only one player left that became a solid steal, but we'll talk about him later. Let's go back to Chat. This was yet another try to get back into the activity by Eaglesfan as the league has decided to bring back the chat. However, this was yet another case of a veteran member creating a member and quickly fizzling out. The Bears management was hoping this will become a steal in the process, but it ended up with another retirement and admiting that this player didn't accomplish much. As much as Eagles' next player, King Gow. 15. D - Jesper Stomberg TPE: 199, retired Member: @Tim Before even the first round ended I considered this player as the TOP 8 worthy draftee. And I was kinda in shambles when I figured it out nobody noticed him. It really was weird to see multiple teams missing this player, but then I got an explanation. It appeared that Jesper wasn't even added into the draft pool which made GM's forget about this player. Except for me and Toronto GM (Dollar at that moment). But my pick was higher and I picked this player with the hope he will become a real steal of this draft. I'm not sure why, but these hopes turned into a disappointment - not even the S61 was done and Tim already went inactive shortly after hitting 199 TPE. Then he was traded to Calgary for their cap purposes and even won the championship. This is the last achievement for this player: Tim returned in S63 and obviously retired Jesper as he had too little potential. 16. D - Lew Bronstein TPE: 274 Member: @troy Toronto really had a shit luck after their three-peat. But I can't say about drafting this player. Yes, he still has relatively low ammount of TPE. But what's more important, Troy a.k.a. Stevo actually is still claiming TPE. So we can consider him as a steal too. Not that much of a steal as the next guy, but Toronto is happy to have this guy as he is slowly becoming a solid second pair defenceman and maybe he will have some decent seasons before the regression is kicking off. Stevo is one of the three-peat members as he spent all three seasons with that team when this happened. So I guess that's another reason why he is still updating. So this was the second round of the S61 draft. And I would wrap it up...or keep my promise and talk about another player who actually became the steal of the draft although there were not a lot of chances of that happening. This player is none other than: 22. C - Mikka Pajari TPE: 359 Member: @Devise I like to draft in late rounds in search of some steals, but this gotta be one of the best steals I've ever drafted alongside with Slava Aleksei and Paolo Nano. In fact, Mikka is already one of the best third or even lower round steals ever since Marcus Hurley. The reasoning of him falling this far is the same as Stromberg's - he was another draftee that wasn't added into the draftee pool. And the fact he created a player almost two months prior to this draft and never updated him (despite still doing some PT's in the process) made my life even easier as I knew about the existence if Pajari. So my plan worked very well: I was drafting some other players in hopes nobody knows about him and this is exactly what happened. But there was still no guarantee Devise would make a comeback as he was very semi-active at that time. But he did and I got a reliable player and the member of the S63 championship team. Also, the current second line player. Also also, Devise is now a Toronto GM. Lately, we are witnessing very deep drafts by VHL standarts and some third rounders are already making into the roster. In fact, five out of the eight S63 third round draftees are going to play in the big league this season. But drafting Pajari so late in not so deep S61 draft is still a special moment in my GM'ing career. So this is the wrap of my article. Some of you (of course, nobody) will ask a question why I didn't do the S57 draft recap as I did it for the S56 last season. Well, there would still be time left after I will spend all three our four weeks for my players so it's not certain there would be no article about this draft. But I also may forget about this. Anyways, I hope you liked this recap. Thank you for reading this. That's it and I'm out. 6x3=18 TPE goes to Randoms 17.12 - 23.12 24.12 - 30.12 31.12 - 06.01
  10. *Riga Reign GM after the S61, 62 and every other draft.* I was talking about the S57 draft as the moment when VHL started to slowly rise from the ashes. Ok, we had a couple of good drafts prior to this, but I don't recall a single first-gen in any of them. Whereas the S57 draft gave us three notable rookie: Beaviss, Spade and Exlaxchronicles. After a couple of medicore drafts which happened during the S58-60 time, a recruitment crew started to make some moves and putting an actual effort into this. The first move was joining the afilliate partnership with SBA and EFL. The S60 draft was supposed to be a good one because a lot of members came from that partership. Unfortunatelly, only Arroyo came off as the lone star of that thing and of the best players of that draft as well (alongside with Dragomir and Iseult). Then the recruitment crew slowly started to exploit options. Once again, they started to think about reddit and such things. Can we tell that their effort helped to make the S61 draft better? I'm not sure as it still was relying much on recreates and not much first gens were worth much (other than a couple of them). However, there was one positive trend happening - I remember when a lot of older members were creating their recreates and going inactive shortly after doing so. So that was making some of us to not believe them anymore, like it's never a guarantee that a famous member in the past will certainly produce a star player. And while it was still relevant for the S61 draft, actually only few of them are not with us anymore. It is kinda surprising to see that a lot of recreates are still kicking and doing great. But that tells us that the recruitment crew and other members did a good job at making us feel this league is on the comeup again. And recreates started to believe in that. As the result, they continued to update their players and be an active part of this league. So what I'm taking about? This time, I'm going to talk about the S61 draft and how it panned out. The S63 was the last rookie season for these players so let's see how they are doing now, after three seasons in this league. 1. LW - Matt Thompson TPE: 800 Member: @Beketov Before this draft, we were witnessing a fight between Thompson, Gate and Cast. All three players were not only fighting for being the #1 pick, they also wanted to settle the best TPE earner before this draft. I don't recall who had the highest TPE number prior to this, but one thing we do know - Matt Thompson went first overall to Seattle. There were some questions who the Bears' GM is going to take first, Thompson or Gate. However, this pick seemed more logical. First of all, forwards are being more valued here. And second, I'm pretty sure it was something to do with Beketov's last goalie. Drafting this player is a chance for Bek to do with Seattle what he couldn't do with Jakab Holik. At this moment, he has 800 TPE which is not a highest number among the S61 draftees. But he is about to become the true superstar of this franchise after McAllister went into the retirement home. 2. D - Samuel Gate TPE: 610 Member: @street Prior to this draft, I had a lil trade with Quebec. We swapped our first round picks while I also took the 15th OV pick. The reasoning of this was Quebec really wanted to draft a defenceman since they already had forward Dragomir and Beau Louth on their system. And looks like they weren't sure if I wouldn't draft this player by the #2 OV. By that time, Gate was the best defenceman draftee and this pick was obvious from the Meute management. Well, he's still the best defenceman in TPE earned, although one other D could take this accomplishment from Sam, but we'll talk about him later. As about the #2 pick, he is still a solid player and he will likely become the leading blue liner after Rayne and Jones are going out due to forced retirement. However, his activty level suddenly dropped in November and he hasn't been active since. We can only guess is it temporarily or this is for a long time. Anyways, I think Beaviss won't regret much about this pick as Gate is going to be a reliable player regardless. It's just he could've been better, that's it. 3. C - Podrick Cast TPE: 842 Member: @Victor I had some thoughts before this draft happened: to draft Cast or Sterling? I needed a goalie, but there also was an option to make it by myself. Also, another reason why I took Cast is because Victor wanted to play for Riga. It appeared that he never played for this team which also is his homecity IRL. So I fulfilled his wish and let Sterling to Seattle. Fast forward, he is the best TPE earning player among all S61 draftees followed by another Reign player. He also is responsible for one of the greatest seasons by a player ever. Alright, this was not a Scotty type of a season, but it's a rare thing to see a player scoring 174 point in just one season. And yes, it happened because our roster still was so-so other than Edwin, Cast and Leph and they were getting much chances because of it. Plus, majority of newer goalies were still sitting on minors. Anyways, that season already put his name into the potential HoF player list. From now, he can constatntly posting 100 point seasons and he's a lock hall of fame. So yeah, this is one of the best picks I've ever done in drafts, no doubts about it. 4. G - Roger Sterling TPE: 641 Member: @Will I drafted Cast and Seattle grabbed Sterling. It was all obvious. Bana even was telling me in chat he would take him if I'll draft Podrick. And while he is one of GM's that likes to bluff at times, I knew he was being serious that time. Seattle needed a goalie and they took him. Case closed. You can already tell I have no regrets about that. While Sterling is on way to become a real goaltending threat in future, I already won the championship with Cast and a way lower TPE goalie. As about Roger - he is obviously the best goalie that came out of this draft. He had a competition with the other goalie that was picked after him, but for now there is no questions about it. And I tend to believe he is about to have his star moments in future. With Seattle or without it - that's the another question and we will get an answer following S70. 5. G - Arvid Aamo TPE: 189 Member: @Daniel Yeah, I won the championship and thing, but do you think I wasn't making mistakes before that? I wish. But this is the first bust of this draft. At that moment, I still wanted to take a goalie since I've decided to make a centre player. I had hopes for Davos beating Calgary in the S60 wild-card round to have 3th and 4th picks which would likely net me Cast and Sterling. Would it have been better with Cast, Sterling and my centre player, but probably without the player that went sixth and couple of FA's I took last season? This is a what could have been type of a question, but I won't think much about it after the S63 ended. As about Aamo: this player seemed as a promising one, especially when the only Daniel's good player was another goalie (Dadonov). However, he started to show signs of inactivity shortly after he was drafted. He was still trying to claim some TPE's, but it didn't last for long. He indeed went inactive somewhere in July and never came back. Then he was traded Davos in last off-season for...the fourth round pick. That's your S61 draft's fifth pick, everyone! As of this moment, he is the free agent and it's certain that last season was his last. At least he can brag about being a starter in each of three seasons and even getting into the playoffs with Riga. UPDATE: HE JUST LOGGED IN!!! Somehow. I guess I should think about this member more, maybe he will have a good player coming up. 6. RW - Edwin Preencarnacion TPE: 824 Member: @Tagger Well, this pick turned out wayyyyy much better than Aamo one. Interestingly, this player wasn't really considered even as the first round pick in S60 mid-season. Why? For some point, Edwin still had like 30 TPE although he was doing PT's and was capping max/close to max. And at some point I thought he is doing this on purpose to tank his draft stocks. It turned out that he just hadn't time to claim all these TPE and my pre-draft talks with him propelled into the first round action. It also worth mentioning that I actually drafted two UK members in same team which is also European. Coincidence much? Back to this player: at this point he is considered as less of a superstar than his partner in crime, Podrick Cast. I know Tagger doesn't minds this as it was his wish to play in same line with Victor. This also works to Riga: how can it be a bad thing to have a powerful line, right? Will this lessen his chances to be inducted into the HoF cause he's not getting as much points as Cast? The chances might go down, but the current pace is still going to be enough for that. Also, I already mentioned him as the second TPE earner, only behind by you already know who. 7. D - Robert Malenko TPE: 552 Member: @pennypenny Poor Toronto. Being a rebuilding and not even having own first, that hurts. But this doesn't means they had a bad draft. The Legion management could make a good pick in Robert Malenko. And actually this is the best first-gen player from the S61 draft. Penny started off with a bang with making a presence in both forum and discord. However, despite of this making a good pick, Toronto couldn't find a way how to compete so they had to trade Malenko to Seattle that just started to compete for the gold. I also was mentioning that Gate might still have the highest TPE number from all S61 defs, but Malenko is that other player I was talking about. And while Penny is not being as active as he was; at least he is still claiming some points. And actually, he should have more TPE than he has now. It's just he hasn't claimed all of that stuff since like late October. So he's probably 600+ TPE right now. As for his activity level - I guess he's chilling right now. Malenko is at position he's going to be a solid defenceman no matter what until regression kicks off. 8. RW - Sergei Kovalev TPE: 442 Member: @Laflamme With the 8th pick, the Bears' management went with the member who is lowkey one of the most loyal Seattle player ever. Whether it was Escabar or Laflamme, they all spent majority of their careers in Washington state based city. And now we have Kovalev and he's another player who is helping Seattle with achieving their goals. The member never had much activity going on, but he stays as the reliable one. Also, he's a cap friendly cap player so that's a double help for his team. I think this is how all his players are being descripted like: never had flashy stats, but thanks for staying with us and making a fine second line/pair player. In this draft, Seattle had three first round picks and they did a really good job in drafting as nobody from them went inactive and I'm sure they are creating activity in their LR. Could you believe that? Because I'm not. While I was thinking about the ninth pick, I realized I'm very close to 2000 words now so I will stop here. I'm really sorry to others who won't be mentioned in this article. But you know what? Sorry not sor.... ...*that moment when I realize I have Randoms* Yall some lucky bums. The second part of this is coming up sooner than later. Until then, That's it and I'm not out yet. 6x4=24 TPE goes to Kallis. 17.12 - 23.12 24.12 - 30.12 31.12 - 06.01 07.01 - 13.01
  11. @CurtisG93 We be collecting playoff MVP awards
  12. Pretty much, yes. Our usual setup is 6F/4D. the 7th, 8th or further forward is usually getting less minutes.
  13. So you actually can claim TC too. Your GM is lucky he didn't sign you a 3M deal (majority of us are doing this when the player is going down in minors)
  14. Nope. The VHLM TPE cutoff date is this Sunday.
  15. And now the question is - who won the regular season?
  16. Heavily disagree with this one. @Smarch first personal awards for Bassolino, what a comeup. @SlapshotDragon the playoff MVP in a rookie year
  17. I meant about the potential part 2 and 3 of this trade.
  18. So all these 1.25M rookies going to QUE for the 5th OV. got it.
  19. Long, long time ago...no I'm very wrong here. Not long time ago, on a nice sunny a retired player named Benjamin Zeptenbergs was absolutely bored. Bored by his GM'ed Riga Reign team team being stuck on the bottom half in VHL standings. But it was making sense since his team was rebuilding. So...after long and boring hours he was about to stand up from his chair and go to do his usual things... ...until a crazy idea popped into his head. From that time, Benjamin couldn't find a peace. He literally was going off with his idea. And nobody really was understanding why he was acting weird lately. Nobody knew - this was only the start of his reall crazy project. And it was even more crazy because his Riga started to put their heads up again. Podrick Cast, Edwin Preencarnacion and other promising players that were drafted by him to the Reign to make a fresh start. But even then he was more invested in his weird project. He found some Latvian engineers (at least they called themselves like that; even that fact that they don't have a appropriate certificate didn't scare Benjamin) that agreed to join this. After a shit ton of sleepless hours, lost nerves and broken tools this is what Benjamin Zeptenbergs got: This is what Zep was thinking for all this time! The idea actually was to make a better copy of AIM - 11 who is believed to be the first robot player in the VHL league ever; and Aackckqz Ky - a player who was doing random things in everything. Another thing that engineers added was a special random.org app that was embedded into this machine. It made sure that everything this player will do is completely random things and only random. Randoms' childhood, highschool and career in one chapter (cause the robots shouldn't have childhood and other human things, you know) The first impression was very positive from Zep and his engineers. It was looking nice and seemed like it could do great things in the VHL league. The Riga Reign GM immediately decided to name this robot RANDOMS as one of influences, Ky was a completely random dude too. But the more they were testing this creature, the more they started to realize that something is not right. 1. First of all, Randoms wasn't supposed to have any particular skill as the strength. But it started to immediately try to put bodies into the boards. That was looking familiar to other, real human player. Anyways, Benjamin was still believing that all is going right; 2. But then they realized that his weight and height is really very similar to that player. Guntis Petenis. This is a player from hedgehog337 agency. The same agency that was worshiping the current Riga Reign GM. Guntis Petenis - a player who had a good success in mid-S50's. Which was more frustrating for Benji is Randoms' playing style was pretty much the same as Guntis. Basically, Randoms = forward version of Guntis Petenis. That fact really was devastating to the two-time VHL champ who was hoping for completely other result. Start of it's career (ok, here's a mini chapter) But there was nothing Benjamin and engineers could do about it. Since it was working very well, they still decided to present Randoms to the hockey world. And it was only obvious that the first experience that this creature is going to get from is VHLM league. Of course that Zep is very familiar with the VHL system because well...Riga GM, you know. So he registered this player into the VHL database and this is where Randoms' journey begun. It wasn't an easy road, though. This player was picked by Ottawa...no, I'm lying. It was the random site that decided that the Ottawa Lynx team will be its first professional team. But it appeared that this machine is far from being a best player even in minors. Jason Glasser, the GM of that team immediately saw that this Latvian ''guy'' was too raw for big plays. So Jason sent Randoms to the fourth line. It's obvious that the Benjamin Zeptenbergs project wasn't doing much on the ice and the end of the season it only collected three points in 47 games. But wasn't the only bad thing that we saw about Randoms. 1. Even before Randoms stepped it's foot into the VHLM rink for the first time, a very well known agent made a heavy criticism towards this iron thing. And it could've been nothing to worry about...if only that agent was none other than Ron Dwayne III. The same man that came from YEAH/Tagger player agency. The same agency that had Aackckqz Ky. Ron called Randoms a fake creature a.k.a. a pathetic carbon copy of Ky. But the most ironic thing is that the Tagger agency also worships Edwin Preencarnacion - the player who was drafted and still is playing for none other than RIGA REIGN team! 2. Then it appeared that Latvia wasn't supposed to be the birthplace for Randoms. The random site actually chose UK as the home. Nothing to worry about? Maybe, if the Tagger player agency wasn't residing in UK! Was it the revenge from Zep to change the birthplace to Latvia (that was the third option fron random.org)? Nobody knows and the Riga Reign GM is keeping quiet about this. 3. Another problem was some people accused Benji of rigging the destination for Randoms. The thing is Ottawa was also the place for Kallis Kriketers, another player from hedgehog337 agency. All these talks stopped when this thing wasn't performing that well, but looks like they were right. But once again, Benjamin is keeping it quiet. But let's go back to our main...guy or something like that. So Randoms finished the season as the VHLM champion. It didn't show what it was cappable for though and the questionable reputation from all these accusations and controversies really hit it's draft stock. A lot of teams were skipping this robot in the VHL draft (and it wasn't much better in minors either). But at the end of the day two teams decided to take a chance on this robot looking iron body. & First, Quebec took Randoms by 24th OV, which is the end of the third round. And then some days later, Las Vegas took this player by 16th OV in the VHLM draft, which was a third round pick. So we can figure it out that start of carbon copy of Guntis Petenis was shaky. But the majority of criticism died after last season when it put up the respectable numbers. 64 points among with 300 hits was a really solid performance. Unfortunately, Las Vegas couldn't get past Randoms' ex-team Ottawa in the wildcard round and the season ended very quickly. But this season proved that people should start to belive in this creature. Only time will tell what's in the store for the result of Zep's crazy brains and scrub engineers, but at this point it looks very decent. And it doesn't matter if Randoms will start it's VHL career in Quebec or in other team. This machine proved that it can be a good player and perhaps we may see even a better version of David Kiaskov. ...But there's is still one question that is still popping into my head...WHY? And will Ron Dwayne III continue to bash Benjamin for this? Stay tuned...
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