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Posts posted by Thunfish

  1. 48 minutes ago, Beketov said:

    I may or may not have just switched over to dark mode to see if one was hiding in the white BG of the forum, waving off the end of the hockey stick.

    I kinda contemplated getting the French Republic flag waving somewhere but decided it'd make things a bit too complicated for a logo, I guess. Can't come to call 'em cowards after so many years with Le Chic, hahah

  2. The weather poured at Mexico City as the young Sunrise dashed through the streets to arrive in time for training.

    Like his teammates, Sunrise seemed to be a slow developer himself, his skills still somewhat rough.

    Unlike others, however, he had to deal with school still, and often had to juggle between the two.


    Stonebridge: Sunrise. Arrived late again, eh?


    The Dutch boy sighed, realizing he had been caught by the team's current best player late.


    For the second week in a row.


    Stonebridge: You know the boss isn't going to like that, right?

    Sunrise: Yeah, it's understandable. I don't know how you all manage this life. Makes me miss the farm life.

    Stonebridge: Was it that good for you to be missing it? Doesn't seem all that good to be moaning about.

    Sunrise: It was far easier. Wake up at 5, take the early bus to Middelburg for school with the other twenty kids, attend class, have lunch downtown, take the first bus back home, help in the farm, study, have dinner, go to bed. Wasn't always in that order, but it was usually like that. I want to play hockey for a living but as you can imagine, the jump between living in my own little

    piece of nowhere to this is a bit overwhelming. Well. That and not having to speak in Spanish, that language is crazy tough.


    A staff member that worked as a translator perked his head from another room.


    Staff: It's not bad, amigo! It's better than those shots you missed the other day.

    Sunrise: Well, I got six assists, did I not?

    Stonebridge: Assists aren't goals.

    Sunrise: Well, they lead to goals, don't they? Any goal's a goal.

    Staff: I don't know if you said what you meant to say. Also, the boss wants to speak with you.


    Sunrise's face went green, the realization that he would probably get another earful hit him like a sack of bricks.


    Sunrise: Yeah, uh... I'll see you all later.


    He said, waving as he tried to flee through a window. Not too long later, they could see him being dragged to the main office by a hulking man, both being wet from the rain outside.


    Sunrise: You lot better not say a bloody thing!


    Hours later, Sunrise was stuck trying to shoot a massive pile of shots at an open net, grumbling in Dutch.

    Eventually, he saw the staff member on the corner of his eye earlier, watching him.


    Sunrise: Hey, what's the issue?

    Staff: Nothing big. Just thought you'd want some help with Spanish after this.

    Sunrise: I could use the help, yeah. I have an exam in a couple of weeks and I can't figure heads or butts from your language, no offense.

    Staff: It's understandable. The gap between English - or rather, Dutch - to Spanish is too large to be comfortable.

    Sunrise: Yeah, that I can tell.

    Staff: Which is why I'm going to have you befriend my kids.


    The Dutch found himself stopping suddenly.


    Sunrise: Say what?

  3. On 5/31/2021 at 5:10 PM, Baby Boomer said:


    Wow ahah, i was not expecting that when i first started to read the article. It is really good and i like the story a lot, but it is not much VHL related. Honestly, i think this is the only negative point. Although, i am pretty sure there will be a following part that will more talk about the VHL.

    Aye, that's my intention. Kinda messed up on not featuring the league more often, true that.

  4. 1. Who is our team's MVP so far this season?

    Stonebridge, the other guys are pretty much correct about it, y'know.

    2. If you could pick an ideal time for sims to be posted each and every day, what time would it be?

    Eh, I'm not selfish about that kinda stuff. Just go with whatever is more accessible for everyone else, tbh. I'm a UTC -3 person myself.

    3. What do you think the trade deadline will look like for us?

    Eh, I dunno. D'you have some plans in mind?

    4. What is the best part of having Advantage as a GM?

    Dude cares for us all a lot. Even me, with my head flying abroad.

    5. Who do you sit next to in the locker room? What is it like to sit with them?

    Eh, they put me in a corner alone after I forgot to answer last week's press conference.

    6. The VHLE staff gives you permission to name one of the league's new teams however you'd like. What do you name your VHLE team? (Keep in mind, the city must be European)

    The Schubbekuteveen Farmers Nah, I jest. Thun Lakers (based out of Thun, Switzerland).

  5. I think it looks amazing, to be quite honest with you. The drawing has a quality edge that I think makes the logo stronger by default and it could definitively work as is. My only real complaint is the name per se. Singular nouns can work if they represent a feeling or an abstract concept, like the Trance, the Rave or the Euphoria. In this case, I'd recommend changing the name to plural (Foxes) or using the local word for Fox instead (Berlin Fuchs/der Fuchs von Berlin; Volpe di Roma).


    I'd grade it an 8 out of 10 as is. Changing the name would make this a certified banger.

  6. For once, Sunrise was enjoying an actual calm night in Mexico City. In spite of his status as what was essentially a teenager living abroad under his father's wages, the boy had gotten himself somewhat acquainted to the City of Palaces. Unfortunately for him, someone else wasn't particularly acquainted to their new status.


    His phone rang loud, not helped by the relative silence around the boy in a dark room, the only lights coming from a Sony PlayStation and a TV set he got his hands on. A couple of presses on the screen amidst the sounds of what he had set as his ringtone, the early bits of End of E102, to find a picture of his father. It was from a farming fair, from the time his dad decided that what was best for their little town was to grow a ridiculously large pumpkin. He shrugged, taking in the call.


    Sunrise: Hey, dad. What's going on?

    Papa: How many times have I told you to call me papa, Sunrise?

    Sunrise: Well... plenty of times, yeah. I'm sorry, I was focused on something else.

    Papa: Ah-ha. I see. I imagine you're working hard on getting the name of our little village into the minds of the entire world, yes?


    The boy stared at his screen, frozen on pause. Forest Law's fist moving upwards as the large beast known as True Ogre started to fly upwards from the hit. He let out a little chuckle, focusing back on his father.


    Sunrise: Yeah... uh... planning phase, yes.

    Papa: That's very good to know, son. Remember that you're our only hope, the one we're gambling on.

    Sunrise: I hope not literally this time, dad. I mean, papa.

    Papa: Oh, come now, when has your papa ever made a poor bet?

    Sunrise: Didn't you literally bet a tractor over whether it'd rain with uncle Edwin the other month?

    Papa: That's not fair, he had the inside scoop.

    Sunrise: Looking up the weather forecast isn't an inside scoop, papa. It's what you're supposed to do as a farmer.

    Papa: A noble farmer, I'll have you know!

    Sunrise: Fine, papa. Did you just want to hear my voice or is there anything you need from me?

    Papa: Actually, you're correct, I do need something from you.

    Sunrise: Alright, then. What is it?

    Papa: The phone number for the VHL's offices.

    Sunrise: Well, that should be easy enough and... Wait, why?

    Papa: I heard about their European ambitions and I want to secure a team to our lovely Schubbekuteveen.


    Sunrise blinked, remaining in silence for a second or two.


    Papa: I fail to hear the number I requested, son.

    Sunrise: Look, dad...

    Papa: I told you to call me Papa!

    Sunrise: Uh... OK, papa. First of all, I don't think I have their number. You're better off sending them an e-mail.

    Papa: Hm. E-mails. My one weakness. Then again, I imagine your sister can help me with that.

    Sunrise: Yeah, I guess she could. Also, I don't think our village is in their-


    The phone turned off. Sunrise sighed. His father was probably gonna go and get him embarrassed again.

  7. The SHL had a little 701 added to their banner back when the news broke and a memorial also.


    As for the options, as someone with no nostalgia for any of them, I think you could definitively go with Stockholm, Bratislava and Cologne - although I'd recommend giving all three a new coat of paint at least. That said, I'd also recommend teams in France (Paris), Switzerland (Thun, Bern, Basel) and the Netherlands (Amsterdam, Eindhoven, Rotterdam).


    You could also do well with Monaco, it's not exactly a location often used and it'd be a pretty good canonical shot.

  8. MIDDELBURG, ZEELAND, THE NETHERLANDS - Schubbekuteveen is a tiny little village in Zeeland, deep into the Dutch backcountry. It's fine if you, the reader of this article, has never ever heard of it - it's hard to even find it on a map. Google didn't bother sending anyone to scout the village and place it in their maps. It helps that the village itself was also overlooked by history itself, having essentially been a mix of dormitory town and family farm of its' local clan, the (understandably named) van de Schubbekuteveen family - so it's not much of a surprise that the village failed to make much of an impact into Dutch society, let alone the history of the world as a whole.


    Yet, one of its' sons plans to embark on a journey for fame and fortune. Son of the town's currently elected mayor - a man that likes to be called by the nickname "Papa Duke" - the sixteen-year-old Sunrise van de Schubbekuteveen found himself as one of the options that teams on the VHLM were able to pick on the draft. Selected at Round 4, Pick 39; the teenager now finds himself gearing up for the trip to Mexico, the start of his hockey career. The tone in his hometown was of excitement at the day of the draft, even if the family had to stay up late to finally see their child being picked. "We thought he wouldn't be picked at all, in all fairness," stated Sunrise's father, "then again, we should've known better than to try and stay up for the whole draft." His cousins described the experience of seeing their name on an international event as something fascinating but admitted they weren't unsure on whether or not the boy would be able to stand the pressure; something that his father quickly waved off. "We trust him as our representative to the world as a whole. The name of Schubbekuteveen will be known in all corners of the globe, I'm sure of it," he insisted before completing with a rather bored "and I'm sure he'll be good at this hockey thing, surely."


    His family also built up a reasonable estimative of where the young Dutchman would rank as a prospect in the sport. "He's pretty nice," says classmate Vera, "real smart too. Polite as f###." Other relatives, including his mother, also made a point of defending his character and noting his love for the sport. Sunrise himself, however, seemed more realistic about the subject. "I'm looking forward to my trip to Mexico but I know it's going to be a journey with a lot of hard work," he stated, sounding a bit drowsy from the fact the interview was made not too many hours after the draft and it's likely he had no sleep from it. "Starting at such a young age like I'm doing is a bit of a challenge but I believe I've put up a respectable profile on my rookie tapes... well, as much as a tape of me playing with a cabbage on a grassy pitch could, I guess," he stated before shrugging, "we somehow don't get snow over here."


    When asked about whether the language barrier would be an issue, he simply shrugged. "English, Dutch, Spanish... none are particularly hard to learn if you put enough into it." He smiled after saying that, completing with a "Perhaps, that's the same with hockey as well, you never know."

  9. Just saying, if anyone wants to do a Thun Lakers team (out of Thun or Thoune, Switzerland), I got a logo ready on my folder that I'm totally fine with people using for free.


    Yeah, I'm aware you lot already have teams in mind but that logo is just dying to get used in a proper fashion by any league, it'd be an honour and a half.

  10. 1. Thoughts on the team going into the season?

    The first season is always rougher than the rest, if you ask me. That said, I'd say the team is looking as good as the others, I'm sure we'll put up a fight. A good fight.

    2. What kind of goals have you set out for this year?

    Surviving would be grand, I think.

    3. What are your expectations for yourself in your career?

    I wish to be known for my good behavior and perhaps, if the heavens allow me to, a trophy win at some point.

    4. Who will be our biggest rival this season?

    I don't discriminate rivals, think it's not nice.

    5. Who should be team captain?

    I say we draw lots, which is the nicest way to do so.

    6. Is everything going okay mentally from the pandemic?

    Perfectly fine, honestly. I was a tad gutted over university matters but I'm fine enough now that I'm getting things going.

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