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Daniel Janser

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Everything posted by Daniel Janser

  1. Yeah on a more serious note, AJW is very right imo. It is your player so it is your call. If you think you achieved everything you can and that this player has run their course, by all means retire him. If that makes you stick around for longer in the VHL, the better. If you think the next two seasons could make your player from Gustav's infamous 'Hall of not Bad' into the 'Hall of Fame', I personally think you should give your player the chance to get it. I motivated myself by looking at the Wranglers all-time leaders and set small goals to overtake the next one on the list. But as mentioned before, it is your call ultimately and I doubt that your draft stock will suffer too much.
  2. That immediately triggered Eddy Grant's 'Gimme hope Joanna' in my head and it is on a loop now, thanks for that Spartan
  3. The National Health Ministry now issued a warning to all people suffering from diabetes to attend any VHL games, as they are just containing too much sugar... Welcome to the League
  4. Whatever you do, don't forget to #blamecole afterwards...
  5. 1. We were not as consistent as one would wish, but every season one makes the playoffs is a good season. 2. I think it is not overly important if we do or don't. We need to beat them 4 times to get to the next round I do not care whether we beat them at home or away. 3. DJ is not as dominant as he used to be (and that is good) but still contributed to the teams success (and still is the best player in the league on the hash marks). Failures: I would not say failure, as it is inevitable but going to retire such a successful first attempt on a player smarts a bit. 4. Maybe Sion in Switzerland who is embedded in the Rhone valley. In NA maybe Salt Lake City (for no specific reason other than Utah not having a hockey franchise I know of). 5. What do I hold in my hand? (if you know, you know) 6. Open world games appeal to me and amongst them RDR2 is probably the best of them yet.
  7. Actually @Phil, Leandro's name is spelled 'Gonçalves'... the 'c' pronounced similarly to an 's' (but I am sure @leandrofg will disagree and can tell better)...
  8. Anytime, you have now a lot of time to read it through before you recreate
  9. I cannot say that I shared your experience, to the contrary (doesn't mean that I try to invalidate your statement, maybe I was just lucky in my GM's). Have you asked for advice? When I was GM in the M and E, I let new players know what were the most important attributes, regardless of position. And I let them build their player to their liking. It is not for me to tell them 'Your player should be this and that'. If they asked for specific advice I gave same to the best of my knowledge, but if you want to be an Enforcer, I am not going to give you a power forward build (even though brawlers seem not to have as much success if not combined with other strong attributes).
  10. But there is, and it is pinned in every lockerroom I am/was part of (admittedly only five (six with the VHL one))... Here is the link to same for the record:
  11. Let's be honest here, Cap'n Crunch was the OG 'Payne Train'. Dude literally destroyed players' carreers in a (then) legal way... Lindros and Karyia are the ones which spontaneously come to my mind.
  12. Hey number 22 belongs to your captain, you impostor.... on a more serious note, congrats to your first 30 goals season, wishing you much more of the same...
  13. wdym 'fake hockey'? glad you re-found your passion for this league and looking forward to play against or with your fake hockey player with my fake hockey player.
  14. Just shut the hood again when you are done cooking your squirrel, duh. that is what rear view mirrors are for and the funny transparent thingy at the back of your car.
  15. That I was only taught if you parallel park on an incline, to act as an additional safety net against the car rolling down hill if the hand brake fails...
  16. I would argue that cars do not fall under that category. here is my reasoning (which maybe totally wrong): the definition refers to 'vehicle that weigh... and requires more than one person to operate' Your run-of-the-mill car may be less than 5000 pounds and certainly does not need more than one person to operate. It further goes on to say: 'Cars... and other industrial vehicles that require special training or licensing to operate' this refers imo to special purpose vehicle which need in-depth training or additional licensing beyond the normal DL. maybe a tow truck or a coach something along these lines. Afaik the notion on the medication is targeted at real heavy machinery like, cranes, diggers, caterpillars, tanks, space ships and the likes , as the ordinary traffic laws strictly speaking already prohibit you to drive a car under the influence (be it legal or illegal drugs/substances).
  17. I am army damaged in this regard... they teach you to always park backwards, so in case you need to move fast, you get in the vehicle and bounce and do not have to manoeuver before you can get away
  18. Trade the picks, trust the process
  19. I started with a game called hero quest. And then my brother and I started to get into wh fantasy (I think fourth edition).
  20. It is very early morning on his very first day as a Hound. Nobody is yet in the stadium, when the Swiss defender opens his duffle bag and starts putting his equipment in his locker. Same has not a proper tag on it yet. His name and jersey number, his favourite number seven, is only written on a piece of duct tape. While he is stowing away his odd bits, he wonders, whether this locker, the one between Gonçalves' and newly arrived Holmquist's, is the same locker his dad occupied during his time with the Hounds. Or maybe uncle Marcel's? It is certainly the same lockerroom where his gramps told his padrinho Leandro that he will be traded to Mexico. Somehow, this city in Ontario, not far off to the Legion's hunting grounds, seems to attract his family. Which is a good thing, come to think of it, as he has at least a place to stay. He has spent many a long weekend in Kurt's log house at the banks of Lake Ontario. And now this is his temporary home for the remainder of the S89 season, before he knows where he will play next season. In the VHLM? In Europe? Or will it turn out that he is not cut out to be a hockey player and will take up the job he was offered by a renowned shipyard? Only time will tell. When he finished filling his locker, he heads for the door, turns around once more and whispers 'Soon'. Then he switches off the light and leaves for a warm up jog.
  21. Graphic courtesy of Leandrofg (Marcel's stats/Daniel's stats) Since last we reported from our intrepid heroes, the season was still young and the prospects for a post-season campaign looked bright for the Janser brothers. And while the chances are still intact for Prague and Calgary respectively, both franchises showed streaky performances and struggled to get more than two wins in a row. Calgary shows a 28-19-3 record and is trailing Vancouver and Seattle by seven and nine points respectively. Prague looks even bleaker being at fourth (albeit tied with Riga at three), with a 16 and 22 points deficit to Moscow and league-leading Davos respectively. However, the biggest news reached us on a press conference held in the holy halls of the Saddledome. The Wrangler management invited the crème de la crème of Calgary's and the international press for a rendez-vous, with no explanation of the reason why. The assembled press was there way before the stipulated time as only the most important of news would possible demand such an array of news outlets. The room was abuzz with rumours. Has the Calgary franchise been sold to the city of Québec? The French-speaking metropole has demanded a place at the sun since the Wolves have been moved a continent away. Is GM Ricer being relieved of his duties as the most recent results were not to the liking of the owners? Did Calgary make a splash in the trade market and acquired a franchise goalie as they did before the cup winning S87 season? When the Wranglers' brass entered the podium, the room went silent. Kris Rice stepped up to the microphone and welcomed the press to the conference. 'The management was informed of a very important decision, effective on the end of the season and we wanted to give the concerned member of our organization the opportunity to break the news personally to you. Daniel, would you please step up to the podium.' The Captain stood up, with a troubled expression on his face, holding a piece of paper in his hands, apparently he has prepared for this moment. He takes a deep breath and steels himself before he starts speaking. 'Dear friends and members of the press. I was a young winger, dressing for the Philadelphia Reapers, when the Wranglers named me as their first pick, eighth overall in the S81 draft. I was overjoyed to be chosen by such an esteemed franchise. One of the Original Eight. A franchise where a Swiss player by the name of Scott Boulet has left a mark. What better place to start an adventure in the VHL then in an organization which raised the jersey of my fellow countryman to the rafters. I was sceptical, whether I was worth the pick spent on me, but committed myself to be the best possible version of me, to justify the trust put into this young, unknown Swiss boy. It took some time to develop into a useful player on that level and it is all thanks to the people in the Calgary franchise that I am, where I am now. The fans, the team mates and last but not certainly not least Ricer believed in me, showed patience and understanding when I needed it. I gave back as good as I could and never wanted to play for a different club. Now, years later and after some succesful years, individually and as a team, I feel that I cannot contribute on the level that the Wranglers and their fanbase deserve. Father Time has caught up with me and it is with a heavy heart that I announce my retirement, effective by the end of the season. I wish to express my thanks to all my team mates past and present, the fans, the Wranglers franchise for these past years, they were good ones and I would not want to miss them for the world. And a special thanks to my family for their patience and understanding of me being a hockey player with all the sorrows which come with it. It is my turn to pay them back in equal coin. Thank you.' Janser is obviously moved and steps away from the podium. It is apparent that he is not in a mood to answer any questions at this point in time. The assembled press does collectively not pry for more information, but one by one the stand up and applaud the old great man of Swiss hockey and give him a standing ovation. We will return with more news as soon as possible. https://vhlforum.com/topic/137307-a-tale-of-two-brothers-slow-but-steady/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/137491-a-tale-of-two-brothers-34th-of-a-season-left/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/137578-is-he-selfish/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/137631-a-tale-of-two-brothers-the-leandro-defence/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/137720-a-tale-of-two-brothers-almost-half-time-22/
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