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Everything posted by Aimee

  1. Okay but seriously. Anyone else still up for the discussion about London relocating to Scotland?
  2. Took a few seasons off but now I'm back.
  3. After having been drafted 5th overall in the VHL draft by the Helsinki Titans, Ahsoka Tano gave a brief interview stating that she was excited about being drafted and that she was grateful to Helsinki. While obviously happy, she appeared to have an air of apprehension and nervousness before excusing herself from the press conference room at the draft. ____________________________________ As she walked through the hallways of the draft building, Ahsoka Tano wrung her hands in front of her once she was alone. She checked various doors as she walked the halls, trying to find one that was both unlocked and unused. It was hard to find one given that this was an off-season stadium. The only people at this time of year who would frequent any rooms were the janitors and cleaning crew. After a few failed doorknob attempts, she finally found one that was dark and unlocked. After a quick peak around the room, she realized it was full of old equipment that either was simply in storage or was bound for the dump. Perfect. She slipped inside and quietly closed and locked the door behind her. Despite the near pitch black of the room, she had little problem seeing enough to get through. She made her way to the back of the room where there was an old desk and chair, and she took a seat. Ahsoka sighed as she leaned back, eyes closed as she took in the day she had just had. It wasn’t the top 3 that people had been speculating but 5th overall wasn’t anything to turn a nose up at either. It meant that she had not only proven herself a good enough player, but seemingly one of the best up and coming. It was exactly what they needed… After a few moments of silence with her own thoughts, Ahsoka sat back up, took a deep breath, and pulled a disk communicator from her leather jacket pocket. It was a little dinged up and hadn’t been used in a long time, but it still worked. Thankfully. She blew what little dust remained on it before pressing the activation button. It only went to one person, but she didn’t know if they would answer. Time passed as the disk sat on the desk and she willed it to light up with the hologram of her friend and mentor. She knew it was a long distance for the signal to travel; further than she had probably ever asked of it. So, while the wait made her uneasy, she had half expected it. An hour or so passed and her eyes had fully adjusted to the darkness of the room. She had closed her eyes a while ago and began to meditate. In times like this, it helped keep her calm despite the nerves quickly building inside of her. She thought about home, her friends, family, mentors, and her life prior to coming to Earth. As those thoughts began to turn to her current worries, a very quiet beep sounded from the communicator. Ahsoka’s eyes shot open and a robed figure of blue holographic light was there to greet her. 524 words for week ending 8/4/2024
  4. With a handful of interviews done, it’s looking like Ahsoka Tano has a guaranteed home in the VHLE and the VHL. The only question comes down to where and in what draft position. All of the prospective drafts that have come out have had her being drafted in the top 3, consistently 3rd overall. It seems that despite her ups and downs in the VHLM, Tano has proven herself a hard enough worker to possibly earn a high draft position. Currently Tano is working on her overall ability on the ice and has been training nearly every day since the off season began. She has made a lot of improvement in just these past few weeks and it doesn’t seem like her dedication to hockey will be waning any time soon. With only a short while to go before the drafts, we wonder if Tano will be able to prove the mock drafts right. 154 words for week ending 8/4/2024
  5. It's been amazing playing and hanging with you, Triller. Can't wait to see what the future has in store for you and your next player.
  6. Lol it doesn't have to be as specific as theme week. It could be literally anything.
  7. I think I'd like to see situations thrown into the VHL that don't have actual impact, but give people something to write about. So we all know that we write about our own promotions, demotions, trades, drafts, etc.. But what if there were league wide situations made up on a weekly basis to make the VHL feel more real? For example: Player was found to be throwing games in order to win at betting. GM has been spotted talking with other team admins and it sparks debate about if they are planning a move. Changes in game rules like in real life. All these would give everyone the chance to write something creative and could also give graphic artists something interesting to work with. With Jesse Teno I sort of did something like this where I wrote about them embezzling funds from their charity over the course of a few media spots. I feel like these sorts of prompts could really bring in some creative writing and graphics.
  8. for week ending 7/28/2024
  9. Ahsoka Tano is participating in the Junior Showcase Tournament this offseason and is playing for the Brigade. She was selected 5th overall. So far she has played in all 10 games and has 2 goals and 5 assists for 8 points with a -4. It seems she is also back in her old habits as she has racked up 18 penalty minutes. Overall she is the 13th best player in the tournament and the 5th best defenseman. “The tournament has been fun so far and it’s nice to keep my body going during the off season. But I am disappointed in my performance. I’m just hoping it doesn’t make teams think I can’t produce. I’ve also got the ProAm coming up so I’m looking forward to that.” Tano was selected a not so surprising 45th overall by the Kitchener Kitsunes. Given that she is going to be playing with well established VHL players, it’s not farfetched to think she would be drafted that low. 164 words for week ending 7/28/2024
  10. Transaction ID: 60S50976NB1115535 5 Uncapped Doubles Week 1M Player Store
  11. Amazing career! Can't believe what you accomplished. So proud of you, friend.
  12. name change alert! 

    1. Triller


      What prompted the change?  I'm considering it as well.

    2. Aimee


      @Triller because I felt like aimkin sounded stupid when people said it in podcasts lol. So I just went with my name. Also no one else seems to have my actual name yet. 

    3. Triller


      Lol makes sense!  I've have been using Triller for so long and only just found out that Triller is also some kind of boxing league or something? 

  13. Amazing graphic as always!
  14. Well, white doesn't show up on the blinding white forum background lol. I feel bad for non-dark mode users.
  15. An amazing career that deserves all the accolades! It's always a blast sharing a locker room with you.
  16. I forgot how torturous it is to keep earning and not be able to apply. 🫠

    1. Ricer13


      But it is so much fun to apply it all afterwards!

    2. der meister

      der meister

      I've done some mock-applications of my TPE just to check out potential builds. {sadly kicks rock down dusty road}

  17. Lights flash and a clamor of noise fills the conference room as Ahsoka Tano enters. The various cameras turn towards her as she settles into the chair in front of the crowd of journalists. She takes a sip of the unmarked bottle which is clearly a Glacier Freeze Gatorade but without sponsorship, can’t show. She finally looks up to the crowd and points for her first question. “Ahsoka, is it true that only one VHL team has reached out to you since the end of the season?” So far, yes. I won’t confirm or deny who but yes, just one team so far. No VHLE teams have come to me yet regarding the draft but I’m hopeful that someone will. “Do you assume that if no VHLE team calls you up, you’ll be moving on from the league?” I don’t think so. I’m beyond the average ability here in the VHLM so I guess we’ll see what happens. Just because no one reaches out in advance doesn’t mean there isn’t interest. “Rumor has it that you’re a Jedi. Is that correct? And if so, how can you justify the tyranny of the Jedi Council?” I was once a Jedi, yes. I walked away from the order after I became disillusioned with the institution during the Clone Wars. I will never call myself a Jedi, however others may if they wish. I am a Force user and identify as such. An uproar hits the crowd, and she holds her hand up to silence them. I have never, and will never, use my Force powers while playing hockey. This sport is too important to me so mess with it in such a way. Perhaps my Jedi training has given me a better sense of myself and my surroundings, but I have no intention of manipulating the sport in that manner. As for the ‘tyranny’ comment, I would not agree with that classification. Overbearing, sure. Arrogant, yes. But the Jedi are anything but tyrannical. The room stays silent as hands carefully raise again. Ahsoka once again points to the group. “You’ve been quiet since the season ended both on and off the ice. Is everything alright?” I’m not great, to be honest. I know we don’t tend to discuss personal matters in this line of work, but I have been struggling with my mental health lately. It’s an old issue that pops up occasionally, but recently it’s been bad. I’ve spoken with my agent, and we don’t think it will be an issue regarding playing as long as I take care of myself. If things get bad, then I will take a step back so that I don’t affect the team. But for now, I feel okay enough to keep it up. I love hockey too much to not push through. Hands shot up again as she finished speaking but then she stood, signaling that she was done. But she did look around the room and said one more thing. If you or a friend is struggling with mental health and you are here in the US, please call or text 988 for the Suicide and Crisis Lifeline. And with that, she grabbed her barely touched not-Gatorade and walked out of the room. 540 words for week ending 7/21/2024 (ps. I'm okay and not in any crisis.)
  18. Can confirm that 30 is when everything starts to hurt.
  19. She's gorgeous!
  20. I've been a busy little reader the last few weeks and have gotten back into the habit of listening to audiobooks on 2x speed during my drives to and from work. Just this month alone I have read/listened to: An Elderly Lady is Up to No Good - Helene Tursten (hardcover) 4 stars Dune - Frank Herbert (Audible) 3.5 stars Percy Jackson: Sea of Monsters - Rick Riordan (Audible) 3.75 stars An Elderly Lady Must Not Be Crossed - Helene Tursten (hardcover) 3.75 stars The Vampire Diaries: The Awakening - L J Smith (Audible) 2.5 stars She Drives Me Crazy - Kelly Quindlen (paperback) 4.25 stars Currently I am listening to Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets by she who shall not be named, and up next will be Dungeon Calamity (Dramatized Adaptation) by Dakota Krout.
  21. During this off season, I have needed to take a bit of a step away from being a max earner. And that makes me sad. Honestly. I truly enjoy interacting in the forums and discord servers but life and work have just been too overwhelming and busy for me to give the VHL the attention I want to. I miss writing and I miss doing the occasional podcast. I’ll be honest and say that part of it is my mental health. I’ve started back up on anti-depressants and I’ve started seeing a new therapist. So I’m hoping to get back to where I was. I’m not burnt out; I can say that for sure. I’ve just lost ability to find joy in things, one of which is online interaction. Not to say that I’m not always reading discord or muting Moscow during the work day. I’m still around, just keeping it quiet for a bit. I do love that I finally got the updater job. It’s the one job I have wanted since I joined 2 years ago and I think this was my 4th(?) time applying. So thanks to the updater team for hiring me! It’s for sure making this funk easier to get through knowing I don’t have to sweat some TPE. I miss interacting and I’m sorry I’ve not been reading anything that any of my friends have been posting. Maybe this weekend I’ll find some time to catch up and check it all out. But for now, I’m just going to do what I can, and I would understand if that hurt my draft stock. Though I do promise that whoever drafts me, I’m going to do all that I can. 285 words for week ending 7/21/2024
  22. I am so overwhelmed by life and work right now. I miss you guys.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Triller


      We are here now and when you return!  Don't let it get yah down!

    3. Banackock
    4. Garsh


      hope life/work chills out soon

  23. I feel weirdly homeless now that my VHLM season is over.

    1. Triller


      Soon to be homed!

    2. Vice


      I feel this.

  24. Thanks for the shoutout! Glad you enjoyed my podcasts. I am definitely going to be getting into it again, just need to find the time amongst the chaos life has been throwing me lol.
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