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Everything posted by thadthrasher

  1. This was incredibly well thought out! Like @Sonnet just said, the formatting alone is worth a 10/10!
  2. Now, I know what you're thinking, "Thad, didn't you just get hired to be the GM of San Diego? What are you doing here?!" Well, listen, I'll never not apply for more opportunities! I love this league and will do what I can to help it grow and succeed even more. So, as GM positions open in the VHL, I'd love to be considered! Thanks!
  3. I literally loved all of this. I was also very happy to read that 6 of the 7 pictures were your own. I thought it was easy to read, and while the pictures did make it seem like a travelogue, I thought it was perfect. It's well-written, easy to read, and I thoroughly enjoyed it! 10/10, well done!
  4. San Diego Marlins Press Conference Week ending 14 Feb 2021 1. The trade deadline is coming up on the 15th. Do you think there will be some big trades coming along? 2. Theme week has been announced, are you planning on doing something for it? What? 3. The reality should be setting in that we aren't going to be competing for the cup this season. How does that make you feel? 4. Keeping in mind our losing streak, do you think we can build up from here in the coming season? 5. If you could back to any age, what would it be and why? 6. It can be discouraging when a team loses frequently. I don't want to see this discourage anyone. What can I do to help?
  5. Y'all should share your Theme Week posts here!
  6. An Entry from Thadius Sales’ Journal I got home from yesterday’s game and just collapsed on my bed. We’ve had a rough season in New York. I’m getting peppered in net, and it seems like my work at the gym and in practice doesn’t show up on the ice in-game, but we’re turning it around. We had a tightly contested game against London. We were almost shot for shot against them, but Malone @WentzKneeFan036 and I were on fire. We both faced more than 40 shots, but ultimately, he let in two more goals in the shootout, so we got the win. It was nice to battle against the guy I used to be the backup for in Halifax. It was nice seeing him again. But it was exhausting. As I fell onto my bed, I immediately fell asleep. The Dream I had a pretty solid night of sleep last night, but I had a really bizarre dream. In my dream there was a world-wide pandemic! They called it the corona virus, not to be confused with the beer. This virus wiped out countless people, and surprising enough, there were still people who doubted it existed! How bizarre! Anyways, in this dream, everything was shut down. We weren’t allowed to play hockey, go anywhere to eat, or even go on vacation. I woke up almost in a panic, hoping it was not real. Luckily, for me and the rest of the world, it was just a dream. Time For A Vacation As I scrambled around in the morning to head to the rink for practice, I started thinking about my dream a bit more and decided that it was a sign that I needed a vacation. Everything in my dream pointed to the fact that vacation is necessary, and one day it could be not available like we’d like. My time in the net has been rough, so I’m hoping that a few days away will help me shake out whatever is going on in my head. I’ve never been one for large vacations. People choose to go the Las Vegas and party it up, but I’ve been there, it wasn’t that great. I loved my time in Miami, but that place was just too crowded, and I’ve always wanted to go to San Diego, but it’s not what I’m looking for. Growing up near Scranton, Pennsylvania, I grew accustomed to the woods. It’s where I would find peace in troubling times. I wish I would have gone there before I went to prison, but I suppose that would mean I wouldn’t be a professional goaltender right now. Now, a pandemic wouldn’t stop me from going to the woods in the US, but travel to other countries, I imagine, would be hard. I’m thinking that a week in the woods would help me. I need to recluse from the team, the media, even family. I need some “me time.” I think I’m going to get ahold of @Esso2264 and request the time off. It’s looking like a trip to the Aoraki/Mount Cook National Park in New Zealand is in order. I need to bust out my old camera, backpacking equipment, and just go. Here's the loadout I'd take with me. That dream really shook me, and with our current struggles in New York I know this will help me out. I think I’d like to go for about a week. Spend a few days hiking around, find a nice spot in the woods, and camp for the rest. I don’t want to be around other people, just myself, the woods around me, and my camera. That sounds like the dream vacation to me. --- Claiming week ending 21 Feb and Theme Week, 611 words
  7. 1. I can see us moving up to 8th! 2. Davos for sure. 3. San Diego Marlins! I may be a bit biased, but that's okay! 4. Matt Murray. Dude has a cool story. 5. 6. As much as I hate to say it, I believe so.
  8. Thanks! I do think that my life is fantastic. I'm very happy with where I am at in life
  9. My day was good yesterday. Went to a bourbon distillery in Lexington and grabbed some Cajun food. I got all of my work done in the AM so my afternoon was open to be able to do that. When we got home my wife and I threw on Happy Gilmore, I worked on a few VHL things, re-read this morning's sermon, and drank some choccy milk like a big boy. And, this morning has started off great as well. I had a package at our backdoor and it's my new Greek/Hebrew Bible. The first half is in Greek and it's the New Testament, and then you flip it around and it begins the Old Testament in Hebrew. It's just over 2000 pages, and I'm very excited to have it! Thanks for checking in!
  10. Great! I sent you a contract offer. When you accept that I'll send you a message with our discord server and we can begin working!
  11. Hey there! You should come hang out with us in San Diego for a little bit! We'd love to have you.
  12. Hey there, welcome to the VHL @Émile Clouet! I’m thadthrasher, the General Manager of the San Diego Marlins! We would love to add you to our roster and help your player grow. If you’d like to join the Marlins, quote this and say #MarlinsTerritory! I’ll send you a contract offer.
  13. Hey! Great attempt at writing an article! One thing that will help is some focus on punctuation. Also, when you repost things like game stats they may not count the words toward your word total.
  14. Since you are coming in mid-season you'll be picked up on waivers, which means you'll finish out the season with us. At the end of the current season you'll be released so that you can be drafted to a VHLM and maybe even a VHL team. Then you will be on a longer contract.
  15. Hey there @Silver Warrior, welcome to the VHL! I'm thadthrasher, the General Manager of the San Diego Marlins! We are working, right now, to build a solid team and help newer members learn the ropes to become great players, and I know that San Diego can do that for you! If you would be interesting in becoming a Marlin, click "quote" and say #MarlinsTerritory!
  16. Gustav

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Gustav


      Bonus points for actually formatting your vote correctly but NO NOT LIKE THAT

    3. JigglyGumballs
    4. rory
  17. Hey there @Grant, welcome back! I'm thadthrasher, the General Manager of the San Diego Marlins! We are looking for a strong defender to add to our team, and we believe that you are the perfect person! We can offer you a spot on our 1st line! To accept this offer, quote this and say #MarlinsTerritory!
  18. Group A?! You are setting me up for failure my friend lol
  19. We will not be taking any questions....are there any questions?
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