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Everything posted by Aimee

  1. No, this is my first book by her. I've been going back and forth about adding Bable to my tbr.
  2. Stopped reading for about 2 months due to the wedding. So you'd think being stuck at home with Covid for 2 weeks would mean catching up on a lot of reading but that was not the case since I spent most of it sleeping. But I did manage to get The Poppy War on Libby and I'm a little more than 100 pages in and really enjoying it.
  3. Transaction ID: 2AA78865393511435
  4. 1. Recovering from their wedding and getting ready for the playoffs! 2. A Best GM Award award ala The Office. 3. Sjin for sure. Always seems like he could go over the edge a little lol. 4. I think I regifted a necklace once? I got it as a thank you for babysitting someone's kid and it was so not my style. 5. White. Xmas is not my holiday lol. 6. Brisket! Got my mom's recipe and I'm ready to blow some of ya'll away.
  5. Not going IA or clicker. I have Covid and I've been sleeping all week. 

    1. Subject056


      That sucks hope you recover quickly!

  6. 1. Hell yea! Jacob's moves in the off season definitely paid off! 2. Beyond! I'm so proud of Jesse for breaking through and having the best season of their career. 3. I guess the D-men. Goalie is left out to dry without them. 4. Hell no! Jesse wants to spend their whole career with London. 5. I think shooting is still what we need to aim to work on. More shots, more goals. 6. Sjin! Great to have him hanging around!

    1. jacobcarson877



    2. BOOM



    3. Alex
  8. It’s a simple but nice graphic and pretty straightforward. Definitely works as a banner and call to action for the VHL as a website and forum. Maybe a little wordy in terms of the TPE details but I think overall it’s got what it needs. I like the glowing effect on the letters in the bottom half and it gives it a sort of neon feel. Overall a 4/5 rating and I think with a little tweaking, it could be a legit ad for the VHL.
  9. Jesse Teno continues to dominate the VHL with their best season yet as they round into the last quarter of the season with an incredible 31-10-6 record including a league leading 5 shutouts. Jesse is only 3 wins away from tying their season high wins and with 18 games left, we’re pretty sure they will surpass their personal best. Jesse currently sits in 5th for wins, 1st in save percentage (0.939) among starters, and 1st in goals against average (1.97) among starters. S91 is truly turning into a career defining one for the London goalie who only has 2 more seasons left in their career. With 1 cup and 1 trophy under their belt, we wonder if this season’s performance will earn Teno a much-deserved nomination for the regular season as well as an award win. Time and the rest of the season will only tell how Teno will end up but something tells us it’s going to be an amazing rest of the season. 165 words for week ending 12/3/2023
  10. As someone who was brought to the VHL through a post in the Pittsburgh Penguins subreddit, I think it’s important that we try to use Reddit as a recruitment tool. Obviously posting to other subreddits was a good idea for a while and I know that a lot of groups have closed off to the idea of outsiders posting. However, we have our own subreddit which is so barren it might as well not exist. For starters, there are only 5 members including myself so clearly there is no community there and no one is interacting. So here are a few suggestions I have which can be worked on as a group both from within and out of the recruitment team. Branding Other than the name r/VictoryHockeyLeague there is no branding on the subreddit. The banner, theme, and icon are all standard Reddit blue. The icon for starters, is just the VHL logo. Pretty simple and an easy place to start. Now, I don’t know if we have anything laying around that we could use for a banner but I’m sure someone would be able to whip one up for a quick and easy 6 TPE. As for the theming and color scheme of the page, I don’t know if that’s a subreddit feature that is easy to change or requires someone with HTML to fix up but I’m sure someone could figure out how to make everything either black or dark gray to go with the forum and icon colors. Content As of right now, the only two posts on the subreddit are that the VHL has been created from 5 years ago and a hello from 4 years ago by Dil. Now, we certainly don’t need original content exclusively for the page but we can all cross-platform post our content of images and articles. Hell, that might open more people up to discussing or commenting if they are more inclined to use Reddit over the forum. Content also creates traffic and activity which will then push some content to the front page or at least to areas of the site that can easily get new eyes. Now of course that won’t guarantee that just because someone takes interest in the subreddit that it will transfer to them coming to the forum to join, but traffic is always good for any social media algorithm. How-To Since Reddit allows you to pin content to the top, I feel like this would be a great place to post how-to videos for using the site and also a way to introduce people quickly and easily to the concept. Not everyone knows how a sim league works (I didn’t when I joined) so they may think it’s too complex or not interactive enough for their comfort. I think it wouldn’t take too much work for a person or group to work on putting videos together. A simple voice over script and some screen capturing and mouse tracking could lead to a good starter video. I know we have some on a YouTube channel somewhere but I believe that those are a few years old and are now obsolete in many ways since not only did the attributes change but even the creating a player part of the process has been updated. I think it would go over well to recreate those videos with updated information. Overall, I think that if we use it correctly, Reddit could be a great recruitment tool. It will take some time to get things going but I believe that in the long run, it could lead to people to the VHL and a tickle of new members could be possible. 612 words for week ending 11/26/2023
  11. Jesse Teno continues to carry the crown of starter goalie god this season. They were even seen last night walking into a Swarovski store to purchase a crown for themselves. It seems that are beginning to let the success go to their head. We had always seen Teno as a down to Earth kind of player and not only are we worried about their public persona, but we are also worried that the “joke” of embezzling funds from their foundation may be less of a joke and more of a possibility that the public and governmental authorities should consider. It is rumored that the crown will be made up of 300 diamonds on a white gold shell and cost the goalie around one million pounds, or about $1.25 million USD. The largest diamond is said to be about the size of a fist and will weigh in around 1.36kg or 3lbs. Again, we here at this publication encourage fans and authorities to consider the source of these funds. 168 words for week ending 11/26/2023
  12. 1. Through a post on the Pittsburgh Penguins subreddit. I actually read it over, decided it wasn't for me, and then a week or so later I went back to find it because I actually was interested. 2. I've stayed for the creative outlet and for the people I've met. But what initially made me stay was Shindigs. 3. Yes. @RElblein is in a tax pros discord that I made and he was interested. I've tried others but no other bites. 4. Not really. I've thought about going clicker for a bit when things get rough in life but not fully walk away. 5. For sure. I've already got my next player named. Just can't decide if I want to go goalie again or try defense. 6. Yea but I haven't really had the chance to tell them about it. I doubt they would do it but just seems like it could be their thing.
  13. Hello VHL, I know it’s been a few weeks since I last contributed a media spot and I’ve just been claiming Welfare because of everything going on in real life. Wedding planning has taken up about 80% of my time and energy so I think it’s fair to say that the sim league in my life was one of the first things to fall by the waist side. But the good news is that my wedding is almost here so in a few weeks life will be back to normal; only I’ll be married. So, I thought that since today I have a little bit of free time and some creative juices, that I would just talk about my thoughts on what has been going on in the VHL. I’ve been lurking so I have kept up with the happenings and I thought I’d just talk about some of them. So first off, my article from forever ago about relocating London. Has there been any movement on that? Because I was like, only 40% kidding. I really do think that relocating London would be good for the team and the league. I think picking up from a meh location with a meh logo and seemingly no mascot and moving it to a beautiful location with a badass name and amazing logo would be great. I know a lot of change is always proposed around here with shrinking the M or abolishing the E but I don’t see it hurting anyone to move London to Scotland. I think being able to inject a new location and some new color and life into the league would be something worth doing. One topic I’ve been reading the many (oh my god please stop there’s too many) articles on is the recruitment team. I’ve been reading a lot of points from both sides while keeping my own thoughts to myself. While I do think that there is some improvement to be made to the way the recruitment team utilizes the Instagram account, I also think that there is only so much they can do with a budget of $0. It’s not like we spend a lot of money on ads outside of YouTubers and I read that prices are going up for those. So if the budget is non-existent and they are just people who get paid in pretend points to do the work, what can be expected of them? I agree with some that maybe we need to move from repurposing member content to creating original content to work as ads. I also wonder if maybe the hashtags should be played around with in order to get to a wider audience. Then that of course leads to the argument that you can only pull from a well for so long. Maybe the sim league interest isn’t what it used to be, at least for people who want to stay active. Or perhaps we need to find a new method of outreach. Should we attempt to get the subreddit active? There are only 2 posts and 4 members. Maybe we should encourage people to share there. More clicks equal more views. And I guess I’ll finish off this catchup by freaking out a little about how Jesse is doing. Honestly after last season I really didn’t think they would get their shit together. I am blown away by their stats and their current placement at the top. I mean honestly. Jesse has never had this good of a record this far into the season. I hope it keeps going and maybe we can get another cup under their belt. I think it would be so badass to be a first gen with 2 cups with the same team. I don’t know if that’s common or rare or somewhere in the middle but it would for sure be a point of pride in my player. 650 words for week ending 11/19/2023
  14. Re-read my latest .com and realized my quality of writing has dropped. I think the stress from the wedding planning has just zapped me of any ability to write normal. 

    1. Subject056


      I enjoyed your latest article! I don't keep an eye on everyone's stats so it's nice being able to read and catch up on how your player's been doing. Good luck with Wedding planning! So much time and energy goes into that it can definitely take its toll. Been there before so I feel you. Hope the rest of your planning process goes smoothly and is stress free! 

  15. Jesse Teno is on a tear this season with their best ever record at this point of the season with 20-4-6. While approaching their height for over time losses, Teno is having their most winning season at this moment. They have helped London to their current 6 game winning streak. For most of the season, Teno has held the top spot for save percentage and goals against average. Currently they have a 0.945 save percentage and 1.82 goals against average. They also are tied for first in shutouts with 3 along with Fuuka Rask and close friend Lachlan Summers of Davos. “I’ve been feeling really good and I’m happy with how I’m playing. The whole team has been amazing and I’m really proud of all of us. Jacob is making really good decisions, and the guys are just making good moves. This is definitely my best season so far, at least to this point.” 154 words for week ending 11/19/2023
  16. 1. Better than I expected. With Jesse's drop in performance last season I'm surprised to see them still sitting at the number 1 position for goalies. 2. Lower than expected. But I feel like I should have expected this with my wedding coming up. I've definitely dropped from being a max earner and I didn't participate in VHFL or Super Coach this season. But hopefully next month after things calm down again I'll be able to go back to my old self on here. 3. Better than expected. Again after last season I thought we were going to struggle with a long re-build phase but Jacob really did a great job pulling this team together. 4. I think we can all agree with Chicago being a super power but I'm also surprised to see Moscow at the bottom. 5. A more well-rounded win/loss ratio all around. I know that IRL hockey can have a big difference between top and bottom but when we're such a small league, I feel like the gaps shouldn't be that big. 6. Maybe? I mean it's possible that Chicago for unknown reasons continues to dominate just based on the numbers Simon is being fed.
  17. Mid-day yesterday, Jesse Teno and their fiancé stepped off of a plane coming into JFK Airport in New York City from Bermuda. The couple took a weekend trip for a family event to the island with an extended stay prior to their wedding. Local reporters in Bermuda saw the couple swimming in the ocean, hanging out by the resort pool, trying out a very expensive restaurant, and even caught them swimming in one of the island’s many caves. They spent four nights at the Grotto Bay resort with family and friends before having an additional day to themselves after everyone else departed back for the mainland. It’s rumored that the couple may have been house hunting on the island for their additional day, though there is no reliable source for this information. Either way, it looks like Jesse and their fiancé had a wonderful time, coming off the plane looking tired but tan. 153 words for week ending 11/12/2023
  18. Ever since the article written by London United goalie Jesse Teno about the idea of relocation, this office has been swarmed with letters and petitions to do so. While it is a promising idea and one that many fans have gotten behind, we must remind our readers that we are simply a media conglomerate with billions of dollars which can only be used to lobby the VHL, not to actually make the changes ourselves. While we do encourage you to write and welcome your thoughts on the matter, we would also like to encourage our readers and London United fans to write to the VHL itself and address the Board of Governors regarding this matter. It also seems that with all of this interest, many in Scotland have started their own petitions to bring the United across the border and they welcome the idea of the Highland Nessies and their Highland cow mascot. We can only continue to wait and see what the VHL will do. 166 words for week ending 11/5/2023
  19. 1. Probably Starbucks. Jesse is very happy to hit it up every morning on their way into the arena. 2. Probably defense. Given that Jesse is the goalie, I think they would better take to defending the goal than trying to score. 3. The Bestest GM Ever in the History of the Whole of the World and the VHL. 4. Spaghetti with meat sauce. I mean, who isn't happy when twirling some pasta? 5. I'd like Jesse to get 40 wins and 7 shutouts. Would break a lot of personal records if they could pull that off. 6. Hide tiny little ducks all over for the team to try and find. There are 200 of them. Good luck!
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