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Everything posted by eaglesfan036

  1. @atw2592 @Draper @Smarch @ADwyer87 @Munk @Banackock @Higgins @boubabi @jaladolar @Daniel @Gooningitup @TheNextGreatOne @fever95 come join chat and make chat great again imo
  2. that's a bannin
  3. hey we're not last! ps vote for hurley plz
  4. take that fat kesler @Munk
  5. lol CAL G > Bernie
  6. you say humm just like boubabi :3
  7. Gudas is a sniper
  8. awesome! Welcome to the squad
  9. Windows went downhill ever since I had to scroll through all of the useless crap just to get to the desktop. Why anyone would want anything other than a desktop is beyond me. Also apple products are the most horrible thing since tumblr, I refuse to ever use any apple product
  10. lolololol
  11. hey we scored 3 goals
  12. Vikings Meute Legion Americans
  13. gotem fesler fat
  14. I used to ctrl f xm radio, now i ctrl f radio cause the xm was taken out
  15. Interesting trade I can't wait for Ahma to come back, see he was traded to shitholm rage and auto-retire
  16. because they are xm radios and I refuse to adapt to whatever dumb system is put in place to call them something different
  17. Cologne: Thaddeus Humbert >> Joel Jarvi how is that situation different from goon's situation, according to that he should have gotten his player for free
  18. Chat hardly has anything to do with inactivity, the people who are active are the ones who frequent chat, and not many people even go on chat. Most of the time chat is just me, draper, boubabi, gorlab, stamkos, fong who lives in chat, and kendrick talking about stupid things no one would want to see on the forums
  19. I wonder if Kesler is happy or sad about this
  20. you know what's up jolly good wot
  21. I saw Calgary so I voted without even reading the poll
  22. it is annoyingly long, and I think it makes Devise hard
  23. Moscow claims JJ Dynamite @jjdynamite
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