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Everything posted by Scurvy

  1. First, congrats to Seattle, Oslo, and Saskatoon on winning their perspective Cups. Nothing is better than winning a Cup. I was fortunate to win won two seasons ago in Bratislava and my first gen player won in Warsaw. It’s a very tough goal to achieve in this league it seems when there is so much competition. That being said, I hope every other VHL team loses all games against us next season. For Vancouver, the off-season has been long but our future is bright right now with a good set of rookies still earning and ready to play at a higher level next season. Added to this GM @Frank made a great move yesterday trading for stud defenseman, Mark Calaway @Beketov. Calaway has had two 30+ goals in a row and brings a winning pedigree to a club that expects winning. Calaway is still in his prime and will be a great mentor and asset to a young Wolves club.
  2. Transaction ID: 48B17321EB370333H Doubles week $1 million player store 5 uncapped TPE
  3. Congrats @dlamb. Olso deserves it !!
  4. 1. London all the way 2. Summers from Warsaw deserves some noise. Held that team together and made them competitive. 3. Wann Kerr for sure. Good teammate and great locker room presence. 4. Saskatoon won 4-0. Real upset and my buddy Thunder got a cup 5. Oslo wins tonight 6. Pierre Marc Bouchard!! easy pick. Bollos de Trueno at #2. BUT, Goncalves is a pretty solid pick too
  5. Crashing your Pc 1. I think Saskatoon vs Halifax. I thought Halifax would have won the series based on their roster. But sask came out hot and dominated 2. I think the draft to VHL is one of the most exciting times of year. Watching on twitch and seeing where you go is a great time 3. when I was in the M I did follow it but not so much when my player isn’t in it. I prob will a bit since my buddy Bollos Trueno will be playing in it. 4. no. Too hot in summer in Miami. Miserable humidity there so I’m spending off season at home near Seattle. It’s closer to Vancouver where I’m playing anyway. 5. Rolex. Be nice to get a Mack daddy watch 6. Coffee first and then Monsters or equivalent energy drink. Terrible for me but I still drink em.
  6. If he is anything like he is at work, he will be a major disappointment to Prague.
  7. Another week closer to being done and a week closer to my player being active again. Tough not making playoffs as it truly makes the suffering of the off-season feel much much worse. I have been paying attention to the playoffs and it has been exciting in all three leagues. Its times like this I wish I could muster a decent graphic but here we are. So, this week’s Around the League I will talk some playoff madness, stats, and some random stuff. PLAYOFF POINT LEADERS Rummaging through some stats today I see that Wann Kerr @VattghernCZis leading the league in points with 20. Even more impressive is he has done it in 9 games. London is built to score in bunches and will be a huge challenge for either Seattle or DC in the finals. London has 4 players in the top 10 in scoring with Kerr, Leonard Triller, Lloyd Braum, and Sjin. Seattle has two in top 10 and has played two more games, and DC has none in top 10 but have The Frenchman, Henry Tucker, and Mark Calaway and they have shown that when hot, they are nearly unstoppable. Prediction: Seattle vs London Cup Champ: London in 6 VHLE News: A similar look in on the VHLE we see Antonia Bucantini @CowboyinAmerica from Oslo leading the playoff scoring with 15 points in just 8 games. The #1 overall pick in the league last year is trying to lead Oslo to a Renaissance Cup against Vasteras Iron Eagles but are currently down 2 games to 1. Defenses have tried to contain her but she is almost a 2 point per game average. In Vasteras, the other Italian superstar, Gianfranco Del Rocco @Victor has been stifled these playoffs with 1 goal 5 assist 6pts and a -8 overall. The regular season 35 goal scorer has appeared handcuffed this playoff and the Iron Eagles still hold the series lead over Oslo. If Gianfranco can get hot it will be tough for Oslo to contend but right now the Oslo defense is gearing up to keep old GDR off the scoresheet. This is going to be a tight series and I predict Oslo GM @dlamb to make some key decisions and bring Oslo a much-deserved Cup. Prediction: Oslo in 7. Some Random VHL Related Thoughts: So, I have been in the league since November 22, 2021 and while that seems like a long time I have really only started my second player’s VHL career. My first player, Brian Payne taught me a lot about how to build a player and just the amount of work (and fun) it takes to make that player good in a league of great. While I still am confused about much of the league and still consider myself a bit of a noob about the league and definitely a noob computer literacy wise, I ALMOST saw myself put in for the AGM position in Miami, under @Ricer13. I am not sure I am ready (or qualified) for that position, or any position really other than good earning player, and that’s ok. Sometimes getting involved in the management side interests me since I am active on discord and always want to help this league that has been a source of fun for me for so long. Then, there are other times when I hear or see people chat about shit I have no clue about such as trades, salary cap, future earnings and planning, and scouting actives and I feel lost as hell. I am sure this statement echoes many in the league’s feelings. The urge to give back with the balance of time. Can I keep an elite player and devote the needed time to mentor new players and be a fixture in several locker rooms? Anyway, I just wanted to share this and hopefully it generates some advice and/or ideas. Have a great weekend everyone! 651
  8. The start of the Founders Cup final began and the Saskatoon Wild went up 2-0 on the Ottaway Lynx. Game 1 was extremely close with Saskatoon nudging Ottawa 3-2 on the score and my buddy @Thunder getting first star with 1 goal and 1 assist. In game 2, Ottawa again lost a close one again with a 3-2 score. Jacob Longstreet and Leo Neelson III both scored their 7th goal to put the nail in the home team’s chances. @Thunder player Bollos de Trueno is leading the team in scoring with 4 goal 11 assists 15 points 34 hits and 23 SB. This will no doubt increase his draft stock as he now sits #7 in overall TPE among available players and is #3 for defense, although teammate Lazlo Homes is very close. A solid puck moving defensemen is a must in today’s VHL so I expect Trueno to be in the top 10 for sure. Best of luck Saskatoon
  9. The off-season has begun for me and the Vancouver Wolves and it's hard to be out of the mix in the playoffs, which is a fun time. While our future is looking super bright maintaining motivation during the dreaded off-season is tough. Added to this I missed both the damn trivia questions today!! I have been checking in on the VHLM,E, and VHL playoffs and it's been surprising. Ive been rooting for New York in the NA and Prague in the EU. New York mainly because since I have joined the franchise has struggled. It would be cool to see them get to the finals. In the M my buddy @Thunder has been playing well with a point per game average for Saskatoon, so I am rooting for them. It truly does suck missing the playoffs since it's an extra long off-season but I think Vancouver will be sitting pretty next season if we all keep earning. Anyway best of luck to the playoff teams especially Prague, Oslo, and Saskatoon. See ya next week.
  10. 1. Liv Slater for sure 2. Kaleeb for sure. He worked his ass off in net. 3. Guntis. Played a heavy game with little fanfare. 4. Liv Slater 5. Jake Wylde 6. need players to keep earning and we will be unstoppable
  11. 1. I want them to lose. Better pick 2. Philly for sure. I was rooting for them and they blew it 3. yeah I am. I’m happy to be in VhL now so excited to see someone beat Seattle 4. @frank goes #1 overall to LA. they need a goalie for the future. 5. Yikes. Bad image. And No. men should not wear them 6. A feather
  12. This season has been a little rough for Vancouver’s rookie winger, Logan Ninefingers. He has done some good things at times and abysmal at times. He has recently gotten into a physical role and had some good fights along the way. So today I’m going to take a deep look at Nine finger’s career fight card. VHLM S91 Game 304- vs Alexandros Mograine (Saskatoon) (fought to a draw) VHLE S92 Oslo/Bratislava Game 67- vs C1 (rome) Win- at least I can beat up a bot Game 78- vs Karol Lamb @dlamb(BRA) -- Loss--- Getting beat up by your GM really hurts. Game 114- vs S Winston Dixon jr @Rjdixon01 (VAS) Win Game 117- vs C1 (ROM) draw- me and this dude have beef for sure Game 21- playoffs vs Theo Allard @InstantRockstar (COL) Loss S92 Pro Am Fight vs Callum Gary Yanick Janser @Daniel JanserDaniel - LOSS S93 VHL Vancouver Game 195 vus Raimo Tuominen @SlapshotWrangler(CGY) Draw Game 298 vs Jarmo Ruutu @jRuutu (MOS) loss Game 306 vs Tommy Sleeves @dasboot(HSK) loss Conclusion, winning fights isn’t easy and apparenlty Logan needs to hit the weight room in the off season. Happy Friday everyone
  13. The next two weeks are super busy for me so trying to do an extra long media spot to count for two weeks. I am off to Las Vegas for two weeks which is waaaay too long to be in the desert. So this weeks Around the League will cover a bunch of topics such as Bollos de Trueno potential draft spot, a look in on Rip Wheeler, the race to the playoffs, and maybe other random stuff to get me to 1000 words. BOLLOS de TRUENO A quick look in at the upcoming draft shows a pretty deep first round and truly a bunch of “can’t miss” draft pick for the first 10-15 picks. Lots of big names and huge earners litter the top spots and a large amount of these picks are defensive players. What does that mean for Trueno? Well lets look deeper at BDT. Without even looking at @Thunder current player in Trueno we have to think his draft stock is high simply because of his history. His first player, Jake Thunder was the type of defenseman that set the standard for modern era VHLers looking to make a Hall of Fame dman. Not knowing what type of build Trueno will be, it seems likely we will be looking at Jake Thunder 2.0 but maybe better since Thunder is passed the learning curve now and knows what to put his TPE into now. Currently, Bollos de Trueno plays for Saskatoon and is having a great season. In 61 games he has 12 goals 39 assists 51 points with 94 hits and 67 SB. 6 of his 12 goals are on the power play and he somehow snagged a shorthanded goal to show he is a threat in any circumstance. He currently sits #7 in overall TPE (3rd overall for defenders) for the upcoming draft class that shows 7 defensemen in the top 15. So where will he go? Based on the current standings it looks like LA will have #1 pick with Davos picking #2. LA’s needs could force them to take a sure pick goalie in Soju @Frank first overall and based on Franks past players could prove to be the smart choice. If Davos had the second pick they could go with #2 in overall TPE in Jillian Woods @jacobcarson877who is lighting it up in Ottawa (18-47-65) and another guaranteed winner of a pick. But could Davos draft Trueno at #2 since his former player was a Davos legend? Davos has some young forward talent but some needs all around so tough to say, only @AlexAlex knows. There is some amazing forward talent as well in Maverick Goncalves @leandrofg who skipped the M and is already playing well against better talent in the VHLE. Maverick is supreme talent and earner, and we can easily see him go #1 in this draft or any previous draft. If he falls to #2 will Davos pick him up to lead their club in the future? Other names like Felicia Hardy @JCarson, Pierre Mac Bouchard @Gaikoku-hito, The Phantom of the VHL @Hogan, Pombo @samx, Lazlo Holmes @Gustav , Maple Dogwood @dogwoodmaple, Erik Thorvaldsson @Tetricide, and Wally Lose @youloser1337 all complicate the matter too since they are all great talent with historically great players. My prediction for Bollos de Trueno’s draft spot is #2-#8 spot. My sincere hope is that he somehow falls to Vancouver’s draft selection so that I may play with my friend in real life. But it’s more likely he ends up somewhere else just based on pure statistics and, in that case, I hope to smash his face on the daily. LOL. Best of luck Trueno, either way I can’t wait for you to get to the VHL and make another Hall of Fame defenseman. RIP “Glass jaw” Wheeler To date, I have recruited four players to the VHL. Two shit the bed early and were useless. One made the hall of fame (Jake Thunder) and one recruit I like to consider an off and on disappointment in Rip Wheeler. Now, I know Rip in real life, and we work together. So, we often have conversations about Rip Wheeler @ScottyP and my player, Logan Ninefingers dropping the gloves and going at it. For example, he told me that he was, “going to make that rookie Ninefingers pay the price in the big leagues,” when my player got to the VHL. So recently when the Vancouver Wolves squared off against the Prague Phantoms in game 393 in Prague. So, in front of his sold-out hometown crowd Rip Wheeler tried to assault young Vancouver forward, Riley Martin @Smarch. At the 16:44 mark Rip embarrassed himself by challenging the youngster to a fight by slashing him up the ice over and over. What happened after will be shown on YouTube clips for ages as the rookie Martin served right hand after right hand into Wheeler’s mouth. Wheeler looked like a puppet on strings as Martin showed the veteran forward a little about pugilism on ice. To add fuel to the fire poor Wheeler was given a game misconduct for his antics and a guaranteed hearing with league officials over his behavior. However great the fight win was for Vancouver they ended up losing in a shootout to a goal by Skor McFluery. VHL Standings At the 60-game mark the Toronto Legion are currently the best team in the league with a 43-15-2 record. Malmo, Seattle, London, New York, Moscow, and Prague are all close and this off-season should be a fun one to watch. Seattle and Moscow made the most moves at the deadline to try and improve their clubs and I think both were successful and pose a real threat to other clubs come playoff time. Warsaw, defending champs DC, and Chicago also have their talents and are looking to wreck their pairings come playoffs. The current hot team in the league is Malmo with a 4-game win streak and is in a battle for top spot in the European division with London. It will be an exciting ending to the season to see where these clubs shake out. will claim for weeks 04/28 and 05/05
  14. Review: What a great article and nice take on a the popular fantasy game/novels. It's always interesting to see how creative VHL people are and this article shows how much you know about the Warhammer universe. Now, I have never played the game nor read any of the main books (although they're in my TBR pile). That being said your article peaked my interest in the books. You included unique and complete details of each city, beasts, and details suited to each team. Now, playing in Vancouver I am not sure I want to move to Barak Varr and would much rather have the team name HellBlasters if such a move was to happen. Also, I loved the photographs, bolding, and lore included in this article and a very nice stray from the norm. 10/10
  15. HAHAHAHA- best article in the history of VHL. Can't wait for Rip to read it
  16. 1. Moscow is already tough and now they are really going for it. I pick them as our rivals for years to come 2. Thought Helsinki could have gotten more for Fukka. But either way it makes Seattle better without having to give up too much. Which sucks! lol 3. I think we can, We are streaky for sure and just got punished today with lack of scoring. I think we will get hot though and squeak in. 4. It's been great for me. Happy to be in Vancouver and in VHL. We knew we were going to have a young club, still earning. The next few seasons we will grow and be super deadly. 5. I did not. I was off and hanging with family since weather was nice we've been outside mostly. 6. NO RAIN!!!!!!! Rains for like 9 months straight here so its nice for a break
  17. 1. Not sure there is much that can be done when re-building. I guess best thing is players do a few extra point tasks and earn a bit to improve chances of winning 2. yes for sure. The vhlm is a tough league to stay consistent on top. I expect Miami to be contenders next season. 3. I want Ninefingers to be a John Jameson type player. Hitter and scorer. 4. When I was in M for the first time I was happy with active leadership group in LR. Really helped me stay interested as I learned the difficulties in VHL 5. CCM. Only skates I ever truly liked 6. When I played I had to put my left sock and skate on first. Left glove first as well.
  18. Enjoy Audiobooks more but started a podcast on Spotify called History on Fire. Some pretty cool history shit.
  19. As we look in at what most likely is the leader in the Rookie of the year standings, Theo Allard @InstantRockstar there is more to his game than his over a point per game average. At the 50-game mark he has 21g 37a 58pts and 54 PIMS. Not overly imposing at 603 188lbs Allard is taking the rookie class by storm with his grit and scoring prowess. Now, he is on a stacked team with the defending champions and has some leadership to lean on but…he still must put the puck in and he’s doing it. What is more surprising is the young rookie has 8 fights this season already with low PIMS. Meaning he picks his spots well and fights strategically as not to hurt the club. It will be a good race to the finish for the coveted rookie of the year with some greats like MacAvoy and Richmond nipping at Allard’s heels. Best of luck!
  20. Very true. Be an interesting mascot. lol
  21. I am pretty happy to have Theme Week upon us again for that sweet sweet TPE. I just spent the week in Coeur D’Alene Idaho at a nice resort that sits on the massive Coeur D’Alene lake. The weather was nice, sun out, a much different environment than my home near Seattle Washington where it is chilly and take a guess? Yep, raining! Now, I have been told by my wife that the weather will be nice this weekend but I still don’t believe it. Therefore, for my re-branding the beloved Seattle Bears hockey club will be moved to Coeur D’Alene Idaho. To start the re-branding thought the team name and colors must be changed. I did some research into some current Idaho sports team names to get an idea. We have the Idaho Vandals, Broncos, Idaho Steelheads (minor hockey), the North Idaho College Cardinals, and some high school team names of Mushers, Wampus Cats, Maniacs, Cutthroat, and the Braves- recently changed to Brave. Some interesting names for sure but not something I had in mind for our new club. Named for Native American tribe it is known for its enormous 25 square mile lake, small but vibrant city, and two amazing golf courses. The City sits on the border of Washington State and is close to a major airport in Spokane, WA. Famous celebs that own homes in CDA are Wayne Gretzky, John Elway, and Tiger Woods. Although, despite hosting a hockey camp at the nearby rink the Great One and family are rarely seen in town. So enough of a history and whats what with the City lets choose some team colors. The identity of a team in Idaho must be one of ruggedness and grit. Winters are harsh Idaho and the people need a little bit of nastiness to get through. So that being said the colors for the new club with be a dark green with black lettering, outlined with silver border. These colors will match the evergreen mountains that span the Inland Empire. The team name was difficult. We could certainly keep the Bears team name since the brown and black bear populate the area heavily. Certainly the Coyote, Mountain lion, Badger, Eagles, Hawks, Sturgeon, and other wildlife could all fit as well. I picked a few names that I liked and they are: Maulers Outlaws Shadow Renegades Rampage Misfits Miners Bone Crushers – Only for the cool logo in my head It was hard and I went back and forth numerous times and changed the names numerous times. I almost kept the Bears team name as well to honor my home State. But I finally decided, and the new team’s name will be: The Coeur D’Alene Rampage So according to Marriam-Webster dictionary - Rampage: noun- : a course of violent, riotous, and reckless action or behavior. I can think of no better team identity than this name. I wish I was decent at graphics and I would have made a graphic but I am terrible at it so sorry. Hope all is well with everyone
  22. Crashing your PC 1. def not creating something since I have zero clue how to do graphics. Do love the free TPE tho 2. not too bad. We’ve struggled in Vancouver er a bit as we’re still young. Ninefingers is starting to beat up a bit which is nice. 3. Jesse Teno for sure. Legend 4. I think so. Y’all are beasts. Just don’t beat Vancouver. 5. more fighting 6. my grandfather
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