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Ball last won the day on June 23 2015

Ball had the most liked content!

1 Follower

About Ball

  • Birthday 07/17/1992

Profile Information

  • Player
    Tyler Cote
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  1. Write in vote for Antarctica
  2. Antarctica. Lots of snow and ice, no need for a rink. Also, doing a Winter Classic AllStar game at Lambeau Field would be banging
  3. Why did I come back? Why am I on Seattle? Feels like I've, ya know, been there, done that. Did anything cool happen while I was gone? Anything I would care about? What should I do from here on out? You decide.
  4. Wranglerz gon Wrang
  6. Ight ill hold off for now. Good to see yall as well
  7. Whats up yall? Its been too long since I've been around the forum. Glad to see alot of you are still grinding on the boards. So long story short, I've been thinking lately and I'm leaning towards making a come back within the next few days. No promises, but I plan on retiring Cote later tonight, and just maybe, ill make a new player within the next few days. It really all depends on how active I can be from here on out, so thats why it's still up in the air. So, where are we at right now in S47 (aka when should I make a player if it comes down to that?)
  8. What in tarnations is this contraption?

    1. Da Trifecta

      Da Trifecta

      Look at this guy

    2. eaglesfan036


      Ball you are back! Missed you bud Calgary hasn't been the same without you

  9. What the fuck is going on here?
  10. Oh lawd GG Riga
  11. GG Cologne
  12. Them Wranglers doe
  13. God damn. GG Murica
  14. And boom goes the dynamite
  15. GG Murcia
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