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Everything posted by Scurvy

  1. Crashing PC - 1. Im in Oslo and we're about .500 right now. Lots of in actives but were hanging in there. I am hoping Ninefingers can pick up the offense soon and we can win some games. 2. I think London is in the toughest conference and there are some legit defenses in the EU. But looking at your roster I expect the goals to flow soon. 3. Only 14 goals against is huge testament to team defense and Teno is an absolute stud. 4. Hmm....I think so. Simply because London is too talented offensively to stay in this slump. I expect some huge goal increases in the next 5-10 games so I vote yes he will. Predict 7 assists. 5. 4 a game is my prediction. With Kerr, Triller, and Molly the Cat getting hot there is no doubt the goals will increase. 6. Yes, Hall of famer goalie with a good amount of team defense in front of him. No doubt he will be under 2. Best of luck
  2. Another week has gone by and I am happy to say the start of the S92 season is here! Whether you’re in the VHL, E, or just starting in the VHLM it is without a doubt the best feeling when the scores come in after the off-season. It also makes it easier to chat about the happenings and stuff going on Around the League. Today I wanted to talk and compare the two top teams in both divisions. North American League (VHL). The season has started off hot and the LA Stars have topped the North American league with a record of 7-1. This team looks like it has the tools to go deep into the post season with studs like Todd Cooke @KRZY who the Stars got with the 27th overall pick in S84. Talk about a steal! Also up front, are Larry Abass Jr @RileyL(13 pts), veteran Napoleon Dynamite @thadthrasher (9 pts), Sunglasses Joyo @JetsGoalie101, and Adam Rage (6 pts). On defense the Stars are going with only 3 which could be their greatest weakness, but maybe not. Leading the blue-line is Jens Lekman @Bobcat who is 3rd on the team in scoring. A proven two-way defender he can lead the power play, block shots, and crush opposing players. Also on the backed is Elias Lampi @Pifferfish. EL can put up big numbers too (24 goals in S89) and QB the power play with ease. He likes to shoot the puck and when he gets hot, look out. Rounding out their back end is Eric Queefson @twists. Last season, on a struggling Moscow team EQ was a ray of sunshine. He put up 14 goals and 130 hits. Look for those numbers to increase on this talented LA roster. Now, the LA Stars biggest advantage is their net-minder, Art Vandelay @Gustav . Now this Mr. Vandelay I simply not just a fictious character rolling in the mind of the great George Costanza but a true Hall of Fame caliber goalie who has spent his entire career with the Stars. Through the good times and bad he has stuck with his club and it has payed off. 7—1 this season, 1 shutout, and a 1.82 GAA he is the brick wall in LA and will only add to his LA career records of wins and shutouts. Prediction: 1st in division EUROPEAN CONFERENCE. Right now, three teams are all close to the top spot but after 9 games, the Helsinki Titans are holding it down with a 7-1-1 record. A quick look at this roster and they are deadly. Up front, they have team scoring leader, Daryl Dixon @Ricer13. The former 3rd overall pick of the Titans is almost a goal a game pace right now and can sizzle passes to teammates just as easy, having an amazing 63 assists last season. He shoots hard and often and plays with grit (320 hits in S89). Following Dixon on the front end is potential rookie of the year candidate, Grimgor Ironhide @FrostBeard. With a name like that you’d expect him to be raiding the coast of England in a wooden ship pillaging villages along the way to fortune and fame. He hasn’t done any raiding (I don't think) but he is averaging over a point per game with 5g 7a 12pts. Alongside other contributors, Owen Lazaro @traphag, Rick Grimes @tinafrombobsburgers, Jarko Laakkonen @Xdjk93, and Chip Stone @DoktorFunk the Titans are formidable. Highlighting the defense for the Titans I can easily start with the only Kardashian I can stand, Kronchy Kardashian @Garsh. Krochy is an absolute gem on defense. Grit, speed, and skills Kronchy can punish teams anywhere on the rink. 13 points so far in 8 games this former 7thoverall pick amassed 31 goals last season so if he gets hot, look out. Next to him former Vancouver stud, Pierre Emile Bouchard @Gaikoku-hito. Always in the running for off season trophies he is the consummate professional defenseman. Deadly offensively while never compromising defense he does what it takes to win and an excellent locker room presence. Finishing up with defense is third year phenom Yaboi Oven @Doomsday. A steady giant of a defensemen I see similarities to former Davos great, Jake Thunder. Almost a point per game I look for this to be his breakout season. Helsinki has another goalie that has stayed with the club his entire career so far in Fuukka Rask @Jubis. Drafted 14th overall in S87 he has been steady his whole career, even during the dark times. 7-1-1 this season is a 2.29 GAA he shows that even when his formidable defense makes a mistake, he is more likely than not to stop it. Prediction: 2nd overall in EU Have a great week everyone
  3. A quick look inside the Oslo Storm who are currently in third place in the VHLE, sitting behind Cologne and Bratislava. On paper the Storm don’t quite have the thoroughbreds of the above listed, but they come out hot with a mix of team defense and amazing goaltending. Currently leading the team in scoring is their rookie right winger, Logan NInefingers with 4 goals 5 assists 9pts. Defenseman kodie Curran @Battlepopcornis next with 3 goals 4 assists for 7 points. Defensively they have had to be great by blocking shots and giving the goalie a chance at making saves. Defensman, Vladimir Koslov and Jean Marc Lemieux have a amazing 66 blocked shots between them in 8 games. In net, David Slezak @ShawnGladehas been rock solid despite already having faced 361 shots in 8 games. He has 1 shutout and gives up less than 3 goals a game. Looking forward the Storm need to find a way to score to stay competitive. Despite being in 3rdplace they have only scored 18 goals which is worst in the league. If the storm can continue their hot defense and goalie and get hot offensively, they have a real chance at making a shot to contend.
  4. Can I request one? Player: Logan Ninefingers Render: Stu Grimson Team : Oslo Storm
  5. Just book 1. It’s on my list to get to.
  6. 1. Well…as the recipient of that trade u think it was a great pick. Having Ninefingers negates all curses and he’s willing to worm for a win!! 2. excited TJ see anyone signed with Van. Best place to Play! 3. Trade for first overall. Huge commitment to a new player. Love it!! 4. I love when a player commits ti an organization as it speaks to the club and less to the player. Vancouver oozes excellence. 5. rookie of the year for sure and future of the program. 6. I am so excited for this program. Marti. And Ninefingers are going tonight it up up front and Vv and Girts gonna stuff it on D. Love it.
  7. https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/195790743-the-dragon-in-winter I would like to read Dragon in Winter by Jonathan Mayberry. It's book 3 of the series. Pretty dark and full of action Empire of the Damned - https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/123200829-empire-of-the-damned The Bad Weather Friend by Dean Koontz looks good too. https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/135406422-the-bad-weather-friend Too many to pick from
  8. Another week gone by and another installment of Around the League in 500 words mainly because I am TPE hungry and I am up late since the flu has torn through my house and my poor daughter and wife are sick. A lot we can chat about this week with the VHL and VHLE drafts and a check in with my recruits. VHL DRAFT The draft is one of the best times of year, especially when your player is getting drafted. The league does a good job hyping the draft and most GMs in the VHL scout and interview and make it a cool experience, especially for a first gen player. This draft this year showed Vancouver having an amazing amount of first round picks which proved to be a wise choice since the draft pool was smaller than most years. There were some good players to choose from and here is a breakdown: 1. Logan Ninefingers- Vancouver went with the burly right winger who scored like a maniac in the VHLM. Big, mean, and can score. 2. George Richmond @badcolethetitan- Moscow went with another big player who can score with ease and not hurt the club at all on defense. 3. Adi Dassler @BOOM- Moscow will be set up for years to come with a 1-2 combo of Richmond and Dassler. Proven scorer and clutch player with 10 GW goals in the M. 4. Riley Martin @Smarch- Vancouver went with a game changing winger with Martin who absolutely had to do everything on a struggling Halifax club. Much like Moscow’s 1-2 punch, NInefingers and Martin will be exciting to see together. 5. Giorgiy Constanzov @Mongoose87 - First goalie off the board to Seattle and a good one at that. Another victim to a struggling Halifax club he was forced to face a whopping 2815 shots and still managed a .918 SV%. Both Martin and Constanzov will be deadly on better teams. 6. V.V Carstein @Dom- Vancouver- A giant of a Dman will give the Wolves a true power play quarter back and point per game Dman for years to come. 7. Guntis Gavilrovs @Girts- Vancouver. Grabbed another giant to patrol the blue line and protect its star players. At 250 lbs he has quick feet (and fists) and can chip in goals like a forward. 8. K Lamb @dlamb- Chicago grabbed another solid defenseman that came fresh of a Cup win in Saskatoon. Big, hard to move, and loves to hit with 229 hits last season. 9. Kimi Raikkonen @mattyIceman- Riga-an assist machine, KR is as solid pick to add some depth scoring and lay the body on opposing foes. 10.Olafur Gunnleifsson @JartY- Malmo took the second goalie in the first round and he was amazing in Ottawa last season with 33 wins and 4 shutouts. 11.W. Gretzky @MubbleFubbles - New York went with the GREAT ONE! Here is my hidden gem pick of the draft. Can’t really say anything bad about this pick as after facing some injuries I expect him to be back to elite form in no time and with the players NY has amassed, Wayne could take them to playoff glory! Overall, the draft was fun and I think it belonged to Vancouver and Moscow. I can feel a rivalry already brewing between these two clubs! RECRUITS Well just an update on my recruits. Jake Thunder @Thunder is still away from the game, and I am hoping I can grind him back to create another great player. @ScottyP (Rip Wheeler) is still lazy and grinding a bit and is over 700 TPE now for Calgary. @Bleekus is MIA and not answering my texts. With Thunder and Scotty P I see them often enough so I can razz them a bit, with Bleekus he lives in Florida so I can’t slap some sense into him. So right now – he is a work in progress. Happy Friday 615 words
  9. Often the road to the VHL is more about the journey than the destination, or so they say. For Logan Ninefingers, his path to the VHL has been a fun and unique experience that will show the bruising Right Winger visiting Europe for the first time ever. Prior to the draft it was anyone’s guess which club would pick him up. After going first overall to Vancouver in the VHL draft, Ninefingers was slated anywhere in the top ten or so, depending on team needs. But as the draft came, we saw young Ninefingers drop to 6thoverall to the Oslo Storm. It appeared Logan was packing his bags for Norway. But wait……a phone call from his agent informed Ninefingers that he had in fact been traded to Vasteras to join a very established club looking to make another run for a Cup. Ninefingers was ecstatic to join a club battled for the cup just last season but ultimately lost to Cologne. Ninefingers told the press that he was excited to belong to a club that had already battled so hard together in the playoffs and could be so close to winning but fall short. He knew they would be even hungrier to win. Ninefingers is no stranger to tough losses as his Philadelphia Reapers lost in the finals just last season as well. Ninefingers brings a lot to an already deep club. He is big and can throw his weight around to score tough goals and doesn’t hurt the team defensively. He can also score, in bunches. Last season with the help of Reaper teammates, Logan amassed 64goals 88 assists for 152 points while still contributing 277 hits. Logan can play power play if needed, pick-up short-handed minutes, or even drop to a crash line and give a team a boost with some energetic hitting and hard forecheck. Where Logan needs to work on his defensive game to become the complete 200-foot player. While he doesn’t ultimately hurt a club defensively that’s the one attribute he can focus on, especially now when playing against competition that gets better and better and bigger. Overall, Ninefingers could not be happier going to Vasteras and is looking forward to continuing the rivalry with Guntis Gavilrovs @Girts who was drafted by the hated Stockholm Vikings that sits about 62 miles west of Vasteras. Guntis and Ninefingers and both big and mean and had legendary battles in the VHLM, so everyone is excited to see that continue.
  10. I have no experience with it either but it keeps showing up in my Amazon book recommendations. Let me know what you think? Maybe Ill give it a go
  11. Logan Ninefingers is officially a Vancouver Wolf after being picked #1 overall in the S92 draft. Ninefingers confirmed he was scouted by a few teams and was extremely pleased to not only go first, but to a storied franchise with a winning history. Vancouver also picked up some amazing pieces with subsequent picks. The lead up to the draft was tense with so many great players like George Richmond, VV Carstein, Dassler, and Riley Martin. Vancouver chose the hulking right winger first and then followed up with a very capable offensive talent in Riley Martin @Smarch at #4, an amazing two-way defenseman V.V Carstein @Dom #6, and defensive beast Guntis Gavilrovs @Girtsat #7. To round out the first round the Wolves also picked up Houston Bull’s stud defenseman DBIV @wcats who scored 21 goals last year in the M. They also snagged Miami standout Joe Shmo @matt sovick in the #15 spot to shore up some offensive depth. The future is bright for the Wolves with these pickups with the hopes of raising the Continental Cup in their future. Thanks for a fun draft
  12. I guess I shoulda read this first. My bad
  13. 5000 friends on GR!! Wow. I’m on there too. Tried to send a Request but your full!!! Lol
  14. E GMs. I will be playing in E so if interested please reach out.  

  15. Kaigen was a great book. I have Babel on my shelf but have yet to get to it. Kagen the Damned by Jonathan Mayberry was another 5 star for me in 2023.
  16. Of Blood and Fire (bound and broken series) was my fav read of 2023. Free on Kindle Unlimited.
  17. I vote for Tony Gunk. Hilarious show
  18. Jumping in on your PC 1. Yes, to earn as much TPE as possible to smash opponents in the VHLE next season 2. probably add more defense to his game. Had a great offensive season in M but need to shore up D in better leagues 3. Body Checking.. He's going to bring the pain 4. Going back a bit to a couple former teammate. Shindigs and Girts were both amazing team mates. Always positive and great for any team 5. My daughter turns 6 and were going to California to hit the beach 6. Hmmmm.... I don't know......maybe "social media influencers". the whole term and the fact it's a job annoys me. LOL
  19. Welcome @Bleekus Call me tmrw and I’ll try to walk ya through some point tasks
  20. I recruited @Bleekus. Bleekus can you please acknowledge this post?
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