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Everything posted by BOOM

  1. The mysterious experience attribute. Thanks.
  2. BOOM

    S50 Thanks!

    What a suck up!
  3. Fast forward 4 years. Where do you see yourselves(either geographically/professionally/personally) in 2020? Is the draft even worth being held? Let's just assign them to rosters and move on from this horror show. Do either of you already have a back story for player #2(if applicable)? What 3 things could you not live without?
  4. Speak up son. Can't hear a damn word you're saying!
  5. HisTORic
  6. Come back homie
  7. That "KangarooTitan" fellow sure seems like a great guy.
  8. Listening now. Have missed the sweet tones.
  9. I finally found time to listen. OMG, I do exactly the same thing with the earbuds and earmuffs when I mow the lawn. Great minds.
  10. Come home Aleksi......come home.
  11. BOOM


  12. Thanks Leicester!
  13. You're doing a great job with these writeups. Thanks for the effort.
  14. An extension in her basement maybe?
  15. I mean what are/might be, some indication that someone should take a break from sims. ?
  16. Just think of the possibilities!
  17. Cheap flights right now, so sure why not? Bonus is that Japan isn't far.......
  18. Ewwwww
  19. Looks great. I need some work done... you up for it?
  20. Except for the complete lack of creativity on my part, I could have been European again. Good luck my friend.
  21. Great read. And yes...... I'm out for redemption.
  22. Fong means hockey you deviant.
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