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Daniel Janser

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Everything posted by Daniel Janser

  1. 1. We are making moves for the coming season and the inevitable rebuild. What is a FA you would love to see in a CGY dress and why? 2. Our first line center Randy Bobandy has been moved for picks, what are your thoughts on that? 3. Miner vHLer has been called up from the VHLE. What do you wish to say to our new (and old) team mate? 4. What is your advice to Nikita Yolishev, our only draftee this offseason? 5. What is your favourite song and why? 6. Which is your preferred season and why?
  2. Rafter is in the JST? He must be a hundred by now...
  3. Geez Bana, oldest trick in the book. It is invisible ink. Hold your monitor close to a candle and the writing will appear like magick.
  4. You are mistaken. Allegedly everyone else does not know how to drive
  5. Is this why you only eat hot dogs at home? That makes complete sense now...
  6. Callum drives in vintage Landrover down the coastal road from Kilmarnock to Ayr. He needs to pay attention to stay on the right side of the road, which in Britain is of course the left one. He is going to visit his maternal grandfather Adam, as well as his uncles Angus, Fergus and Callum (after which he was named). And maybe, but only maybe, he is hoping to meet Eilidh one of his many cousins. He knows her since he could walk and spent many a summer playing hide and seek with her on the Ferguson family estate. He has not seen her in a while, as he was busy with the army, studies and being a professional hockey player. When he rolls up on his granda's driveway, he is first greeted by Duncan, a fearsome Irish Wolfhound, who is given free roam of the castle, so to speak. Luckily for Cal, the trusty protector recognizes him and greets him with a thorough wash of his face. The Swiss giant laughs and pushes the affectionate dog away. 'Is someone home, Duncan?', he asks. 'Just, lil' ol' me', he hears a semi-familiar voice. 'Is this you, Eilidh? You have grown a lot since I last saw you.' 'Aye, I got tits now.' Callum blushes and retorts: 'That is not what I meant.' 'I am just winding you up, you big oaf. Welcome home. Adam is in town for some paperwork, and the 'Tightfisted Three' are in Paisley, getting their threadbare kilts replaced.' 'I almost forgot that we call my uncles that name. It must almost kill them to spend a few pounds to be presentable for the next Highland games.' 'Aye, they were not happy fellows. Come in already. You care for a drink?' 'Yeah, I could drink some Whiskey, Eilidh. And you will join me and bring me up to speed what is going on in your life.' 'Aye, I will and you will tell me your tale as well.' 'That sounds fair. It is really good to see you again, cousin.' 300+ words, claiming 1/5 uncapped only.
  7. graphic courtesy by Leandrofg (stats for Janser, stats for Kagamine) It is the time of the year again. The offseason, dreaded by most avid hockey fans, but a welcome downtime for managers to execute trades and planning the draft strategy, undisturbed by the buzz of the regular season or even the playoffs. Father and son have enlisted again for the storied ProAm Tournament and were drafted together with back-to-back picks into the Halifax Herefords. Outside of the retired Calgary veteran and his filius, GM Juan Ceson (a Vegas legend), assembled the following roster: Bollos de Trueno, a redeemed Mexican cartel member and gang banger (if rumours about this talented player's past can be believed). The six foot three, 213 pound defender had a respectable season in Saskatoon and is looking to get drafted into the VHL as well as the VHLE. Whoever secures the rights on this thundering back, will get a hardworking blue liner. Lucy Leitner, cousin/twin sister of Halifax' GM Lexie Leitner (that family tree must be interesting and leads us to believe that the Leitner's hail from a rather rural and depopulated area). The minuscule and rather petite defender has proven her worth in the VHLM as well as the VHLE for Houston and Vasteras respectively. She is looking forward to make her debut for Riga's newly appointed GM, Red Panda. Kimi Räikkönen, F1-pilot turned hockey player. Apparently, attending EVZ games in Zug has inspired the former Formula One Champion to start a second career, as basking in the Swiss sun was just to boring for the Iceman. After stints in Bratislava and Houston, the left winger plays a depth role for Riga and is aspiring to be a very solid two-way forward. Mikko Borisyuk, the Guatmalan Center has debuted for the Wolves in the VHL this past season, after spending three years with the Watchmen and two years in the VHLM, split between Mexico City and Halifax. He was a decent scorer in the minors, but sofar struggled with the more talented opposition in the VHL. A bottom six player who can be trusted to hold down the fort in the PK. Annie Oaks, a right wing from Sheffield in the UK started her career in the minors with a bang, scoring well above a point per game in her debuting season in the VHLM. Alas, the VHLE was not nice to her. This never hindered the hard working player to give her all and she is chomping on the bit to get her VHL career started in the coming season. Chris Reynolds Jr, a lanky pivot from the US is getting his fine tuning in the VHLE and will then join CGY Janser in the Americans. His development in the E will determine what role he can play in the ambitious New York outfit. Jack Dickins, will earn his pay in Oslo in the coming season and hone his skills for his VHL franchise the Prague Phantoms. The towering Canadian's preferred position is on the right wing. Elf shoes, is an American born left winger, who could get a whiff of the VHL, playing 32 games for Riga, but was sent back to the minors. The reason appears to be a lack of displacement as he only weighs in at 146lbs at 6' 3''. The Reigns management allegedly suggested to spend more time in the weight room. Benjamin Abenduct, a behemoth of a defender will premier in the VHL for Moscow in the next season. Sofar he has shown a knack for scoring from the blue line and has scored above ppg pace both in the E as well as the M. Euron Leonidas has shown a talent to develop players (or find a place where they can develop) and we see no reason why Abenduct should be an exception from the rule. Last, but certainly not least, netminder Lachlan Summers. The veteran goalkeeper will go into his last season dressing for Warsaw. The Davos legend and trophy hoarder extra ordinaire is certainly a solid choice to backstop the ragtag team that is the Halifax Herefords. At the time of writing this article, the Herefords have played five games and show a 4-1-0 record. It is remarkable that CGY did not have to worry about hot water in either of the matches as he is 5/5 for game misconducts for fighting. It appears that there is some pent up frustration afoot, as the hulking Swiss has not fought a single time last season. Here are the stats for our Swiss heroes: CGY: 5gp, 5g, 13a, 18pts, +8, 124 PIM, 16 hits, 22sb, 1ppg, 1gwg 4-3-7 fighting record DJ: 5gp, 12g, 7a, 19pts, +7, 12 PIM, 16 hits, 4sb, 1shg, 1gwg, 64.77FO%, 3 first star nominations Stay tuned for more news. https://vhlforum.com/topic/146609-the-cgy-janser-story-part-xxiii-a-new-season-is-upon-us/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/146757-the-cgy-janser-story-part-xxiv-a-quarter-done/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/146863-the-cgy-janser-story-part-xxv-contender-or-pretender/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/147258-the-cgy-janser-story-part-xxvi-an-89th-interview/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/147418-the-cgy-janser-story-part-xxvii-its-a-long-way-to-the-top/
  8. Played the last few years in Fribourg in Switzerland (a bilingual canton (state/province). , with German and French being the main languages). Must feel like home for him
  9. transaction code 38F44223BM513333F 1 Mill player store Doubles week 5 uncapped TPE
  10. Yeah I have the same feeling tbh...
  11. Waiting for Frank's announcement to make Frenchman captain, followed by a trade including Frenchman to go somewhere else
  12. graphic courtesy by Leandrofg (stats for Janser, stats for Kagamine) The regular season has come to an end and the Americans made it into the post-season. That is the good news, the bad news is, that they lost the third seed they held onto for most of the season. So they need to go through the purgatory of the Wild Card series, which they lead 2-0 at the moment of writing this article. We will review the last two regular season matches. 6-5 (OT) The first game featured on this review was against the Swedish Uberteam, Malmö. The teams showed a very entertaining game, at least for the fans of highscoring hockey. Defense-afficionados were sorely disappointed. Lecavalier opened the score with the end of the first period already looming on the horizon. In the second frame, the Swedes tied the game on the power play, when Champagne got a minor for high sticking. This won't be the last time his stick was where it had no business being, but more on that later. New York then scored three consecutives markers. Jeannot, Davis and Mancini found the back of the net for their colours. But the Nighthawks put up a fight and with two back-to-back goals, they culled the lead to one goal. On the third period, Malmö equalized the score with only twenty-two seconds played. Midway through the period, Analfist reinstated the one goal league. At this point in time, Freddy was already taking a shower as he was expelled from the game for a spearing offence. Apparently he forgot for a moment what sport was being played here. With less than six minutes left in the game, the Swedish outfit evened the score again, and the teams had to go to overtime. Less than two minutes passed in same before Malmö secured the extra point. This was the Americans' eleventh OT loss in the season, which is the most league wide. A questionable record for sure. Jeannot (1g/2a), Stone (1g/2a) and Queefson (1g/1a) were awarded the tree stars of the night. 36W (.878) was considerably less awful than Sparks (.800) in Malmö's net. New York's power play was top notch (1/2) while their penalty killing was almost impeccable (7/8). Janser left the ice with 0g, 1a, +0, 6 PIM (High Sticking, Interference and Cross Checking, none of which lead to a goal against), 1 hit and 3sb Rin was credited with 0g, 0a, -1, 0 PIM, 3 hits and 1sb 1-7 The last match of the season was even more of a defensive nightmare for Vince Wong than the previous one. We are sure that he was questioning what his erstwhile rock solid back row was doing out there. The Dragons came out breathing fire and scored five unanswered goals in the first period, two of which were on the man advantage. They took it down a notch in the second, where they only scored one more on the power play and in the final period they scored their seventh of the night. Alas, the Empire State franchise manage to save at least some of its dignity and managed a consolation goal by Kagamine with five minutes left for Tucker to secure his shut out. It should marvel absolutely no-one that with Grey (2g/2a), Calaway (1g/3a) and Frenchman (1g/2a) all three of the post-game honours went to DC players. In net, it was a no-contest between 36W (.706) and Tucker (.974). New York's power play (0/5) and their offence in general was atrocious, matching the box play teams' performance (2/5). Callum was noted with 0g, 0a, -3, 2 PIM (Slashing, did not affect the score), 4 hits and 6sb Kagamine had 1g, 0a, +0, 0 PIM, 1 hit and 2sb to her name It is frustrating that the guaranteed playoff seed was given away what was arguably the worst defensive effort of a New York team, since Janser joined the roster. However, this is water under the bridge and the Americans need now to focus on the games ahead. We are certain that they prefer this collective defensive blackout to happen in the dying games of the regular season rather than the post-season. Here are the final stats for our Dynamic Duo playing for the squad out of the Big Apple. Rin: 72gp, 8g, 15a, 23pts, +10, 28 PIM, 64 hits, 111sb, 4ppg, 2gwg CGY: 72gp, 12g, 51a, 63pts, +30, 182 PIM, 225 hits, 128sb, 6ppg, 1gwg, 1 First Star nomination As a closing analysis, we can say that Janser has made progress in almost every aspect of his game. He doubled his goals, had more assists and therefore points, showed a significant improvement on the +/- rating, reduced his time riding the pine by a smidge and remained a physical player as well as a reliable shot blocker. Further and in addition, he could celebrate his 100th apple in the league. So all according to plan and there is no reason, why the management should not be happy with his development. Sadly, Rin's progress is a different story. It looks like despite undeniable talent, the Japanese defender projects at the moment to become a depth player. In fact, whereas the Swiss Giant showed improvement in most of his stats, the opposite is true for Kagamine. She scored fewer goals as well as fewer assists than last season, despite a better team offence. The +/- rating improved, but not to the same extent as Janser's. She took more penalties on top of the aforementioned. Admittedly it is still a low two-digit number we are talking about and some of it has to do with an improved physical play. Just to be clear, Rin got a gig in a storied VHL franchise, which is more than most can claim for themselves. This is certainly something to be proud of. Alas, we cannot help but feel that with a 15th overall pick, the New York management were looking more in the direction of a franchise player than a bottom four defender. Let's see whether the 'Nagasaki Nightingale' can address the issues that cripple her development and become the star player she was always meant to be. We will revert with more news in due course. In the interim, why not reading one of the below articles? https://vhlforum.com/topic/146308-the-cgy-janser-story-part-xxii-an-inter-season-interview/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/146571-vsn-presents-s93-vhl-preview/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/146609-the-cgy-janser-story-part-xxiii-a-new-season-is-upon-us/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/146757-the-cgy-janser-story-part-xxiv-a-quarter-done/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/146863-the-cgy-janser-story-part-xxv-contender-or-pretender/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/147258-the-cgy-janser-story-part-xxvi-an-89th-interview/ GM 568: Malmo Nighthawks vs. New York Americans (vhlportal.com) GM 575: New York Americans vs. D.C. Dragons (vhlportal.com) 1000+ words
  13. not more than Tampa did in their two cup runs. I think the Cap should also be applicable in the playoffs, when it really counts.
  14. reminds me of @leandrofg's work here. and there is nothing wrong with that.
  15. I swear I read Baconfield first and went full Homer-made 'mmmm a field of Bacon'...
  16. True Dat... you know I thought it was a case of 'rebranding' when entering the US. A lot of people changed their names when emigrating to the United States. 'Grünspan' became 'Greenspan', names were translated into English ('Schmid' became 'Smith') and so on to accommodate to their new home...
  17. I am sure BOOM is very interested in BUST... judging from previous interactions...
  18. I think your selling Wolanin short. Landon has proven that he is his own man, able to score in the three digit zone without DJ. I agree though that in the Mid-80's Wolanin/Janser was a deadly combination against any team.
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