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Daniel Janser

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Everything posted by Daniel Janser

  1. Graphic courtesy of Leandrofg (Marcel's stats/Daniel's stats) Since last we reported from our intrepid heroes, the season was still young and the prospects for a post-season campaign looked bright for the Janser brothers. And while the chances are still intact for Prague and Calgary respectively, both franchises showed streaky performances and struggled to get more than two wins in a row. Calgary shows a 28-19-3 record and is trailing Vancouver and Seattle by seven and nine points respectively. Prague looks even bleaker being at fourth (albeit tied with Riga at three), with a 16 and 22 points deficit to Moscow and league-leading Davos respectively. However, the biggest news reached us on a press conference held in the holy halls of the Saddledome. The Wrangler management invited the crème de la crème of Calgary's and the international press for a rendez-vous, with no explanation of the reason why. The assembled press was there way before the stipulated time as only the most important of news would possible demand such an array of news outlets. The room was abuzz with rumours. Has the Calgary franchise been sold to the city of Québec? The French-speaking metropole has demanded a place at the sun since the Wolves have been moved a continent away. Is GM Ricer being relieved of his duties as the most recent results were not to the liking of the owners? Did Calgary make a splash in the trade market and acquired a franchise goalie as they did before the cup winning S87 season? When the Wranglers' brass entered the podium, the room went silent. Kris Rice stepped up to the microphone and welcomed the press to the conference. 'The management was informed of a very important decision, effective on the end of the season and we wanted to give the concerned member of our organization the opportunity to break the news personally to you. Daniel, would you please step up to the podium.' The Captain stood up, with a troubled expression on his face, holding a piece of paper in his hands, apparently he has prepared for this moment. He takes a deep breath and steels himself before he starts speaking. 'Dear friends and members of the press. I was a young winger, dressing for the Philadelphia Reapers, when the Wranglers named me as their first pick, eighth overall in the S81 draft. I was overjoyed to be chosen by such an esteemed franchise. One of the Original Eight. A franchise where a Swiss player by the name of Scott Boulet has left a mark. What better place to start an adventure in the VHL then in an organization which raised the jersey of my fellow countryman to the rafters. I was sceptical, whether I was worth the pick spent on me, but committed myself to be the best possible version of me, to justify the trust put into this young, unknown Swiss boy. It took some time to develop into a useful player on that level and it is all thanks to the people in the Calgary franchise that I am, where I am now. The fans, the team mates and last but not certainly not least Ricer believed in me, showed patience and understanding when I needed it. I gave back as good as I could and never wanted to play for a different club. Now, years later and after some succesful years, individually and as a team, I feel that I cannot contribute on the level that the Wranglers and their fanbase deserve. Father Time has caught up with me and it is with a heavy heart that I announce my retirement, effective by the end of the season. I wish to express my thanks to all my team mates past and present, the fans, the Wranglers franchise for these past years, they were good ones and I would not want to miss them for the world. And a special thanks to my family for their patience and understanding of me being a hockey player with all the sorrows which come with it. It is my turn to pay them back in equal coin. Thank you.' Janser is obviously moved and steps away from the podium. It is apparent that he is not in a mood to answer any questions at this point in time. The assembled press does collectively not pry for more information, but one by one the stand up and applaud the old great man of Swiss hockey and give him a standing ovation. We will return with more news as soon as possible. https://vhlforum.com/topic/137307-a-tale-of-two-brothers-slow-but-steady/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/137491-a-tale-of-two-brothers-34th-of-a-season-left/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/137578-is-he-selfish/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/137631-a-tale-of-two-brothers-the-leandro-defence/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/137720-a-tale-of-two-brothers-almost-half-time-22/
  2. I think that might have been the one issue not available in Switzerland back then...
  3. My apologies, I just thought someone is being funny in French... It did not occur to me that this is a Grail knight of Bretonnia EDIT: I even checked in German sources and could not find him since Edition 5 of the Warhammer rule book... EDIT EDIT: Ah, okay he seems to be only mentioned in Total War: Warhammer which I have not played as Bretonian (only Dwarves (sorry little people))
  4. I have not seen any (except Frosty's of course), but I am used to the German names which somewhat differ from the English ones (and WH40K I am not so familiar with)
  5. is that a 'Girls and Panzers' reference?
  6. Fair enough... Mea culpa on the distinction it looks amazing and looks like a lot of effort has been put into it. I just called it a sig as I would defo use it as such. Not as in sigs < graphics.
  7. Name: Callum Gary Yannick Janser Age: 26 Birthday: 18th March Hometown: Zug, Switzerland Shoots: Left Preferred Number: 7 Height: 6'4'' (193cm) Weight: 220lbs (100kg) Position: Defense Callum is a stay at home defender, with a pass-first mentality. He has a big frame, which is well fleshed out. He has a long reach and exceptional upper body strength. As his father before him, he is ambi-dextrous and can fish pucks from the 'off-side'. He is very solid in defence and not prone to lose his cool in hot situations, where the opposition puts up pressure on him. Atypical for European players, he loves the physical part of the game, if the need arises. There is no tall or small opponents, just opportunities to check. He has a high hockey sense and knows how to read a game and the team penned up against him. A natural leader, who does not talk the talk, but walks the walk. Like his uncle and his dad his work ethic does not leave much to be desired. Callum has proven time and again that he can rise to the occasion, be it at the highland games, in the army or while acquiring his engineering degree. He is physically and mentally resilient and not inclined to injury. The Calgary native is also quick to learn and adapts to new playing systems in a jiffy. On the flip side, his skating is rusty at best and needs some brushing up. He has no previous experience in competitive hockey games. His offensive capabilities are limited, as his shots are not accurate enough to create a lot of goals. Considering his physical abilities, the speed of his shots is nothing short of pathetic, too. CGY is relatively old for a rookie in a young man's sport and there is some risk connected to his acquisition that he will not progress fast enough to reach his peak before retirement looms on the horizon. As a summary, any team acquiring Janser will get a solid stay-at-home defender. He is teachable and may make significant progress on the areas he is still lacking. If he was a thouroughbred, one could say that his pedigree is immaculate and promises for a good career. He may well be a hybrid of his dad's talent and Marcel's defensive prowess. But he could also turn out to be a bad shot blocker with limited talent. It is a high-risk/high-reward scenario.
  8. @FrostBeard wow you are in the league for one hot minute and already have a sig...
  9. Player Name: Callum Gary Yannick Janser (no need for the full name, be creative to cut it: suggestions would be Cal-Gary or CGY Janser, Family name only is also ok but I am sure you find something less space consuming) Player Render (Faceclaim): Moritz Seider (I read that as facepalm first) Team: Mississauga Hounds Graphic Style (OPTIONAL) (any of the styles in the thread below): Watercolor pop Additional requests + questions: if possible jersey number 7, but not a deal breaker if not feasible
  10. Callum Gareth Yannick's christening. (pic courtesy of Leandrofg) A biography normally starts with the question 'Why did xyz start playing hockey?'. In Cal Gary's case, the question is 'Why the heck did it take him so long?' and we will provide the answer. Cal Gary was born on the day the Wranglers took the continental cup home after a 25 season hiatus. But not to some random dude. No, his father as well as his uncle were on the roster of the triumphant Albertan team. The former was even the captain of the Calgary franchise. His grandpa was GM of the Istanbul Red Wolves at the time. During his dad's traditional day with the Continental Cup, he was taken to church to be baptized in the symbol for reaching the highest accolade in hockey. And because Dan is a practical joker, he named his son Callum Gareth Yannick, so that his first two names could be shortened to Cal-Gary and the initials will be the trademark CGY of the Wranglers. The godfathers were Landon Wolanin and Leandro Gonçalves, household names amongst Calgary fans. This was but the first of many dad jokes to follow. With the stars being aligned in such a fashion, one would expect, that young Callum would follow suit in his family's trade. But this is not what happened. Of course growing up in Calgary, he learned to skate at an early age. He did not join a hockey team though and only played shinny with his friends. Part of him did not want to compete with his father, a certified Calgary legend and potential HOFer, and partly he did not want to get a place on the roster, just because coaches wanted to curry favour with his old man. When he was old enough to walk, his mom and dad took him to long hikes, either in the Rockies near Calgary, the Scottish Highlands or the Swiss Alps when his parents visited their respective families during the Summer holidays. This awakened his love for climbing and there is many a grey hair on Daniel's head caused by the recklessness of his youngster. Because he was born in Canada to a Swiss father and Scottish mother he holds three citizenships and learned to speak Swiss German, French, English and Scots Gaelic growing up. Bonnie, née Ferguson, made a great effort to bring the young lad in touch with Scottish traditions including, but not limited to wearing kilt, sporran and the sgian dubh and dirk. He also got fond of Haggis and loved watching his uncles participate in the Highland games and once he was old enough, he joined them. Clan Ferguson Tartan Once his dad's career was over, the family moved to Switzerland to be closer to their next-of-kin. Callum went to primary school in his kilt and was laughed at for it. But he was not discouraged and stoically kept on wearing his favourite garment. In his dad's native country, he also pursued his love for climbing and started a freeclimbing club, always looking for the next challenge. Doing so he developed remarkable grip and upperbody strength. Callum still has to find a person to beat him in thumbwrestling. Practically as collateral he became a certified mountain guide. He was also a very good scholar and went to college, where he showed particular talent in physics and math. He graduated with very high marks and applied for a spot at TTHU Hamburg to become a shipbuilding engineer. But before he could attend Uni, duty called and he was drafted into the Swiss Army. Due to his hobby he was allocated to the alpine warfare specialist troops, where he was trained to fight and survive in the Swiss Alps. He showed so much dedication, knowledge and ressourcefulness, that he was pencilled in for an officer's career. This was not his first choice initially, but during his time in the military, he got to appreciate the comraderie, the band of brothers so to speak, when a motley group of people overcome hardship together. So he agreed to prolong his time in the army and became a captain in the 'Mountain Infantry'. This was also the time, when he at long last discovered icehockey as an alternative to freeclimbing, as he could enjoy the team work of this sport. badge of the training facility for infantry officers After three years in the army, he could finally enlist to the TTHU Hamburg to became a shipbuilder. The blame for this rather eccentric career path for someone living in a land locked country is to put on Kurt Janser, who took young CGY to as many sailing trips as his parents would allow. He passed the final exams with 'summa cum laude'. Having his degree in his pocket, he than decided to go back to where his father and uncle's professional hockey career started and enlisted for the Mississauga Hounds' roster, who were in desperate need of a defender. The future will tell, whether he will be as succesful as Marcel and Dan, or whether he is too late a bloomer to show the skills it takes to reach Mount Olympus of hockey. (862 Words)
  11. Ikit Claw is a snivelling rat, who perishes as soon as Grimgor casts a sideward glance at him...
  12. Oh alright, you know I have high respect for you and would never suggest that you are doing something dodgy, I was just confused...
  13. isn't it too late for that?
  14. Grimgor is a black orc and refuses to be compared to measly greenskins (on the other hand if memory serves me right black orcs were indeed bred by chaos dwarves for menial labour)
  15. I have only good things to say about the Calgary Lockerroom and the people related to same. I am also open to new experiences, though. The name was chosen more for the sake of meme (and a genuine love for and appreciation of the Wranglers)
  16. 1. He wants to take over from Janser as the LR leader, so he emulates the work ethic of the Captain. 2. It is situational. If we need the people in the roster, take them up, if not let them mature in the E. 3. They are tanking for the S91 first round pick to get CGY Janser 4. I did not really pay attention. But I guess LA flaking seems more of a surprise to me. 5. So many... Coca Cola Frogs gives me fond memories of my childhood, so I go with these. 6. Witcher, and the Rookie as of recent.
  17. Player Information Username: Daniel Janser Player Name: Callum Gary Yannick Janser Recruited From: Returning Age: 26 Position: D Height: 76 in. Weight: 220 lbs. Birthplace: Switzerland Player Page @VHLM GM
  18. The only thing popping up with that search criteria are VHLE related pages... Turkish Grey Wolves however is a different matter. Applying your logic would mean to ban all Canadian franchises because Quebec is in Canada...
  19. I mean phonetically there is a small jump from 'commish' to 'commie' (or from 'commissioner' to 'comrade')
  20. Phil, London has just won the cup in S88... @13:30 minutes... I know Intranquillo, always see him in the Calgary all-time roster...
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