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Everything posted by thadthrasher

  1. Hey there @duckberg32, you should come play for us in San Diego! If you're interested, quote this with #MarlinsTerritory!
  2. Hello there @Seabass! I know you have plenty of teams to choose from, but most of them won't be able to offer you very many minutes. Those of us in San Diego are looking to add a competent Center to our roster, and we know that you are that competent Center! I can offer you 2nd line ice-time with some PP and PK time as well. If you're interested, quote this and say #MarlinsTerritory!
  3. Hey there @Bradster224! I'm thadthrasher, the General Manager of the San Diego Marlins! We are a young team and are looking to help you grow and learn the league! You have joined near the end of the season, so for most teams you will only get 4th line time. Lucky for you, we are need of a competent young center! We can happily give you a 3rd line position, and maybe even 2nd line depending on your TPE earning. If you're interested, quote this with #MarlinsTerritory!
  4. Hey there@Minnesotafine, I'm thadthrasher, the General Manager of the San Diego Marlins! We are a young team, and we are working hard at getting better. Part of that is recruiting new players and helping them grow into great players. I know that I can help you do that! If you are interested in joining us in San Diego, quote this saying #MarlinsTerritory!
  5. Hey there @Ahma, we'd love to have you spend some time in San Diego! We could use some veteran presence in our locker room, and we are always trying to help others grow and learn. If you'd be interested in joining us, quote this and say #MarlinsTerritory!
  6. Hey @Devise! You should come hang out with us in San Diego!
  7. Yo! @STZ we could use a guy like you on our team Come and join us in San Diego my friend, help us!If you are interested, quote this and say #MarlinsTerritory
  8. Woah. I didn't realize @Prout was on the block. This sucks
  9. I love this concept! Imagine going on vacation and they have a postcard with you on it, how cool! It looks clean, it's original, and it makes me want to go to Fiji! Well done with this! 10/10
  10. Easiest thing to do is write your article in a website and then copy it over. You could use https://wordcounter.net/
  11. I like what you did here! It's a pretty simple, easy-to-read media spot. I think the addition of some pictures would help tell the story a bit, but sometimes going incredibly simple can be effective. Overall, well done my friend! 9/10!
  12. San Diego Marlins Press Conference Week ending 21 Feb 2021 1. As you are growing as a player, what is your favorite Point Task to do? Why? 2. Which Point Task is your least favorite to do? Why? 3. We are at the point in the season where GMs will be looking at people to draft. Is there anywhere you'd like to be drafted to? 4. If you have been drafted already and you are in SDM, are you looking to stay? 5. Sunday was Valentine's Day. What's your favorite candy? 6. Who is your favorite band/artist to listen to?
  13. Hey there @Gaudette, I'm thadthasher the General Manager of the San Diego Marlins! I'm the 2nd GM of the Marlins in franchise history, which means you have a great opportunity to be a part of the core DNA of a new legacy! We are looking to help your player get some great ice team for the remainder of this season. Our locker room is a great time, and we'd love to have you join us in San Diego!If you are interested, quote this and say #MarlinsTerritory
  14. Hey there @Seany, I'm thadthasher the General Manager of the San Diego Marlins! I'm the 2nd GM of the Marlins in franchise history, which means you have a great opportunity to be a part of the core DNA of a new legacy! We are looking to help your player get some great ice team for the remainder of this season. Our locker room is a great time, and we'd love to have you join us in San Diego! If you are interested, quote this and say #MarlinsTerritory
  15. Hey there @Patrik Tallinder, welcome back! I'm thadthrasher, the GM of the San Diego Marlins! We'd love to have you join on to our team. We are looking for a strong Center, and could definitely use you! I'm an incredibly outgoing GM, and I'm always up for making a fun and inviting Locker Room. We'd love to have you join in! If you're interested in finishing out this season with San Diego, quote this and say #MarlinsTerritory!
  16. 1. I think it's our pure unadulterated Americanism that is fuming in our games. We scare them away very easily! 2. I love it. It's pretty exciting to see how Sales does on the shootout. I'm not sure the exact numbers, but I think he's doing fairly well there! 3. I really think @Ricer13 would be a great decision for that position. The M would certainly miss him, but he would do fantastic work in the VHL. 4. Anywhere in the woods! 5. Steak. Doesn't matter the cut. Cooked medium with some garlic, onions, thyme, and pan seared. That with some corn and mashed potatoes. 6. Yes. I have a bloodhound named Abraham and a cat named Ferdinand
  17. you say that as if that's a hard thing to do right now
  18. I've decided to selflessly share my photography here in this little section of our VHL forum. I'll start with the current ice issue we are facing here in central KY.
  19. Hey there @Fno, welcome to the VHL! I'm thadthrasher, the General Manager of the San Diego Marlins! As a newcomer to the league it can become quickly overwhelming, but that's why I am here. I want to be here to help you learn more about our league, and guide you along so that you too can fall in love with this community like I have. I'm here to answer any of your questions and help you along the way. If you'd like to be sent a contract and become a member of the Marlins, quote this with #MarlinsTerritory!
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