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Posts posted by IHateBobNutting

  1. This is my first season with the Halifax 21st and my last season in the minors before I join the London United. It got off to an ok start. I'm doing well personally as I'm tied for the lead in points and 3rd in assists albeit after 2 games. However, what's more important is how the team is doing.  The first game of the season was rough as we lost to the Minnesota Storm 9-3.  We were outshot 47-31 and it was a rough game for everyone. The second game went much better. It was my first ever game against the Ottawa Lynx as I played for them my first year in the minors. We won 7-4 despite only outshooting them 33-29.  Eeli Rantanen had 2 goals and 3 assists in the game. Kyle Glass had a goal and 3 assists and Shawn Glade had 3 assists. It was a really good game overall. It may not have been the greatest game from Dexter Vaughn but his performance was solid and more than enough to get us the win. This season has started alright but I think it'll get better as the season goes on.

  2. 2 hours ago, MattyIce said:


    LONDON UNITED Press Conference for the week ending on Sunday January 24th.

    1 tpe for three questions, 2 tpe for all six!

    1. Hello, I'm MattyIce, London United's new AGM.  Most of you know me, so that's a good thing.  What are your thoughts on the new AGM?
    2. Do you think our competitive window is opening wide enough to make a legitimate Cup run???
    3. We made some moves to bolster our prospect depth and keep some salary cap room handy, how do you think we handled the team during the offseason?
    4. What are three things you could buy at a grocery store to make the cashier give you weird looks??
    5. Why do we say that an alarm clock goes ‘off’ when it actually tuns on?
    6. Why is room temperature used as a measurement of warmth when not all rooms have the same temperature?


    1. I don't know you but you seem cool so far.

    2. I'd hope so but I haven't checked our roster yet. Hopefully we're competing but it's not that important to me.

    3. I'm not sure what changes were made besides the draft but the other draftees seem cool so far so It seems like it was a good draft.

    4. A Magic Mike DVD, A cucumber, and a dried salami

    5. Because it's a clock and therefore always on. The alarm turns on but the alarm clock is always on. I don't actually know though.

    6. It's the average temperature of rooms in the past whenever room temperature was determined.


  3. It's hard to put in words how excited I am to play for London. I know that I'll be playing in the minors for another year but I'm excited for what's to come. Going 13th overall didn't even cross my mind until the VSN mock draft. I thought they were crazy as it seemed like I would go between 16 and 20. I thought the top 14 were a lock. Then London took me at 13. I know that a lot of people think that I was a reach. I know that people think that it was a risk to take me. I plan on doing everything I can to prove that London was right to draft me. A couple years ago I had only played hockey in the US. Then last year I played in Ottawa and soon I'll be playing in London. I'm basically traveling the world while playing the sport that I love. I was super anxious about the draft and it turned out to be a great experience and I couldn't be happier.

  4. On 12/26/2020 at 2:39 PM, thadthrasher said:

    Below are some pretty basic questions you can answer as part of your press conference requirements.


    1. What excites you the most about the VHL?
      Getting to win a cup hopefully.
    2. Do you have a specific team you would like to play for? Are you playing for that team now?
      I'll play for anyone as this is my first run. I may pick a specific team with my 2nd run.
    3. Everyone has a pre-game ritual. What is yours?
      Always wrap tape around my sticks from heel to toe starting exactly 45 minutes before the game starts. It has to be white tape and no one can tough the sticks after I tape them besides me.
    4. Is there any music you listen to to pump you up for a game? Do you have a playlist?
      Rock music for sure. Halestorm. Pretty Reckless. Arctice Monkeys. etc.
    5. If there was any other sport you could play what would it be?
      Football because there's a lot of hitting.
    6. What's the worst hockey-related injury your player has endured?
      He lost his 2 front teeth from a high stick.


  5. Review: Hockey is different than most sports as having a Great goalie can make up for many holes. Thadius Sales is going to be a top level goalie so I definitely think they can turn it around. The way you separated sentences/paragraphs was a bit off-putting but the content itself was really good. In my experience, Free Agents go to teams where they think they'll win a cup so NYA may not be a premier destination but I'm confident they'll turn it around. 8/10

  6. Review: I'm a big fan of stat based articles so I excited for this one. I think it would have been easier to read if you had put what each color stood for on the graph as opposed to below it.  That being said you did a great job explaining the significance of the graphs and your final analysis was clear. I am glad that scoring went down as I enjoy more defensive games. I don't think we can compare eras due to the scoring change so I think it's important to compare players to other players of their era and not other eras. 9/10

  7. My favorite VHLM logo is obviously the Ottawa Lynx. Amazing color scheme and a simple but well-done logo. I especially like the light area representing the whiskers. Another logo I really like is the Minnesota Storm. It looks like Zeus and the lightning bolt at the bottom is a nice touch. The Miami Marauders have a great logo. Pirates are cool and the color scheme is a nice touch. I like the San Diego Marlins logo but I'm not a fan of the color scheme. I really like the Mexico City logo but there's too much black in the shading. I like the Saskatoon Logo but the color scheme seems too much like Ottawa's. I think it would be better if it was just light blue and beige without the dark blue. I like the Reapers logo but I think if they replaced the yellow with a gray and darkened the blue a bit it would look better. I'm biased against the Yukon Rush and Houston Bulls logos as I don't like Orange. I like that Halifax's logo has that flotation device as the border. The colors work well together. Las Vegas' logo is nice but I'd prefer if they didn't cut the spade in half. Finally, I love the Hound's logo because it's a dog.

  8. 5 hours ago, DoktorFunk said:

    Hey Lynx! Answer all 6 for 2 tpe!


    1. Are you involved in the VHL's World Juniors Tournament? What team did you get drafted by if you did?

    No one told me anything so I'm assuming I'm not ivolved.

    2. Did you have a good New Years?

    Yeah it was quiet but nice.

    3. Any fun plans for the next few months?

    I'm taking guitar lessons so that's fun.

    4. What's the thing you would say you are best at?

    My player's best attributes are Passing and Defense.

    5. What goal song would you want to play when you score?

    Zombie Nation-Kernkraft 400

    6. Where would you want your dream house to be located?

    In a fancy section of New York City 


  9. Today I'm going to be discussing the 10 best prospects in the upcoming VHL Draft. This is not based on TPE but solely based on when I find their player, and possibly some other stuff I decide on as I go. Number 10 on the list of top 10 prospects is the 50-year-old Frenchman Napoleon Bonaparte. His Defense is 60 but that's not terrible for a rookie. He would've been higher, but he's the first player I picked. Number 9 is Genghis Khan because I like Caltroit. He also has a 76 defense, so that's a plus. Number 8 is MacGruber because that's a great Saturday Night Live skit. He also has the highest defense rating so far, which is 80. Number 7 is Calvin Hobbes because it's a reference to the greatest comic strip of all time. His Defense is subpar at 46 but he's 17 so he has time to grow. Jumping to number 3 because I only have 3 more players is William of Orange. I picked him just because I'm surprised that he was a real person. Orange is a terrible nickname just ask Syracuse. He has a defense of 70, which is good for a rookie and he's from the Netherlands which has an awesome flag. Number 2 is Chris P Bacon because I love Bacon. He only has a defense of 60 but it's not terrible. Finally at number 1 is Chicken Nugget who has a defense of 65. I love Chicken Nuggets and I needed to write an article for this week but didn't have any ideas. 

  10. On 12/19/2020 at 12:58 PM, DoktorFunk said:

    Howdy Lynx! Answer all 6 for 2 tpe!


    1. If you only had hands or feet, which would you choose?

    Hands, I could still play guitar and use my computer I would just need a wheelchair.

    2. Best vacation you've ever had?

    I spent a weekend in NY and went to a broadway play and it was super cool.

    3. Would you ever want a chimpanzee as a pet? Why or why not?

    Definitely not because they throw their poop.

    4. Favorite pizza topping?

    BBQ Chicken and/or Bacon

    5. What do you want for Christmas?

    Hitman 3 which I preordered and am getting when it comes out on the 20th

    6. Flight or invisibility?

    Invisibility because it's more useful. Flight doesn't include invincibility so you could get shot with a gun but they can't shoot what they can't see.


  11. While Stats don't account for the players around them, I think that they are the most objective way of judging people we have. That being said I agree that it can't be the only thing used. I agree that the points leader is likely to win but team success should also be looked at as MVP does stand for Most Valuable Player meaning the player was the most valuable to their team despite people forgetting that. I appreciate your mention of players who have had more of an effect off the ice than on the ice because they're also important parts of successful teams. Overall, a really good article. More details about more players would've been nice but that's the only complaint I can think of. 9/10

  12. I enjoyed the article but I think it would be better if you could mention where Hextall ranks among other goalies this year in the stats you mentioned not just where it ranks in his career. I liked when you talked about where he ranked for career stats so I think it would be really interesting. I found the in-depth section on most shots faced to be really interesting and I'd like to know if Hextall has a chance at any other career records. Overall, I enjoyed the article but more information comparing Hextall to other goalies would've helped flesh out the article. 7.5/10

  13. Continuing my funny names journey we go to New York who have the amazing Big Chungus. Prague doesn't have anyone currently but The Blob will soon join the team so he gets an honorable mention. Honorable Mention to my Ottawa Teammate, Goalie Hi Hello. Seattle has a great prospect in Franz Ferdinand. Toronto has a great prospect by the name of Jolly Greene Giant who reminds me of corn. Vancouver has prospect and teammate of mine Aivars Kiris. Finally, Warsaw has some great names. Right Winger Jeremy Lin and Lexi Glass are the main roster players with honorable mentions to prospects Dill Pickle and the great (sic). Basketball, Hockey, and Rugrats references are awesome. "the great" is weird but it works somehow. Moving on to the minors, Halifaz has a player named empty. Hopefully, he plays better than his name. Houston may be the most stacked team in terms of great names. They have 5 forwards with great names in Napoleon Bonaparte, Joan De Arc, Leaning Tower of Pisa, Alexander the Great, and Genghis Khan. I enjoy history and leaning towers so this team is choc full with great names. They also have defensemen Hadrian and William of Orange and I have no clue if William of Orange is real or not but if he isn't then he should be. Mexico City Kings has some great defensemen. Chris P Bacon makes me hungry, MacGruber is hilarious, Tee Pee E II is spot on the nose and I love it. 

  14. 1.  What aspect of Hockey (Defense, Stick Handling, etc.) do you think is the most underappreciated?

    2. The NHL has the Lady Byng Memorial Trophy for the player who exhibited outstanding sportsmanship. What should the name of that trophy be in the VHL?

    3. Who do you think deserves to win the award this year?

    4. Who do you think is your team's MVP this season?

    5. What is your favorite holiday?

    6. If the VHL has an expansion, what city would you like to see get a team?


  15. I decided to make the article this week my favorite player names. I did some of the VHL teams this week. My favorite names from Calgary are Edwin THE Encarnacion and General Zod. Great references to a baseball player with only part of a beard and the villian (expertly played by Michael Shannon) in that Superman movie. My favorite players on Calgary are L and R the defensemen because it's hilarious. Now they just need an LW, C, and RW to round it all out. I didn't find any awesome names from DC but HC Davos has the best name in the entire league. The Man. The Myth. The Legend. TARO TSUJIMOTO. Honorable Mention to their prospect Not a Player. Helsinki has the great goalie Zambonie Driver. I didn't find any funny names in London but Los Angeles has the great Doug Dimmadome in goalie. Any Helsinki vs Los Angeles game is must watch because of the quality of the goalies. Malmo doesn't have any great names but any name with dick in it deserves an honorable mention so shout out to Mickey Dickson. Finally one of my favorites so far is Moscow's backup Goalie Ra Ra Rasputin. Phenomenal song and I'm sure a Phenomenal Goalie. Hopefully more names next week.

  16. On 12/17/2020 at 1:00 AM, .sniffuM said:


    *Week ending December 20* (answer 6 questions for 2 TPE)


    1. With 13 games left to play, we are in a playoff position by 6 points. Who do you think is the player that will step up and help us clinch that playoff spot?

    2. Who do you think has played the most impressively on the team recently?

    3. Now that the season is almost done, how would you rate your performance this year?

    4. Who do you think ends up missing the playoffs from the EU?

    5. If you could play any other position, which position would you play and why?

    6. Doing anything special for the holidays?

    7. If you could only eat one flavor of potato chips for the rest of your life, what flavor would it be?

    8. What position do you think we should target early in the upcoming draft?

    9. Would you rather be able to fly or be invisible?

    I'm on Ottawa but there isn't an Ottawa Press Conference so I'm doing this one.

    3. I've done a lot better than I thought I would. I'm excited to see where I go in the draft.

    4. I think that Goal Difference is the best indicator when the amount of points is close. HC, Prague, and Riga will straight up miss the playoffs and London will lose to Malmo in the preliminary round.

    5. Goalie because it sounds like it would be fun.

    6. Just spending time with the family. Can't go out because of Covid.

    7. Regular Lays because nothing beats the original.

    9. Be Invisible. I'd be able to sneak around and stealth take out people

  17. I was told that forwards are played at all three positions so I figured I should go back and look at how many forwards each team has as opposed to just how many Left Wingers they have. I was surprised to see that all teams but 1 need a 3rd line forward which is great because I figured I'd be starting on the 4th line. Warsaw doesn't need a 3rd line forward, so I assume that I won't be going there. Chicago, HC Davos, London, Prague, Riga, and Vancouver all have at least one forward on their 3rd line so while it's possible that I'll be going to one of those teams it's not as likely as the remaining teams. Because I expect to go in the mid to late 2nd round, I don't think I'll be going to Los Angeles, Malmo, New York, or Toronto. Toronto and Malmo don't have 2nd round picks and Los Angeles and New York have early 2nd round picks. All of the remaining teams have 5 or 6 prospect forwards so that wasn't something that could distinguish them. All of the remaining teams also have 4 or 5 defensemen so there wasn't anything there that I could use to distinguish them. DC and Seattle only have 1 Goalie so I figured that they could use goalies more than forwards and that's why I eliminated them. I think that any of the final 5 teams could draft me but I wanted to try and guess which team would draft me in the end. Calgary doesn't have any Prospect Defensemen so I eliminated them. Moscow doesn't have any prospect goalies, which is why I eliminated them. That leaves Helsinki who would take me with the 11th pick in the 2nd round. So that's my prediction. That being said I may also go to Moscow, Calgary, DC, or Seattle but my prediction is Helsinki.


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