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Daniel Janser

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Everything posted by Daniel Janser

  1. That is the English way to pronounce the Spanish 'J' (like in 'Huan' and 'San Hosé'
  2. way to doxx your spouse, Triller smh. but amazing GFX work as always...
  3. He will bitch slap you into the middle of next week if he sees that @FrostBeard
  4. This why I am always a bit uneasy when we go to Denmark or the Netherlands (countries are flat as a pancake)... I grew up surrounded by mountains and I miss them when in areas where there are none to speak of.
  5. Well deserved Jersey retirement. Molly the Cat lead a somewhat despised (or ridiculed) franchise to a Continental Cup win (and a final), setting various franchise records doing so. Chapeau @JCarson
  6. Hey Phil. Fam and I went to EuropaPark (one of the bigger entertainment parks in Europe) as we won the tix in a lottery. It was pre-pre-opening so only 25,000 people were admitted (and all of them always were on the same ride as us ) It was fun but also exhausting at springy temperatures of around 15 centigrade (60F for imperialists)... no booze involved, as 1. I am not a big drinker to start with and 2. it is still lent.
  7. 1. The begin of a new season is here. What are the goals for your player? 2. What did your player pass his off-season with? 3. If you are participating in the VHFL, what positions do you tend to pick first and why? If you are not, what would your draft strategy be if you were? 4. Has our resident methusalem Phil Strasmore a shot at the HOF? Or is he more of a candidate for Gustav's 'Hall of not bad'? Elaborate your judgement. 5. I have been on Amusement Park over the weekend. What kind of ride do you like most? 6. What is your favourite amusement park food and why?
  8. After the military service, the World Cup and a sweep defeat with the Birmingham Dragons against the Winnipeg Royals, his dad's team in the ProAm, Callum is heading home. He wonders whether Rin is already back in NYC. Well, he did not have to wait long, for that question to be answered. As soon as he landed at JFK and switched his phone back on he got a text from his roomie. 'Landing at JFK, 1230hrs. Can you pick me up?'. The Swiss immediately went to the next car rental and got a car for the day, as he had only 30 minutes left, until the 'Nagasaki Nightingale' landed. So he threw his belongings into the boot, texted the Japanese defender that he will pick her up and got back to the arrival terminal to do so. It took quite some time until the minuscule back showed up and Janser immediately understood what the issue was. 'Beast' left New York with one piece of carry-on and one medium sized checking luggage. She arrived in the Big Apple with two extra duffel bags, which looked pretty heavy. Callum relieved Rin from the luggage, carrying as if it weighed nothing. 'Did you buy a samurai kit while you were in Japan?'. 'No, most of it are the Manga's you have asked for. And then some clothing my family insisted I take with me. I could at least talk them out of cooking for me for the next few weeks. They still think there is no decent food in the US.' 'They do not know about Myoko-san's Japanese Restaurant in Soho then?' 'They think I invented him so they do not worry about my well being.' 'You should bring them over once. So I can meet them. You told me so much about your family, I would really like to get to know them in person.' 'Funny you should say that. My dad mentioned that him and mother would come over during the coming season.' 'Wow, that is awesome. It is their first time in the US, innit?' 'Yes, it is. But still some time till then.' While talking the 'Beauty and the Beast' have arrived at the car, and CGY dropped the luggage in the boot, while Rin sat on the passenger seat. And so Cal drove Rin and himself home to Mulberry Street to their appartement.
  9. so it is a Morevaldsson then?
  10. I feel slightly cheated... as an avid bird watcher I came for the tits, but none to be found...
  11. graphic courtesy by Leandrofg (stats for Janser, stats for Kagamine) Dick Hammer was able to get a hold of the very busy, Americans alternate captain to get some statements from the young Swiss. DH: 'Hi Callum, thanks for agreeing to talk to us.' CGY: 'Anytime, Dick.' DH: 'Let's start with the elephant in the room. Team Western Europe did not do so well in the WC. Are you disappointed?' CGY: 'I mean nobody likes losing. Alas, we were a relatively young team and had to face the best the VHL has to offer. We gave our best, which in this case was not good enough. We paid a tuition fee so to speak to get better for the next time around in two years' time.' DH: 'At the moment you are still involved in the ProAm tournament with the Birmingham Dragons, who are second in the standing. You are sporting a 'bad boy' image there, contending for the undisputed heavyweight championship and collect a lot of penalties. Your closest adversary for the meanest SOB is Fradin 'Lumberjack' McGryer. Any words for that?' CGY: 'It is all in good fun. We all know that we earn our pay playing hockey and nobody gets hurt. It is a fun tournament, after all.' DH: 'How does it feel to defend against your HOF dad? Do you have an advantage as you know him?' CGY: 'I wish. The dude has still some aces up his sleeves. Maybe players who played against him back in the days have a better chance to stop him than me. I may also be tied back subconsciously, as I was raised to respect my elders.' DH: 'Speaking of which. How was your upbringing in a VHL-Superstar household?' CGY: 'To be honest, I did not realize that dad was such a big number. I just attributed it as part of being in a very successful team. And the other team members and the brass of Calgary were more like family than working colleague. That was just the way the Wranglers ticked and still tick to this day. Padrino Gonzo took over the reins from Kris and he strives to have the same family vibe in the organisation as his predecessor.' DH: 'Have you followed Rice's moves since he stepped down as GM of the Wranglers?' CGY: 'Of course. I consider him family. I was winding him up when he returned to Miami where his GM career started. Asked him whether he gave up on hockey and retired to play more golf.' DH: 'How was it growing up a millionaire's son?' CGY: 'Well, my parents did not go crazy on the spending. You see, if you take the stereotypical Swiss and the stereotypical Scot, you get the probably most tightfisted person on the planet.' He laughs. 'To be fair, they never penny pinched on anything related to education. But if I wanted a new bicycle, I only got it for birthdays or Christmas. Or when I was a teenager, I could do the odd job during the summer holidays to contribute to acquisitions not considered vital by my parents.' DH: 'So you were a blue collared son of a millionaire?' CGY: 'You could say that. My parents taught me discipline and a good work ethic amongst many other things. They showed me, that nothing comes for free and that one has to work to get what they want. As I said, I did not struggle for tuition fees. But if I wanted to go clubbing or partying during my time at uni, I had to finance that myself. It made me appreciate money and how long the majority of people need to work to be able to afford stuff.' DH: 'Switching from the past to the future. How do you see the Americans faring in the coming season.' CGY: 'Due to Mr Wong's activity in the offseason, we were able to replace retired Ducky with Jeb, without trading away too much of our future. And with our prospects Gretzky and Reynolds, we should be able to replace Vinny and Freddy, who are in the autumn of their career. I think we should be in contention for a playoff spot. After that, anything can happen.' DH: 'Okay that's it for me. Thanks for your time.' CGY: 'Fuggedabowdit.' CGY's stats for the Western Europe in the WC read as follows: Round Robin: 10gp, 1g, 5a, 6pts, +1, 22 PIM, 23 hits, 17sb, no fights Quarter Final: 1gp, 0g, 0a, 0pt, -2, 2 PIM, 3 hits, 1sb, no fights And here the statline so far for the ProAm: 40gp, 5g, 30a, 35pts, +5, 89 PIM, 85 hits, 87sb, 5ppg, 1 gwg, 1 First Star nomination, 3-0-3 Fighting record (W/L/T) Stay tuned for further updates. https://vhlforum.com/topic/144188-the-cgy-janser-story-part-xv-first-games-as-a-murican/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/144581-the-cgy-janser-story-part-xvi-one-third-in/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/145143-the-cgy-janser-story-part-xvii-a-seasons-review/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/145455-the-cgy-janser-story-part-xix-a-rookie-season-interview/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/145648-the-cgy-janser-story-part-xx-he-is-in-the-army-now/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/146035-the-cgy-janser-story-part-xxi-a-busy-offseason/ 779 words
  12. and none of them thumbs
  13. or maybe the additional A's on your Jersey come from ItAliA
  14. CGY Janser almost did it, came second in the VHLM draft behind the 'Muscles from Brussels' Didier Verhault @FTK.
  15. It is and it isn't... back in S86, I had two number one goalies in the now defunct Istanbul Red Wolves. It is a luxury problem to have a 1a and a 1b netminder. Because no matter what you do, a nominal starting goaltender does not get the starts he/she deserves. If I recall correctly, around the TDL, I shipped the less performing goalie to another team in dire need of a decent goalkeeper. Rask/Bezos were the goalies in question.
  16. you know in German we call incapable/incompetent people 'a bottle'... For example: 'What is the net worth of Bayern Munich's team this season?' Reply: 'It is exactly EUR 2,75.' 'Why?' 'Because that is the deposit for 11 bottles.' not saying that is Soju's fate, I just had a chuckle when I saw the graphic.
  17. Permanently, judging by his prospect scouting records and his physique. WB Tet.
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