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Everything posted by thadthrasher

  1. @Spartanyou seem pretty set on convincing us you've only watched one anime. Are you sure it was only one?
  2. Bro, this made me laugh so hard! I'm just glad my closest friend is a licensed therapist.
  3. This is a tough one, even for myself! Honestly, given the HYPE that is behind WJC, I'd use my money to buy the country of the United States of America and give total control and ownership to @Banackock! But also, I'd buy @Hex Universe unlimited internet access so he could do his amazing VHL work on a computer rather than his phone. I'd buy @Beaviss a gigantic container of egg salad. @Esso2264 and @Enorama would be getting themselves a gigantic gift card for LoL @GustavMattias would get himself a new patrol car which comes equipped with an anti-horny siren, anti-horny flashing light, and an anti-horny cold water spray.
  4. For some of us the season of Christmas doesn't end until after Epiphany, which means the season of giving doesn't end for us too soon either. Over the last few days some of you have shared what you got for Christmas, and what you gave as well. This, of course has left me wondering something... Here's the question: If you had unlimited money, but could only get another member of VHL ONE gift, what would it be and why?
  5. 1. No doubt about it, tomorrow they go home for good! 2. Probably the best gift I got was a beer mug with a hockey puck dented in on the side. It's legit super cool! 3. I don't really do resolutions, but I suppose I'm hoping to do well in this upcoming Hebrew class I'm taking. 4. Obviously the only team that people in Las Vegas should be rooting for is Team USA baby! And...who knows. 5. I have a feeling that we will be in the finals with San Diego. 6. These don't even compare to my favorite Tufted Titmouse! (I like bird watching).
  6. Bro you make my heart swell with joy! Thank you so much! I am honored to get a trophy named after the infamous @bigAL
  7. Below are some pretty basic questions you can answer as part of your press conference requirements. What excites you the most about the VHL? Do you have a specific team you would like to play for? Are you playing for that team now? Everyone has a pre-game ritual. What is yours? Is there any music you listen to to pump you up for a game? Do you have a playlist? If there was any other sport you could play what would it be? What's the worst hockey-related injury your player has endured?
  8. I thought I could do it, but I just don't have the time. Sorry everyone!

  9. Hey everyone! For the first 4 weeks of the VHL/M season I was doing VHLM Player Highlights. Click here to see last week's. Some of you know how much work went into those, and many of you don't. The week by week stats are not available on the forum or portal, so I had to figure all of those out by myself. Getting all of those stats together, and trying to make sure they were as accurate as possible, would take me many hours to do. I would normally get started on it Sunday after the sims were posted, get up early Monday morning, and keep working on the stats and the post until almost noon. I had a blast doing this, and I really enjoyed it, but I don't think I'm going to have the time to do that for week 5 of the season. Christmas is one of the busiest times of year for me, and I need to make sure that I don't spread myself too thin. However, I can still announce our Week 4 Offensive and Defensive stars that you all voted on! Offensive Star: Redlite @Tate Defensive Star: Scotty Kaberle @fromtheinside Congratulations to these two players, both coming from the San Diego Marlins locker room!
  10. Congrats, @Blazzer I look forward to eliminating you soon!
  11. A progression in the Sales press-conference attitude? I like it! Who knows what will happen. This is possible, maybe. On January 4th I start a month long Hebrew class that will take up most of my attention, and I can't risk falling behind in it. I'll still be managing and being active, but the extra things like the videos may take a bit of a hiatus. I can easily spend WAYYY too much time on them lol.
  12. Team USA GM holds video press conference. Check it out!

    1. Banackock


      USA, USA, USA.


      Can’t spell thAdiUS without USA. 

      donald trump usa GIF by Election 2016



  13. It wasn't long ago that we saw the application video tape from Las Vegas Aces goaltender Thadius Sales. You can find that video by clicking here. Sales' video blew up the VHL organization. Leadership from within the league, whether in the VHL or VHLM took notice of Sales' video and many were impressed. Players and fans banded together to support Sales after seeing the video. Pretty soon, threats came across the desks of WJC council members, all varying in severity. Some threatened the life and limbs of particular WJC council members such as @bigAL and @rjfryman while most threatened to riot of the eager young goaltender was not selected. "I swear to God, if Sales isn't selected to be the Team USA GM I will learn how to hack websites, hack the VHL's website, and destroy it." - Zealous young fan "If Sales isn't picked, I'm burning this whole place down to the ground." - A veteran VHL player...standing in his own home. We aren't sure if it was because of the threats, or the video, but Sales was recently announced as Team USA's General Manager for the World Junior Championship. When we asked Sales about this he said, After speaking with us about his hiring, Sales announced that he would be asking @Banackock to step up as his AGM. We haven't heard back if he accepts. Maybe he will say something in the comments? Anyways, Sales then moved quickly to hold a press-conference, which he says was "heavily attended. I couldn't stop people from pushing into the door." However, it seems that may not be the case. Watch, and judge for yourself.
  14. Excellent decision here, congrats! It's sad that Team USA will be crushing him and Canada, but that's the price they are willing to pay. @fromtheinside I hope we can still be friends, even after Team USA wins gold...
  15. Just like the fool they hired. Oh, wait...
  16. This looks fresh, dude! Honestly, I could see an eager fan putting this as their screensaver on their computer. The logo swap is nice and the placement of the logo in the background is well done. I noticed quite a bit of blur around the arms and some heavy pixilation. I'm not sure if this was intentional or not, but if you clean that up you've got an insane graphic! Well done! 8/10
  17. 1. This is my main and only sim league. It gets all of my dedication! 2. Yes! I haven't switched, and I have no intention to! 3. I don't have that problem. I think it's hard enough to be devoted to one, let alone multiple ones. I would be afraid I couldn't put my all into them equally. 4. A) 5. It depends on what else I am doing. Most of the time it's from my desktop computer in my office. 6. "I'm really hoping I get a Founder's Cup Championship for VHL Christmas!"
  18. This is a clean and accurate presentation of the trades that we have seen. It's simple, but informative. It's much nicer to come here and see all of the moves rather than click into each one individually. Well done! 10/10
  19. I will still being doing the VHLM Week Review, but since there are only a few games left in the VHL I'm going to wait until the season is finished to do my report.

    1. Juice


      More things to read from thad makes a happy Juice ❤️

  20. On a scale of 1 - 10 how bad have your nightmares been after watching such a cursed video? @Juice
  21. Thanks! Yea, the golden spiral would have been nice for this.
  22. This isn't about being drunk or high, but it's about beer. Let me know what y'all think of this picture. I don't ever do product photography, and I did this on a whim. Thoughts? Suggestions?
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