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Everything posted by Rōnin

  1. G - Sirkants Klamasteris @solas
  2. F - Pistil Stamen @Jubis
  3. F - Tyler Reinhart @solas
  4. F - Justin Lose @Jubis
  5. Great addition, well done
  6. D-Battre Sandstrom @solas
  7. D - Aurelien Moreau @Jubis
  8. Congrats RJ!
  9. Rōnin

    End of the Road

    You da man cool guy.
  10. All answered up to this point
  11. We have a new entry this week and stepping up to the plate as producers are @Phil and @SlapshotDragon -- Thank you very much for the questions
  12. - Boy oh boy is it ever hard not to hit that welfare button. Now that my welfare has been upgraded from 4 TPE to 5 TPE a week one has to wonder what the incentive is for doing a full PT each week? So, let’s say a season is 8 weeks in length (it’s less) but even still, 8 TPE lost over a season doesn’t seem too bad. Having been a self admitted TPE addict I still feel the calling to create but the itch to press that welfare button just got a lot stronger. - I am feeling better from my encounter with Covid but still incredibly fatigued. All of Friday, Saturday, and Sunday I was in bed and asleep on or before 9:30 every night. For those of you who may have children you will understand that the moment your child goes to bed you have officially started, “your time,” where you get to do whatever you want (stay up late, play vids, watch a movie). But I was far too tired all of this past weekend to spend any of my free time on myself. Cheers to the start of a new week! (195 words)
  13. Review: A few things have jumped into the mind but I want to start by saying I love the concept. Draft day is one of the best days in a VHL career and it's always a good idea to highlight it. Well done on the use of Davos colors and the jersey swap. It was a good idea to use the LAK as a render as the background blends better than some other NHL teams would. I like the jersey number being placed on both sides of the frame and the logos work where they are. The font is where I see opportunity for change. There is too much text both above and below, for example you could shorten each to: Top -- Drafted 30th Overall by the Davos Dynamo in the S82 VHL Draft Bottom -- Red Gaming The quote is a nice added touch but something you could use for a VHL.com article instead. By having that much font above and below it feels squeezed in, and the difference in having the top and bottom be bold/not bold also makes it feel a bit disjointed. All in all it's a great concept and a good start. 7/10
  14. Review: I love the idea of having an inanimate object like a rubber ducky all of sudden start to talk to you. This can happen a number of different ways that includes magic, mental illness, or mushrooms but the source of the talking doesn't much matter. The questions are fun and I must say I am still curious about the answer to the pirate/ninja question. You did a good job on spacing, made it easy to follow, and the italic text was a good way of showing who was asking/answering. There is some room for spicing this up a bit further, perhaps a picture or two (rubber ducky, pirate, ninja, etc.) and even adding in some bold text as well would make it pop more. Overall, an enjoyable media spot 7.5/10
  15. It's an interesting question because I expect for each of my drafts coming up, my placement will be different. I think I can expect top 10 for the VHL, but as for VHLM and VHLE it feels wide open. I have had contact from one VHLM team so far but that's it, which I find a bit strange but not concerning. Hmm, I suppose the best part of my tenure was my first start (which was my best start). Great LR and team vibe, but certainly a disappointing season in terms of standings. I was the starter for the Brigade in the Junior Showcase Tournament. We didn't end up winning it all but I was impressed by the GM for the Brigade @Daniel Janser and fully expect him to be a VHL GM one day. I figure that once you officially draft me, yes. So get on it Halifax! Bring this Fuhr baby back. “The world is like a ride in an amusement park, and when you choose to go on it you think it's real because that's how powerful our minds are. The ride goes up and down, around and around, it has thrills and chills, and it's very brightly colored, and it's very loud, and it's fun for a while. Many people have been on the ride a long time, and they begin to wonder, "Hey, is this real, or is this just a ride?" And other people have remembered, and they come back to us and say, "Hey, don't worry; don't be afraid, ever, because this is just a ride." And we … kill those people. "Shut him up! I've got a lot invested in this ride, shut him up! Look at my furrows of worry, look at my big bank account, and my family. This has to be real." It's just a ride. But we always kill the good guys who try and tell us that, you ever notice that? And let the demons run amok … But it doesn't matter, because it's just a ride. And we can change it any time we want. It's only a choice. No effort, no work, no job, no savings of money. Just a simple choice, right now, between fear and love. The eyes of fear want you to put bigger locks on your doors, buy guns, close yourself off. The eyes of love instead see all of us as one. Here's what we can do to change the world, right now, to a better ride. Take all that money we spend on weapons and defenses each year and instead spend it feeding and clothing and educating the poor of the world, which it would pay for many times over, not one human being excluded, and we could explore space, together, both inner and outer, forever, in peace.” - Bill Hicks Yes for sure, why not? Worst case we don't answer it directly but it changes things up from the regular run of the mill questions and that is a good thing.
  16. Yes please
  17. So far from what I’ve experienced with you, Sam, it is of no surprise that a person would open up to you so quickly. You’re very kind and caring and that is a beautiful way to be. Keep being you and the last thing anyone here will ever call you is scary. It’s an interesting series of events that happened with Horcrux and the people who were affected (myself included). From my standpoint I knew something wasn’t, “right,” and once I found out the truth it was a moment of relief for me as well, because it suddenly made sense to me what had happened. There certainly was some good that came out of the Horcrux imposter (change and understanding), and even in the betrayal there are lessons to be learned. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and also for being a beacon of light in this league. It’s people like you who make a positive impact for all of us involved.
  18. Review: First of all I want to say I love the RP media of your character, you've done well in establishing the personality of your player and it gives me a real sense of who this player might become by the time his career is over. In terms of the media itself it is well written and easy to follow. There are a few things you can do to, "spice it up," and some of those would be adding a picture, bolding out some of the font or increasing it in size, and adding a bit more narrative (like if this media were from the perspective of a journalist interviewing your player). Overall, well done! 7/10
  19. Review: I like the choice in render and for the first few moments I was wondering which goalie it is. I had to look up Steve Mason's jersey number to see if it was him but since he was 35 I'm thinking this is Mathieu Garon. I think the color effects you added fit perfect and how the red/pink meets the blue is the perfect contrast. Making the font the focal point was spot on and it really pops off the screen. I will say that I find the last name just a little hard to read, but I am assuming that the letter that is hard for me to make out is a K for Kennedy. Nice work! 9/10
  20. - In recent news I’ve got Covid, the dreaded Omicron and it’s laid me up for the past several days. It went through my house starting with my wife, then my child, and then me. It’s been a bit different for all of us as my wife had 4 days of fever whereas mine has been mostly in my chest and it feels like I spent last night bombing cocktails and smoking a pack of cigarettes. It’s a real drain though and even writing out this tiny article is a chore. - Season is done and the draft is ahead, I do wonder where I will land. Not a single team has reached out yet and for the VHLM I am not too concerned about it, doesn’t much matter where I land nor does it matter to me if a team scouts me or not. I don’t expect to spend more than one season in the VHLM and I am sure that will be taken into consideration by whomever that drafts me. It’s still a fun time in anyone’s career and I can’t help but be curious as to what jersey I’ll be pulling on come the start of the new season. (200 words)
  21. Perspective can be a beautiful thing.
  22. 1. How was the holiday break? 2. What are your thoughts on the Junior Showcase Tournament? 3. What is your opinion on the VHLE? Do you plan to play there? 4. Where do you see yourself going in the draft? 5. Do you have any New Year resolutions? 6. What were some of the highlight moments for you in the past year?
  23. This is a difficult decision based on the monster year that each of these players had. Well done to all the nominees!
  24. If you were sorted by the sorting hat, what house would you be? Also, what animal would be your companion and what would its name be?
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