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Everything posted by BOOM

  1. Put it this way...I'm glad he's not on my line!
  2. BOOM


  3. BOOM


  4. That's the spirit!
  5. It's Yoji not Koji Good listen Higgins and laughed with the Streetlight impression.
  6. Ha, poor "Yoji"
  7. BOOM

    Job Change

    How did you like the turd I dropped in your desk drawer?
  8. It was originally titled "The new HelG" or something. Slight confusion on COL/HEL.
  9. Good game Titans, very bright future in Finland. Well played NY, let's keep it up.
  10. That's right, fuck you Janssen.
  11. BOOM


  12. Thanks Wesley! GG Meute but NY too good this time.
  13. Great writeup Mike.
  14. Fixed title for you, LOL.
  15. Fuck, I thought it said "Watch me end dynasty"
  16. HC Dynamo Legion Wranglers Americans
  17. Good game Cologne. Congrats Linholm and XXX...well played. 2 shots from OT is most unusual
  18. Good game Vasteras, but NY scrapes home. Nice work lads.
  19. Montreal vs. New York Winner: New York # of Games: 7 WESTERN CONFERENCE Chicago vs. Los Angeles Winner: Chicago # of Games: 6
  20. I find that an acceptable compromise. I forgive you.
  21. Booooooo
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