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Daniel Janser

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Everything posted by Daniel Janser

  1. Callum was digging a luau pit in his gramps' backyard when his phone rang. As he did not recognize the number he was tempted not to answer it, especially since it appeared to be a Chinese number. Finally he decided to pick it up. 'Janser', he said. The voice on the other side asked 'Do I have the honoul to speak with Callum Galy Jansel, defendel fol the Mississauga Hounds?' 'You have, mate but whatever you are selling, I ain't buying it.' He was about to hang up the phone when the other person said: 'No Mistel Jansel, you missundelstand. This is Bluce Campbell, GM of Team Asia in the WJC and we wanted to tell you that we nominated you to play fol oul team.' 'Cool,' said Callum, 'Wait, did you just say Team Asia? I thought I am only eligible for Team Canada and Team Europe.' 'Well due to some loopholes in the lules and financial backing of oul sponsols KFC, we could make it possible.' 'In that case I am yours to command. Send me the details and I will be there asap.' After discussing all the necessary details Cal-Gary thought to himself: 'I never thought I would dress for Asia on an international level.' Disclaimer: the author was not using the 'l for r' trope to mock/ridicule Asians or people with Asian background. It was simply used as an artificial mean to convey an Asian accent.
  2. Missed opportunity to exclaim 'holy ollie' when the ruckus happened.
  3. Huh never thought I would dress for asia, but I will take it. Let's go folks.
  4. 1. Unfortunately not as good ad one wished. 2. I get it why it has been done, just wished they did not pick one of the Renaissance cup winners to fold. 3. Eat responsibly and exercise enough. 4. I guess they will have a retooling season like in S83. 5. I listen sass with strass and I listen to the season review by ahma/frosty. 6. Not much at the moment. The rookie was the last one I binge watched.
  5. https://vhlportal.com/players/playerfocus/4246 It is possible, but realistically it would often be more beneficial for the franchise to sell the vet to get something in return for the inevitable rebuild/retool. Ricer allowed my player to retire a Wrangler and waived the potential return on assets by doing so.
  6. Only S81 player with more tpe than my player. Chapeau
  7. 1. As both of my players are out, I hate it. 2. Kurt's place needs some tlc, so this is callum's summer. 3. I have not ran the numbers. I try to max earn and may not be eligible for the m draft anymore. 4. As it is in place since s83, I am pretty familiar with it. Wasn't a fan when introduced as it chopped my player in half at the time. 5. The smell of success, baby. 6. Since callum is the loudest, he doesn't hear the others.
  8. @Shindigs a quarter of the league is nuked and Vasteras is not one of them. Must be annoying you infinitely...
  9. you senile old fart, that was your last player, get over it you pathetic whiner.
  10. Callum was not amused, not at all. Despite putting up a fight, the Hounds were not able to pass into the next round. He has to learn that elation and disappointment go hand in hand in the playoffs. Doesn't mean that he has to like defeats. He decides that he needs something to cool down. He looks at his gramps' yard and figures that the lawn could use a trim. And that lilac over there looks like it needs some pruning. And when has his grandpa last chopped wood? It is there in the shed, but in the shape of foot long logs. With his work cut out for him he starts mowing the lawn. Of course Kurt is an old school tipe of guy and the simple push mower is as sharp as a particular dull spoon. 'Where was this bleeding whetstone again? Probably in the workshop... geez, this could use some tidying up. How is one supposed to find anything in this mess. At the end of the rent the old man owes me money for getting this place in shape again.' After he found the whetstone, sharpened the lawn mower and cut the grass, Callum allows himself a stubby. When he gets the pruning scissors, he starts cussing. 'Of course this blinking scissors are rusty as fuck, which is to be expected when gramps let them lie on the ground after the last trim. So where did I put the sandpaper again? The oil can is just over there. Fucking place is a shambles.' Despite his constant swearing, he enjoys himself oddly enough. Even to the point that he whistles 'Scotland the Brave' while getting the scissors into working condition again. Meanwhile he goes shirtless, as the tidying up has stirred up so much dirt and cob webbs that he could not be bothered to get a new shirt, besides he got hot during the tasks and feels much comfortable that way. Once he is back in the yard pruning the bushes he sees his neighbour along with her friends who all of a sudden seem to have taken a keen interest in garden work and peek over the fence. He greets them and puts his focus back on the task at hand. After half an hour, he sets to chop wood, as the ready stash has been perilously depleted. 'Gramps clearly spends to much time at sea. He would freeze his wrinkly ass off, if I did not chop wood for him.' Surprisingly, the axe is found within seconds and it has a very keen edge. 'Huh, surprised that I did not have to buy one first', Cal thinks before laying in. He puts all the frustration of losing out to Mexico into each blow, and he does not stop until the stash is reasonably stacked again. 'So, that is it for today. Get a shower, a stubby and some shut-eye and tomorrow I paint this disgrace of a fence. I wonder where the paint and brush is at?'
  11. Graphic courtesy of Leandrofg (Marcel's stats/Daniel's stats) The Wranglers as well as the Phantoms have played to games in the post-season, both series stand at a 1-1 tie. And the brothers despite (or because of?) impending retirement are in the thick of it and lead their respective teams in points. Our correspondent Jean-Luc Lieuxperroux (JLL) took the opportunity to talk to the brothers. JLL: 'Marcel, Daniel thanks for taking the time talking to us.' Marcel Janser (MJ): 'Any time, Jean-Luc.' JLL: 'Daniel, after the shocking announcement of your retirement, has anything changed for you?' Daniel (DJ): 'I would lie if I said it didn't. I am still giving my all for this team, make no mistake. However, everytime I lace up for the game, I wonder whether I will go into battle with my brothers once more, or if this is the last time we compete together. All it takes is a wrong stride, a second of not paying attention, an unlucky collision to end the season and with it my career. Or even simpler, the one defeat too much in a playoff series and I am out. So it has something of a saying good bye in installments, especially during the home games. I know the Saddledome like the back of my hand and I soak it all in to preserve the scents, the feel and the view of everything surrounding me.' JLL: 'Marcel, you started atypically strong into the playoff campaign with three helpers in two matches. Your average career playoff pace is .5 points per game. Any explanation for that?' MJ: 'Not really. I just do what I always do to help the team winning games. It seems that at the moment I am very lucky in my endeavours. If that keeps up, I am here for it.' JLL: 'Daniel, you are no slouch with four markers in two contests either. Will we see more of it?' DJ: 'From your mouth to the hockey gods' ear, Jean-Luc. I mean if I could not overtake that SOB Boulet in the regular season scoring, I will best him in the playoffs. Jokes aside, all I care is to do my best to give the Wranglers a deep run. If it ends up with Marcel and me meeting in the finals, that would be a worthy end to our careers.' JLL: 'You both seem to be confident. No concerns that it could backfire?' MJ: 'We know very well that at this stage it is every team's goal to get the flipping cup. We are not cocky or underestimating our opponents. Having said that, if you want to win, you need to believe in your abilities to make the dream come true.' DJ: 'Well said, bro. We know that we mess with the best now and that games will sometimes be decided by a coin toss. I think at this point in time Marcel and I have proven that we can compete. Will we always win? Of course not, that would be disrespectful to all the other outstanding athletes in this league. But we know we have what it takes to make a difference in a series. And we will do our best that we put that knowledge into practice.' JLL: 'But so do all the others.' MJ: 'Exactly, so we take nothing for granted, but are confident that we have the tools to overcome the odds. And we both play in teams which are competitive and have been for a while. We are not the only ones in our line ups who can make the difference. Think of Jameson, Laperriere and Kauppi in Prague or Wolanin, Gonçalves and Strasmore in Calgary.' JLL: 'Well, Strassy is not necessarily the scoring type, is he?' DJ: 'He is no slouch, but I think Marcel was more referring to his grit. His ability to go under the opponents' skin. This is even more of a factor in the playoffs than in the regular season.' JLL: 'Okay, gents, that were all the questions for now. Thanks again for your time and good luck.' DJ/MJ: 'Thanks, Jean-Luc, take care.' The Jansers' playoff tally reads as follows: Marcel: 2gp, 0g, 3a, 3pts, +2, 0 PIM, 3 hits, 2sb Daniel: 2gp, 4g, 0a, 4pts, +3, 0 PIM, 3 hits, 0sb, 1gwg, 1ppg, 46.59FO%, 1 First Star award https://vhlforum.com/topic/137631-a-tale-of-two-brothers-the-leandro-defence/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/137720-a-tale-of-two-brothers-almost-half-time-22/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/138041-a-tale-of-two-brothers-a-shocking-announcement/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/138044-cgy-jansers-reflection/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/138198-a-tale-of-two-brothers-on-the-final-lap/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/138702-a-tale-of-two-brothers-end-of-the-watch/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/138762-cgy-enjoying-the-playoffs/
  12. Imagine his recruits if he convinces his team mates to join the VHL... He'll breeze through the VHLM...
  13. Callum has just played his first two playoff games with a sofar rather discreet performance. But he enjoys it a lot. There is something to the thrill when you know each error could end your season, crush your dreams and put you into nothingness. It is not unlike the adrenaline rush he has experienced when he climbed an overhang on a mountain, his life literally depending on the grip strength of his right hand. His body dangling over a 900ft void. Or when in the army's boot camp he pulled out the pin from a hand grenade for the first time, fearing he might drop it and thereby doom him and his comrades alike. He now can understand, why his old man and his uncle played hockey for so long as they did. Because next to the fights along the boards, the abuse one exposes oneself when going into the slot, the endless time spent in the weight room to be in shape, there is a reward. Few things feel as good as messing with the best and come out on top. To live on the edge and come out alive on the other end. He can see now, why Dan and Marcel went to matches with excitement and anticipation. He has seen it now as well, and he wants more of it. Which makes him hope for a deep playoff run with the Hounds.
  14. Now that is what I call a mullet
  15. for once I do not #blamecole but #blameleandrofg... you clearly taught her too well in the art of earning
  16. huh revival of Gonçalves/Janser reign in Calgary from S92 onwards? I am here for it
  17. Daniel Janser


    I never thought of that to be entirely honest... can we pretend that Liv (or whoever made her choose number 56) has a Roman Number disorder and made an honest mistake at the time?
  18. 1. Be open and observe what is going on in the locker room and between players to ensure a positive atmosphere. 2. Finally adding some offensive tools to his very defensive build. 3. Baskerville would be my choice, as I am an avid Doyle reader. 4. I mean they follow their dreams even if it means a premature ending. They basically invented the YOLO movement. 5. -'knock, knock' -'Who's there' -(Gestapo) 'VE ASK ZE QUESTIONS HERE!!!!' 6. I am being biased here and say Callum Gary Yannick Janser
  19. don't tell me what to do @samx
  20. Graphic courtesy of Leandrofg (Marcel's stats/Daniel's stats) 'Alea iacta est' the dice are cast. Calgary is directly qualified for the playoffs and will face the Vancouver Wolves in the first round, while LA and New York will battle to meet Seattle. The Wranglers had a very inconsistent season and show a 37-26-9 recored with a +5 goal difference. Certainly not their best regular season in the recent past, but still making the playoffs every year since Janser joined the squad. In an interesting twist of fate, Marcel's Phantoms have to fight for the playoffs against his last year's employer and defending Champion, the London United. Prague has a 38-26-8 and a big contributor was John Jameson who became second in the Szatkowski as well as the Brooks rating. Marcel goes out with a new personal record of 11 goals and 151 shots blocked. Further and in addition with his second best points total (43) as well as second best +/- rating (+40, second league wide only behind Prague time mates, Argos and Jameson with +41 each). As predicted by this news outlet, he shows a positive +/- for every of his five seasons in the big show. The younger Janser also equalized his lowest PIM of his rookie season and only spent 30 minutes in the sin bin. Daniel on the other hand cannot show similar accolades for his final season. He did not even manage 90 points in the season despite being on a 100+ points pace early on. What must also be vexing for the Captain, is that he ended up one measly point of tying Scott Boulets 737 points for the Wranglers in the all time scoring list. This is of course complaining on a very high level, as the center never had less than 40 helpers in a full VHL season and with the exception of the rookie season, always scored 30+ goals. He was also never below a point per game in any of his eight VHL campaigns. So at the moment, both brothers are playing for the cup and it would be history in the making if they met in the Continental Cup final. But in all honesty, Seattle on the NA conference, and Davos as well as Moscow from the European conference look like the teams to beat. Let's venture a sneak peak into the future of the Wranglers/Phantoms for a hot minute. The Albertan team appears to have found a replacement for Janser already with hot-shot Vincent LeandroLaroche-Gagnier and Wolanin (who had a bit of a slump year) as well as Gonçalves remain on the force to compliment the Quebecois. The defence as well as the goaltending is there, the only question mark is the number two center as no prospect in the system looks like a suitable candidate. Alas with the cap space from DJ's retirement becoming available, it should be possible to get a servicable center in the FA market. Even Torbjorn's pending free agency will not put any strain on GM Ricer, as with Lattimer and Mason Rice, two promising prospects are due to get their chance in the big show. The former turned some heads in the VHLE where he was the best scorer of the best team in the league in the Istanbul Red Wolves. Prague have Marcel retiring and Rozzdale pending FA. Especially the former is a loss, which cannot be compensated from their own prospect pool and needs to be found in the market (or left pending). Other than that they seem to be set for the foreseeable future. Here the final stats of our hockey exports: Marcel: 72gp, 11g, 32a, 43pts, +40, 30 PIM, 46 hits, 151 sb, 1gwg, 4ppg, 1shg, 1 First Star nomination Daniel: 72gp, 36g, 50a, 86pts, +5, 68 PIM, 173 hits, 45sb, 7gwg, 6ppg, 60.99FO%, 6 First Star nomination We will revert with news as soon as possible. https://vhlforum.com/topic/137631-a-tale-of-two-brothers-the-leandro-defence/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/137720-a-tale-of-two-brothers-almost-half-time-22/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/138041-a-tale-of-two-brothers-a-shocking-announcement/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/138044-cgy-jansers-reflection/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/138198-a-tale-of-two-brothers-on-the-final-lap/
  21. Red, white and black, we ain't Toronto, son
  22. I only read that Dixon is a hooligan. noted.
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