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Baby Boomer

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Everything posted by Baby Boomer

  1. Bobby Bob grew up watching his older brother, Baby Bob, being a star everywhere he played, and he kept saying that his dream was to do the same thing his brother did. When Baby joined the Mexico City Kings in S77, Bobby was only 9 years old, and his big brother was his idol. Bobby his now a little bit bigger and taller than his older brother and he is ready to start his career in the VHL. But let’s start where it all began. Bobby Bob was born in a normal family in Quebec with an older sister and brother. He is by far the youngest of the family and it always has been difficult for him to be accepted by his older siblings. However, it was totally the opposite at school and with his friends. Indeed, Bob always had good grades, he had a lot of friends, and he never had difficulties to make new ones. Even if his relationship with his brother was not always rainbows and flowers, it was a completely different story when they were on the ice. Bobby Bob was practically born with skates in the feet, and he learned everything from his brother. They were sometimes spending entire days on the ice rink practicing their shots, their skating skills or their puck handling skills without even saying a word. Even with their big age difference, Bobby Bob always felt like they had a strong connection on the ice and that they could find each other without even talking. When Baby had to leave to continue his career in the VHL, Bobby continued to go to the ice rink almost every day to perfect his game. Bobby Bob started to play hockey as soon as he could, he always played in the highest category, and he was always the best player. At the time, he was playing RW, just like his older brother, but when he was around 10 years old, his coach sent him to play at the defense, because he was scoring too much point. Bobby really liked it and his coach decided to try him for the entire next game. Bobby Bob finished the game with 3 assists, +4 and he never played RW again in his life. Bob is now a 6’, 190 lbs and he became a really good offensive defenseman. Bobby always was a natural with the puck, he can practically do whatever he wants with it and his first pass is impressive. When he became a defenseman, he really started to work on his defensive game, because he never really put too much effort on it before. Bob really improved this aspect of the game and since it is still hockey, he became really good. The young star played all his junior hockey in the QMJHL with the Québec Remparts before joining the Miami Marauders in the VHLM just after the trade deadline in the S86. The playoffs ended in the junior and since Bobby Bob’s draft in the VHLM was not until a couple of weeks, he decided to join the Marauders for the remainder of the season. Miami was in a race for the last four places in the playoffs with five other teams and with a strong end of the season, they finished fifth in the standings, and they faced the Mexico City Kings in the first round. The transition from the junior to the VHLM was harder than Bobby could have think, but he readjusted quickly and started to play like he was capable of. Bob finished the regular season with 1 goal and 9 assists for a total of 10 points in 16 games. In addition, in only 16 games, Bobby Bob had 42 hits and 44 shots blocked. There was a big difference between the four best teams who made the playoffs and the other four. Indeed, there were 19 points between the fourth and the fifth place and only 4 points between the fifth and the eighth place. When the series started, Mexico City was by far the favorite and most of the expert were predicting that Miami would be eliminated in five games of less. However, the Marauders took the series in seven games before losing to the Kings. Bobby had 4 assists and finished the series with a differential of +4. He added 19 hits and 11 shots blocked. Even if the numbers are not how Bob would have liked, he showed a lot of progress and if he continues like, he could even directly play in the VHLE next season. This decision is going to be his and he still has times to make it. Some teams in the VHLM and VHLE contacted him to know what he was going to do next season and he told everyone that he needed time to think about it.
  2. Welcome everyone, Last time we spoke, Rome was up 2-1 in the semi-final of the Renaissance Cup against the Bratislava Watchmen. The Watchmen tied up the series by winning the fourth game of the series 3-2 in over time. This was however the last win of Bratislava, because the Rome Gladiators won the two next games and won the series 4-2. If we don't count the first game, all the game in this series ended by only one goal and four of them finished in overtime. In the other series, the winners of the regular season and the team with the best record in the regular season in the history of the VHLE lost to the suprising Oslo Storm 4-2. The final started just like the semi-final ended for the Rome Gladiators, with a 4-3 win in overtime, but this time, with the first goal of the series of Nicholas Blue @lidz. Rome won the next game 2-1, but lost the third one 4-3 in overtime. The series is now 2-1 for the Gladiators and they only need two wins to win the second Cup of their history. Thanks everyone, see you next week and LET'S GO Gladiators LET'S GET THAT CUP!!!!!!
  3. Welcome everyone, Before I start talking about the Rome Gladiators, I wanted to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and an early happy new year! Now, let's talk about what you are here for. The playoffs started not so long ago and the Rome Gladiators are participating to them for the first time since S82. After being 2nd the entire season, Rome dropped to 3rd place in the last two sims. It does not really impact who they will face in the first round, because the 1st team in the league plays against the 4th and the 2nd against the 3rd. Then, the Rome Gladiators are playing against the Bratislava who finished with only one more point than them. Rome lost the first game of the series 4-2, but won the second game in Bratislava in overtime 4-3 with a game winning goal of John Poremba Jr @CrlineDijohn14. The Gladiators returned to Rome and won the first game at home by the score of 3-2 and Wann Kerr @VattghernCZ scored the game winning goal in overtime. Thanks everyone, see you next week and let's go Gladiators!!!
  4. Name: Bobby Bob Height: 6’0 Weight: 190 lbs Position: Offensive Defensemen Age: 18 Birthplace: Lévis, Québec, Canada Shoots: Left Potential: Elite (HIGH) Drafted: •VHLM – not drafted (signed with the Miami Marauders) •VHLE – not drafted •VHL – not drafted Bobby Bob just signed with the Miami Marauders, and he already played five games. He is still young, and he needs to adjust and improve his game, but he is showing promising things and we can already see that it is possible for him to have a brilliant career. He currently has 3 assists in 5 games and even though he is also -4, Bobby can still help the Marauders to make the playoffs and make a good run in them. Strengths: -The Vision ability: Bobby Bob has an eagle’s vision, and he can see within more than 3 kilometers. His eyes are almost like the ones of a robot. He can see so far that he can see through the players. Bobby sees everyone on the ice, and he can pass the puck to everyone. -The Lightning McQueen ability: Okay, here we go. Focus. Speed. I am speed. One winner. 42 losers. I eat losers for breakfast. Breakfast? Wait, maybe I should have had breakfast? A little breckkie could be good for me. No, no, no, stay focused. Speed! I'm faster than fast, quicker than quick! I am Lightning! Just like Flash McQueen, Bobby is always going to be the fastest player on the ice. -The Chara ability: Even if he is not the tallest or the heaviest, He definitely has one of the most powerful shots in the league and he is not afraid to use it. Indeed, all his shot are over 100mph, and he can easily make a hole in a goalie’s glove. Weaknesses: -A Big Mouth: He talks too much. Indeed, he always has something to say, and he does not have a filter. When he wants to say something, he will say it. He is not mean, but sometimes he can be a little bit rude when he talks, and it can come out in a bad way even though it was not meant to be mean in any way. -An Atomic Bomb: He farts a lot and when he does it stinks in a way that you can not even imagine. I don’t think there is anything else to say about this. Thank you all for reading and I hope this helped you choose whether or not you wanted to draft Bobby Bob. Honorable mention to @DarkSpyro, because I really like your prospect scouting report 417 words
  5. Hello everyone, Welcome to the last chapter of Baby Bob's life story. In this life story we talked about the life of Baby, when he was young, his thoughts and his impressions before the drafts, during the seasons and during the playoffs. Baby Bob also answered to questions from the fans, from the GMs and from the leaders of the VHL, the VHLE and the VHLM. I know, I know, and I am very sorry guys. A lot happened in my life in the last couple of months and making media spot was not in my priorities. I stayed active in the VHL and with Baby Bob, but I lowered my earnings. However, we are not here to talk about me, but we are here to talk about the incredible career of Baby Bob. S77 Everything started in S77, when Baby Bob first joined the league and joined the Mexico City Kings. The Kings were not a really good team, and they did not make the playoffs, so Baby only played two games with them, but did not get any point. However, he still got a shot and finished the two games with a differential of +1. S78 After the playoffs ended and the winners were determined, it was now draft time. Indeed, it was time for Baby Bob’s first draft ever in the league. As his draft, Baby did not know what to expected and where he would get drafted. Bob joined the league a little late, so the teams did not know his potential, so therefore he only got drafted in the third round, 28th overall by the Mississauga Hounds. In S78, when he joined the team, the Hounds were entering a rebuild and the expectation were vey low. Indeed, Mississauga finished with only 15 wins and third last in the league. Baby Bob still scored 32 goals and added 43 assists for a total of 75 points in his first full season. He shot 322 pucks on the net this season and he had a differential plus/minus of -72. You can explain this atrocious differential with a lot of reasons, but mainly because the team in general was really bad and because he was still a young naïve little boy. VHL draft At the beginning of S79 was Baby Bob’s first VHL draft and it was time for him to get drafted in the big league. Again, Baby did not know what to expect, but he was ranked in the top 10 on the prospects ranking list and his chance of being drafted in the 10 first picks were pretty high. Baby Bob was finally drafted 9th overall by the Prague Phantoms and right after the draft he also signed his first professional contract. The contract was 3,000,000$ in S79, 1,500,000$ in S80 and 2,500,000$ in S81. S79 S79 was a completely different story. Indeed, the Mississauga Hounds had a lot of draft picks in this draft, and the management team did a really good job drafting the players. The Hounds finished the S79 alone in first place with 11 points more than the team in second place. When you look at Baby Bob’s stats, you can clearly see that he improved his game during the off-season. Indeed, Baby finished the season with 30 goals and 67 assists for a total of 97 points in 72 games. The number of points he scored is really impressive, but what is really impressive is how he improved his defensive side of the game. He went from a differential of -72 to a +56 one. In the playoffs, the Mississauga Hounds won their first series against the San Diego Marlins 4-1 and their second against the Mexico City Kings 4-3. It was now time for the final of the Founder’s Cup between the Miami Marauders and the Mississauga Hounds. The series was not long and in only five little games the Marauders upset the Prime Minister’s Cup champion to take home the Founder’s Cup. Even though Baby Bob did not win the Cup, he had pretty good series scoring 8 goals and adding 12 assists in 17 games. The loss in the fifth game of the Founder’s Cup final against the Miami Marauders was at the same thing ending Baby’s VHLM career. In 146 games, he scored 62 goals and a total of 172 points. These stats are allowing him to be in the Mississauga’s record book. In fact, he is currently 6th in the number of assists and points in all the history of the Mississauga Hounds. S80 S80 was an historical season in the history of the VHL and Baby Bob was part of it. In S80, it was the birth of the VHLE, and Baby Bob took part in the first ever VHLE entry draft. Baby really improved his game in the S79 and the off-season of S80, so he was almost ready to make the jump and play in the VHL in S80, but he did not make his decision before the draft, so the VHLE’s team did not know if it was a good idea to draft him. Therefore, Baby Bob only got drafted in the third round, 17th overall by the Rome Gladiators. When the season started, no one knew what to expect and which team would be good and which team would be bad. The Rome Gladiators finished second in the standings with 36 wins, 28 losses and 8 overtime losses for a total of 80 points in 72 games. Baby Bob had an incredible season in this first one. He scored 46 goals and 104 points in the first VHLE season. These incredible stats helped him finish 5th in the number of points in the entire league and 3rd in the number of goals. The Rome Gladiators made the playoffs, and they made it to the final by defeating the Bratislava Watchmen in four little games. They faced in the Vasteras Iron Eagles in the final and after taking the lead 3-1 in the series, the Gladiators saw the Iron Eagles come back in the series and win it 4-3 and take home the first ever Renaissance Cup. The lost in the final marked the end of the short, but successful career of Baby in the VHLE. This lost meant that Baby Bob just lost his second final in a row against the underdog team. S81 After two full seasons in the VHLM and one full season in the VHLE, it was time for Baby Bob to make his debut in the VHL with the Prague Phantoms. In S80, the Phantoms finished 5th in their Conference and won the wild card game 3-2 against HC Davos but lost in four to Moscow. In S81, in Bob’s rookie season, the objectives were the same, making the playoffs and going as far as possible. Prague finished the season in 3rd place in the European Conference with 43 wins and 88 points in 72 games. During his rookie season, Baby Bob scored 33 goals, 59 assists and 92 points in 72 games and that makes him the 10th player with the most point in his rookie season and the 9th with the most assists in all the history of the VHL. Even though, with the arrival of the VHLE the players are coming in the VHL a little bit later, so they are better and more prepared to play with and against the biggest star of the league, these records are still very impressive. Again, in the playoffs, the Prague Phantoms faced the Moscow Menace in the first round and this time they lost in five games. In five games, Baby Bob only scored a goal and finished -4. S82 and S83 In the end of the S81, Baby Bob signed an extension contract with the Prague Phantoms of 3,500,000$ and 5,000,000$ for the seasons S82 and S83. S82 and S83 were pretty similar seasons, Baby scored 38 and 39 goals and did 96 and 83 points. Prague finished second and fourth in their division with each time 95 points. They both time ended up losing in the first round again and Baby Bob finished the playoffs with 5 points in 5 games in S82 and 11 points in 10 games in S83 and each time with a differential of 0. In the middle of the last season of his contract, the management team of the Phantoms offered him a contract, but the team was starting to be old, and Bob did not want to be part of a rebuild, so he agreed to a one-year contract for the maximum amount of 5,500,000$. However, during the following off-season, the direction decided to take another turn and to enter a rebuild, so they decided in a common agreement to trade Baby Bob. So, in three seasons with the Prague Phantoms, Baby Bob scored 110 goals, added 161 assists for a total of 271 points in 216 games and an incredible cumulative differential of +120. S84 and S85 The only condition of Baby Bob was that, if possible, the Phantoms could trade him to a contender. They finally traded him to the Chicago Phoenix for the CHI 1st in S85. Fun fact, in the following days, Chicago and Prague did trade two more times. After, a couple of seasons of misery, Chicago was finally ready to compete and go for the Cup. It was a new beginning with a new team for Baby Bob and he wanted to impress the fans and the team management, and he did just that. Indeed, he beat his personal record of goals (49) and points (100) and he was even named on the second team of the season. However, the team made the playoffs, but they were not much different than the ones with Prague, because Chicago also lost in the first round and Baby Bob had 8 points in 7 games. Even after the poor performance of the team in the playoffs, Baby Bob saw the potential of the team and decided to extend his contract with Chicago for two more seasons at 5,500,000$ per season. As much as the first season with the Phoenix was incredible, the second was disastrous. Baby Bob only had 71 points in 72 games, his first season without a point per game, and the Chicago Phoenix finished in 5th place of their Conference. The playoffs were a little different because Baby Bob passed the first round for the first time in his career, but the Phoenix still lost in the second round. S86 Baby Bob is currently playing his ninth season in the league and during the off-season he had a big talk about his future in the VHL with his wife and his family. Yesterday, he finally made a press conference, and he announced that S86 would be his last season. As of now, Baby scored 46 goals and added 52 assists 98 points in 56 games. He his only at two points of his personal record and he still has 16 games to play and if he continues like that, he is on pace to score 59 goals and 126 points. He is currently leading the league in goals, in points and he is 8th in assists and 4th in the plus/minus category (+37). Baby is doing incredible, but we know that the regular season never was the difficult part for him. Indeed, is Baby Bob going to be able to lead his team to the promised land? Baby Bob also never won a trophy, is it the year where he takes home everything and finish his career with the best season he ever had? And finally, is the career he had enough to earn a place in the hall of fame of the league or maybe in the best player the league has seen? Finally, this is Baby Boomer talking, I wanted to thank everyone who makes this league possible, because I really enjoy it and I hope it will never die. Now that Baby Bob is retired, it is time for his brother, Bobby Bob the 6’0” offensive defensemen, to show what he his capable of. Thank you for reading and Viva Bobby Bob! 2020 words (my longest media spot ever)
  6. Chicago players leading in goals, assists, points and points by a defensemen!!!
  7. Welcome everyone, Today at 3pm EST was the trade deadline in the VHLE and a couple of teams made trade, but not the Rome Gladiators. Indeed, the management team is confident with the current team and decided to keep the team just like it is. The Rome Gladiators are currently second in the league with a record of 33 wins, 17 losses and 8 overtime losses for a total of 74 points in 58 games. The Gladiators are way behind the Cologne Express and I don't think that they will succeed to reach them in the standings, but we have to look behind a little bit, because a couple of teams are following them closely. The Istanbul Red Wolves are only 5 points behind Rome, The Oslo Strom 7 points behind and the Bratislava Watchmen 10 points. The end of the season is going to be a really excting one to follow and every game will be important. The playoffs are coming soon and we all know that in the playoffs everything is possible. Thanks everyone, see you next week and let's go Gladiators!!!
  8. Robert Bob is Baby Bob's son and Bobby Bob's nephew. I don't know if he will make the VHL one day, but when you have a VHL's legend as your father and a rising star as your uncle, everything is possible.
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