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Daniel Janser

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Everything posted by Daniel Janser

  1. Give this man a break... fighting Romans for 2072 years certainly took its toll on him and I am not sure whether he will pass any performance enhancing substance test nowadays
  2. It is ironic that I enjoyed the Swedish delicacies in.... Switzerland. There is a fancy restaurant next to my workplace where they have 2-3 times per year themed weeks where they 'import' a chef of the respective country to introduce us to the typical food of the featured country. As we have kids, we took the save bet in Gothenburg and went to McD's (I know, but at least the products are standardized and you do not spend a fortune on food your kids may or (more likely) may not like)... Be it as it may, thanks for the culinary introduction to Vasteras. And I was not aware of the 'Moose-tourist trap'... I do not like game that much, but I thought that I owe it to myself to at least try, once I had the opportunity to do so... It is a pity though about 'neglecting' your countries more traditional food. It is not quite as bad in Switzerland. Yes, there are tourist traps where they offer overprized fondue in a setting which tourists think to be typical Swiss. Avoid them at all cost. Upscale restaurants by and large offer international cuisine (which is not bad per se) but at very hefty prices. If you ever make it to Switzerland, I recommend to visit a 'blue collar' restaurant which we normally call 'Beiz' don't look for a sign spelling that though as it is slang. Just wait for lunch usually between 12-1300 hours and follow the construction workers or truckers. An other indicator for a typical 'Beiz' is small, mostly green carpets hanging on the wall near the entrance, they look like this: They are used for playing cards. Once you spot those, you know you are in an affordable, down-to-earth place where the portions are plentyful the products generally local and where you will be able to get hold on some of the mainstay of 'typical' Swiss food (I put typical in brackets because we have so many regional dishes that typical Swiss food does not really exist)...
  3. I seem to recall that amongst Swedish specialties are Köttbullar (which I like), smoked eel and moose jerky (both of which are okay) and Lakrits (licorice), which I cannot stand and of course canel gifflar which I like in small dosages as the cinnamon taste to me gets old quickly...
  4. Offtopic threads can be claimed as well? Somebody just opened a can of worms here....
  5. Yeah some German speakers would say that the preferred food in Geneva is liquid and comes in the form of squashed and fermented grapes... the shores of the Lake of Geneva are renowned for their vineyards... I personally am a big Rösti fan and would recommend it anytime. One of many specialties is 'Zuercher Geschnetzteltes mit Rösti'... it is Veal on a creamy mushroom sauce with crisply fried Rösti... and normally some veggies (green peas and carrots for example)... I am drooling right now... here a picture for the culinary interested amongst your readers...
  6. I really like this series. Just an inside information (and it is a very forgivable 'mistake' (for the lack of a better word) to make)... In Switzerland, we have the so called 'Röstigraben' (roesti-vault). This is a slang word for the perceived disconnect between the French-speaking part of Switzerland (for example Geneva) and the German-speaking part (for example Basel and Zurich). It is also a rough indicator for polls where the French native speakers have a tendency to vote pro-Europe, whereas the German native speakers tend to vote more conservatively in that respect. It is called that way, because the German speakers 'Nationaldish' is indeed 'Rösti' whereas in the French-speaking part it is more melted cheese in any shape or form. I am not saying that you won't be able to get rösti in Geneva but it is not as popular of a dish in this part of Switzerland (of course individual tastes vary). Having said, that it takes nothing away from your excellent series about this up and coming Japanese VHL-Star, I just thought I throw some trivia in for the fact fans of your series. No offence intended of course.
  7. hmm I think skating should be 0 as trees are not known for making big strides (Ents excepted of course), but in turn infinite strength, as I doubt that even the Payne Train will get derailed if they attempt to uproot Dogwood Maple...
  8. And just yesterday we were talking about counting trees...
  9. That is certainly unusual... I understand that you had to release her, I just had to do a double-take when I saw the announcement, sensing a scandal , but then realised that Lulu had too many TPE to stay down
  10. Apparently different Armies have different approaches when it comes to salutes. @Gaikoku-hito pointed out to me that in the US military it is acceptable to salute with your left hand, when the right is full or incapacitated. In Switzerland you would assume a rigid, upright position in the same situation (similar to 'ten-shun')... or not salute at all if that is not possible either (for whatever reason), as your officers will understand that you are not in a position to properly return the salute...
  11. @thadthrasher @LuluSalesAway Wanted to mention that it may be detrimental to a marriage if the husband fires his wife.... but then I saw that Lulu was just too good for Stockholm...
  12. So I read... I only ever was in Göteborg though... and looked at Helsingborg across the Oresund from Helsingor... Switzerland has also plenty of trees especially in the mountains where the forests protect the villages from avalanches... and where there is no interest to build any infrastructures due to the costs involved.
  13. I cannot disagree with you on that statement... I would also assume to count every tree on the world (especially in densely forested countries like Canada, Amazonia and Northern parts of Europe as well as Siberia) would be a royal pain in the buttocks...
  14. I think there is a logic fault in your suggestion... planes like the 'Spruce Goose' recquired dozens if not hundreds of trees to be built, so a fairer approach would be to take the amount of trees spent divided by two (as some of the parts of the tree will not be used in an assembling a plane, such as roots and branches etc).
  15. Yeah leave that to Ricer, who will rub it in that you would have lost anyway...
  16. Bad Moon... it is hard to lose in such a way to be honest, I feel for you...
  17. Seems like Mug Root Beer Soda is almost as versatile in its applications as ClueGlue
  18. 1. obviously I am not pleased, and I feel sorry for Klam and Perry for whom it was the last swing at a cup. 2. Yes I have been drafted to the Dekes of Hazzard. 3. The Zug Bulls in Switzerland 4. No I have no interest in basketball. 5. I think we gave the series away in game four when we allowed five goals in ten power play attempts for the Stars. 6. Some I like, others not so much (not a big fan of raisins).
  19. That is new to me thanks for sharing. I guess different armies have different traditions in that respect. In the Swiss military if you cannot use your right hand you return the salute by assuming a rigid upright position, similar to 'ten-shun'.
  20. One does not salute with their left hand smh
  21. Once a Hound, Always a Hound. I am proud of you Adison.
  22. Congrats to both of you and good luck (except of course when playing the Wranglers)
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