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JPL last won the day on April 20 2016

JPL had the most liked content!

1 Follower

About JPL

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    Mario Lee
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  1. you should come back

  2. No more
  3. Vegas has a team?
  4. Retire Recreate Get suspended There's my mentor advise @Banackock
  5. Player InformationUsername: JPLFull Name: Recreate God Position: RWAge: 18Handedness: RighyRecruited By/From: TheLastOlympianWould you like an experienced member to mentor you? No im too goodPlayer AttributesTotal Points Earned: 30CK = Checking: 50FG = Fighting: 50DI = Discipline: 40SK = Skating: 40ST = Strength: 50PH = Puck Handling: 40FO = Face Offs: 40PA = Passing: 40SC = Scoring: 40DF = Defense: 40PS = Penalty Shot: 40EX = Experience: 40LD = Leadership: 40OtherJersey Number: 69Height (inches): 6'8"Weight (lbs.): 250Birthplace: Tokyo JapanAwardsCareer StatsPlayer MovementPast Players
  6. Uhhh yeah if he isn't already
  7. Wow this makes me sad
  8. Wow a decade thats amazing
  9. Wtf? My auto login for Trifecta is no longer working.

  10. Recreate God returning? time will tell
  11. Don't get why people were confused about Sopranos ending?

    1. JardyB10


      They probably just wanted to hear the rest of the Journey song.

  12. This one sounds good
  13. Mario Lee is apart of Saskatoon and Riga which means Mario Lee= Cups

    1. Da Trifecta

      Da Trifecta

      JPL: Mario Lee = Cups


      Inner JPL = Retire, you have done enough fam

  14. Is SBA still running?
  15. Inactive JPL is an FA this offseason 

    1. FacePuncher


      Might he resign with Saskatoon to help them to back-to-back Founders' Cups?

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