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Posts posted by VattghernCZ

  1. 9R0ZLB8_d.webp?maxwidth=640&shape=thumb&


    After lighting up the VHLM for 41 goals and 97 points (10 goals and 24 points in 19 playoff games) with the Aces and leading the charge for the Gladiators with 37 goals and 84 points (9 goals and 18 points in 13 playoff games) in the VHLE the season after that, there were some expectations on Wann Kerr in his rookie season with the Wolves in S87.


    When I say some expectations, I mostly mean not screwing the pooch for Vancouver's star forwards. It was certainly hard to predict Kerr scoring 20 goals (I still did so in my S86 theme week MS) and 44 points, entering the season as a ~490TPE player. The biggest ingredient to the success was undoubtedly playing with Nezuko @Baozi and Sergey Preobrazhensky @Bulduray_1, both 1000+TPA players.


    The departure of Kerr's S87 high-end linemates had immediate effect on his stats, as he went on to score just 17 goals and 43 points in his sophomore season. But considering he was moved to center, and spent the season playing with a high-upside rookie Oreo McFleury @JB123 - but still a rookie, still early in their development - on one wing, and a rotation of players like Bob Vladovechsenkchushkin @Grape or Kyle Peace @Peace - very good players, but lacking the star power of Nezuko and Preo, on the other wing, I'd personally argue this season was good for Kerr. Even though I wanted him to hit 20 goals again, and score around 50 points. He was asked to take on more responsibilities, and showed glimpses of being ready to contribute more.


    My consistent max capped earning really allows me to build Kerr the way I like - which is more of a two-way possession driving center rather than a high offense scoring machine; an unsung hero. And looking at a few full game logs, Kerr made huge strides in this area. I'm mostly talking about retrieving loose pucks, creating takeaways with bodychecks (the 5'9" 189lbs cannonball with 89 strength is already surprisingly effective) and limiting giveaways. Stats that are unfortunately not tracked, you have to look at play-by-plays to really evaluate this. And I like the direction Kerr's development is going. Defense will always be my highest priority stat, and with some added skating (hand in hand with puck handling) - which is my main focus during the offseason - my player should be even more effective in these areas next season.


    Of course, to really help the puck possession, another thing I need to put more TPE in is faceoffs. My plan was to start the season with 75 STHS stat, but @Frank brought to my attention it would be a good idea to get to 80 as soon as possible.


    So overall, I think Kerr is in a good spot to have a strong season in S89, starting as a 800-ish TPE player. There's one other thing that could really help. NICO F#CKING PEARCE @Spartan returning to Vancouver. It may be late in Nico's career, but he's still one of the best players to ever play the game, who's scored 96 points last season. Bob Vladovechsenkchushkin has just anounced his retirement, which leaves the Wolves with 6 roster forwards at the time of writing this: Nico Pearce (LW, 1197TPA), Dogwood Maple (C, 1116TPA) @dogwoodmaple, Henry Eagles (RW, 1068TPA) @Greg_Di, Wann Kerr (C, 777TPA), Oreo McFleury (RW, 624TPA) and S.nubbed Analfist (RW, 549TPA) @STZ.


    Maple and Eagles were the Wolves' top forwards last season. They were called "peanut butter and jelly" a few times. With Analfist, they were a formiddable forward line, and there's no reason why should this duo be separated. The Wolves can then decide about Pearce two ways - stack the first line and play Kerr with the two sophomore studs on the second line, or spread the wealth and pair Pearce (or Eagles) with Kerr.


    Either way, Kerr is bound to have a breakout season. Can Pearce's arrival make it a Dustin Funk Trophy consideration worthy one?

  2. 55 minutes ago, RJMW said:

    Some have said I am the most attentive person... People have been talking for a while saying it saying "he's sooo attentive and also cool but sooo attentive" I can also cook up a good press conference maybe idk Ive never tried.


    Anyways pick me pick me!

    No one can compete with sriracha boi

  3. 57 minutes ago, Gaikoku-hito said:

    the joker batman GIF by Maudit

    Off-Season? Nope, Cup Finals Still




    With the Seattle Bears trying everything to lose the Continental Cup and London United looking to make a miracle comeback but, in the end, the only thing that truly matters is the extra week of TPE gained due to them extending the series. Okay, I don`t know if this is true or not but I thought it was funny if this was the case. Either way we are back with another press conference, so answer three questions for one TPE or all six for two TPE. As always have fun!!




    Q: Seattle Bear or London United?




    Q: Peanut butter or Jelly? Why?




    Q: With the team awards being given out did any surprise you? Which one and why?




    Q: Is there any team award that you like to win next season or continue to win if you won it this season?




    Q: Draft around the corner and Vancouver holds the S89 RIG 2nd so is there any player that Vancouver should be considering to draft with this pick or should they trade the pick?




    Q: Riddle: What is seen in the middle of March and April that can’t be seen at the beginning or end of either month?





      Reveal hidden contents

    Letter R



    @Frank@Gaikoku-hito@Grape@dogwoodmaple@Greg_Di@JB123@STZ@VattghernCZ@Morcar80@Xflexz@Bobcat@Kelsier@Tate@G_Rush@Franklin@nikkisixx089@Peace@Mr Bohannan




    1. Seattle. We can make an argument we're actually the second best team in the leage, if they win it. Right?


    2. Peanut butter. A, I love peanuts, B, I'm not really into sweet foods. Peanut butter can be used in savoury cooking much better than jelly.


    3. Yea, the Sniper award. I guess Jimmy just decided he's not shooting anymore after his insane start, when everything he shot was going in.


    4. I'd like Kerr to win the Unsung Hero. That's the type of player I want Kerr to be, just doing everything right but not attracting spotlight. 


    5. I'd consider drafting a goaltender. And if there's no goalie available who's a good fit, I'd look into drafting a player who might bring more value in the LR than on the ice.


    6. Okay, there already was a riddle about end of space and time and beginning of end that didn't really make sense, and it was about letter E. So I'm guessing letter R.

  4. Tons of growing pains in this young team, and a void after Nezuko and Preo leaving that was hard to fill. But I think we've showed there's always some fight in us. We might be down, but never out. And the David Knight worthy moves by Frank only highlighted that. Can't wait to get back on top within next 2 seasons!

  5. Game 86:

    Another close win to give the Bears a commanding 3-1 series lead. A powerplay goal by Siyan Yasilievich opened thea scoring in 14th minute to give London a 1-goal lead after the 1st. Their lead would be higher if it wasn't for Xavier Booberry making 20 saves to boost the Bears' confidence. A shorthanded goal by a London bot put the United up by 2 midway through the second, but the Bears didn't let London gain momentum as Mikhail Kovalchuk answered a minute later, and Alessandro Nano tied the game at 2 not esen a minute later. Last period started tied, and it was a very evenly matched hockey throughout the whole 20 minutes, with Vasile Lamb being the only player to score a goal - in the 18th minute - to secure the final 3-2 Seattle win.

  6. On 5/23/2023 at 3:42 AM, Gaikoku-hito said:

    Denver Nuggets GIF by The Ringer

    Play-offs & Bears




    Here I am having a hard time trying to get motivated after another crushing defeat at the hands or paws of those darn Bears. It could also be that I am trying to balance my laptop and come up with something special for the week while sitting in a car typing this. Either way we are back with another press conference, so answer three questions for one TPE or all six for two TPE. As always have fun!!




    Q: Close series against the Bears but once again we have come out on the losing end; What do you think needs to change to help the team get past the Bears and go deeper into the play-offs?




    Q: Seattle versus Calgary in the next round, who are you picking or does it even matter?




    Q: Prague Phantoms were eliminated in the first round after being a very strong regular season team; since we had the same happen to us last season. What would you say to the Prague players in condolence?




    Q: I always find it weird when the NHL matches up with the VHL is some way; Do you find it weird or more interesting and are you still watching the NHL play-offs?




    Q: Off-season are tough and boring so what are you planning to try to break boredom?




    Q: Riddle: Why is it so boring to eat at a restaurant on the moon?





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    It has no atmosphere!!  



    Sleepy Good Night GIF by Gerbert!

    @Frank@Gaikoku-hito@Grape@dogwoodmaple@Greg_Di@JB123@STZ@VattghernCZ@Morcar80@Xflexz@Bobcat@Kelsier@Tate@G_Rush@Franklin@nikkisixx089@Peace@Mr Bohannan




    1. More than anything, I think we need one or two more seasons of development for our young core. And of course Simon not shafting us.


    2. Definitely Calgary, out of spite if nothing else. But does it matter? Not really, I'd say.


    3. At least they can enjoy awesome beer in Czechia. They should try Bernard, seriously. It drowns every sorrow.


    4. It's the first time I'm experiencing this. Honestly, I don't watch it, my Wild got eliminated. I only check results, and I'm starting to regret I've substitued Panthers with Senators as my Atlantic team last Summer.


    5. Kerr is spending whole offseason working with skating coach. Me, as a memeber...well it's awesome time for fishing, before the Summer heat arrives.


    6. Well, no people live there (apart from the Moon Nazis of course), I doubt it would make profit. 

  7. The Wolves' postseason has been cut short by Seattle once again. With no hockey left to be played, some players booked golf courses and others returned back home to their families. After a proper goodbye party, of course.


    For Wann Kerr, this offseason will be different. Since he's got no family to go home to, and since his Czech girlfriend has moved in with him in his Bowen Island apartment, he's staying in BC, working out some quirks in his game with Laurent Gauvreau, the team's skating coach.


    "I feel like I'm not getting moving as quickly as I'd like to, and I'm losing too much speed when cornering. It's limiting my game too much," said Kerr.




    For a puck carrying forward like Kerr, skating is really important area of the game. We don't need to dive into stats here, the eye test is enough to see Kerr is one of the less effective players on transition, which was obviously hurting the Wolves' offense. Just like in the offensive zone, where his not-so-great skating often allowed the defending team to get into position to limit Kerr to low danger shots.


    "He's not a *bad* skater. Yes, his stride is too choppy, his edgework needs some work, but he's very strong, he's got good balance and knee extension, all the fundamentals of a good skater. And with a bit of work, he could be a great one," said Gauvreau about Kerr.


    Needless to say, we can't wait to aee the results. At least because it will mean hockey is back in Vancouver.

  8. The optimism of Wolves fans after thr first two games of their team’s wild card round against the LA Stars was below freezing point. The only player to score a goal in the first pair of games was Logain Ablar. Their top offensive guns Dogwood Maple and Henry Eagles combined for 0 points, their top defenseman Pierre Emile Bouchard recorded a single assist, and their starting goaltender Brandt Fuhr was sitting at unflattering .871SV%. It was impossible to pinpoint the biggest culprit. They honestly looked like a minor league team at times.


    One would say they were only preparing to make the series interesting. They were a completely different team in game 3, outplaying the Stars and taking home a 3-2 win. The win sparked energy in the team, and they went on to win game 4 5-2 to tie the series, and closed it in a spectacular, very close 3-2 overtime win.


    What’s really impressive is the consistency of scoring throughout the whole lineup. During the 3-win streak, 11 out of 12 skaters have recorded at least a point. Henry Eagles led the charge with 5 points, Jimmy MacElroy, Kyle Peace and Wann Kerr were tied for 4 points, and Brandt Fuhr went from bleak .871SV% in first 2 games to elite .93SV% in the 3 wins (.908SV% combined).


    If you asked me how I think the series went when Dogwood Maple only registered a single point, I’d answer the Wolves were probably swept. But instead, the whole team came together and covered for their snakebitten top forward. If Maple gets going and the depth keeps it up, Wolves might be a more dangerous opponent than you’d think.

  9. 1 hour ago, Gaikoku-hito said:

    Warner Bros Wb GIF by Joker Movie

    Wildcard (Play-offs)

    When I look at the wildcard rounds most of the time they are nothing like letting a slick pig loose in the kitchen but this time around I think it might have been more exciting or sickening depending on who you played for. Either way we are back with another press conference, so answer three questions for one TPE or all six for two TPE. As always have fun!!




    Q: After going down 2-0 to the LA Stars; How high was your panic level on a scale of 1-10? Why?



    Q: After coming back to tie the series at 2-2 and forcing a deciding game five in the series; what were you expectations/feeling heading into the deciding game?



    Q: We are reversing the roles from last year as we head into our series against the Seattle Bears; How do you like our chance against the Bears?



    Q: Now that the first round or wildcard round is completed; who do you have as our current MVP of the play-offs? Why?



    Q: Predictions seem to be everywhere at the moment with Stanley Cup, Fantasy etc… How do you rate yourself at predicting the outcomes? Why?



    Q: Riddle: Why couldn't Goldilocks sleep?



      Hide contents

    Because of night-bears.


    @Frank@Gaikoku-hito@Grape@dogwoodmaple@Greg_Di@JB123@STZ@VattghernCZ@Morcar80@Xflexz@Bobcat@Kelsier@Tate@G_Rush@Franklin@nikkisixx089@Peace@Mr Bohannan


    Season 1 Bears GIF by The Simpsons


    1. Well, I was expecting us to lose, but considering I had picked them as the Cup winners, I didn't really panic to be honest. 4/10


    2. Anything could happen in the last elimination game, I was like come whatever may.


    3. It's gonna be a close one for sure, 6 games minimum. This time it's ours.


    4. Vladovechsenkchushkin, it feels like every goal he's scored has been a big one. Eagles is having a special postseason run as well.


    5. Let's say my VHL predictions are going a bit better than the NHL ones. I'd give myself a generous 6/10.


    Riddle: I don't know, was he in the zone?

  10. 3 hours ago, Gaikoku-hito said:

    the dark knight joker GIF

    Last week of the season?!?!?




    Wow, Either I have been half asleep during the season or I have been so busy that I didn`t even realize that the season was coming to a conclusion this week until I read it somewhere on the forums. What a season it has been for the Vancouver Wolves with the lows of the first twenty or so games to the trades leading to current run back to Wildcard placement. I guess we could do a review like press conference but we will see what happens as I haven`t consider any question yet for this one. Either way we are back with another press conference, so answer three questions for one TPE or all six for two TPE. As always have fun!!


    Q: With the season winding down at the end of the week, who do you think has been the Vancouver Wolves MVP this season? Why?




    Q: Staying along the same concept, who has been the unsung hero this season? Why?




    Q: Blessed with two rookies this season; Oreo McFleury @JB123 & FISTED ANALLY BY A CIRCUS MONKEY Analfist @STZ; who do you think should be the Vancouver Wolves Rookie of the season? Why?




    Q: Interesting situation this season where all our prospects are either playing with the Wolves or inactive so what should we do with the Top Prospect Award this season? Hand it out to one of our two rookies based on performance or not award it this season as we actually don`t have any prospects?




    Q: We have three players set to retire at the end of the season; Kyle Peace @Peace, Matt Avens @Mr Bohannan and Logain Ablar @Kelsier all brought into the team to help stabilize the roster. Who are you going to miss the most and why?




    Q: Do you have any outstanding goals for the last week of the season; Team; personal etc….. What are they and by the end of the season should you have reached them?


    Ttrpg GIF by zoefannet

    @Frank@Gaikoku-hito@Grape@dogwoodmaple@Greg_Di@JB123@STZ@VattghernCZ@Morcar80@Xflexz@Bobcat@Kelsier@Tate@G_Rush@Franklin@nikkisixx089@Peace@Mr Bohannan


    1. Is it too lazy to answer Bouchy? Fuhr has been fantastic. So have Maple and Eagles - but these two are peanut butter and jelly, it's impossible to pinpoint one of them. I think Bouchard stands out the most individually.


    2. I think Jimmy MacElroy has quietly had a really strong season, being a stabilizing force on defense, and of course leading the team in points for a week or so earlier this season.


    3. Ooof, that's a tough one. I'm gonna say Oreo, he's got a year of development more under his belt than FISTED ANALLY BY A CIRCUS MONKEY. I can't imagine how tough it is for a player to go straight from draft to the VHL.


    4. I think it has to be awarded.


    5. My player has been stapled to Peace since his arrival, he has to be my answer.


    6. I'd like Kerr to reach 20 goals. That's 5 goals in 8 games. Not impossible, but he would really need to sit on a heater. As for a team, finishing with 80 points would be nice.

  11. 5 hours ago, Gaikoku-hito said:

    batman joker GIF

    Trade Deadline




    The day that marks the end of the season for Managers since they can no longer make any changes through trades at least. How do the players feel about the current roster? If they will be traded or maybe they have just been traded for? Either way we are back with another press conference, so answer three questions for one TPE or all six for two TPE. As always have fun!!






    Q: Another trade made a few days before the deadline when Vancouver Management moved two third round draft picks to DC Dragons for forward Matt Avens; While this be enough to help the team hang onto a Wildcard spot and do some damage in the play-offs?




    Q: Multiple choice question: In the past four years since Frank has taken over as the General Manager of the Vancouver Wolves; How many trades has he completed?




    A: 31                B: 20                😄 40                😧 Does it matter?




    Q: When the trade deadline arrives do you get nervous as a player or excited? Why?




    Q: By the end of trade deadline day; Do you think you will like the Vancouver Wolves chances in making the play-off and winning the Continental Cup? Why or why not?




    Q: Play GM: If you could make one trade at the deadline What trade would you make and why?




    Q: Another Multiple choice question: What would you rate as successful season for the Vancouver Wolves at the trade deadline?  Why?




    A: Wildcard Spot                     B: Finals                       😄 Champions              😧 Already Successful


    Happy Nbc GIF by America's Got Talent



    @Frank@Gaikoku-hito@Grape@dogwoodmaple@Greg_Di@JB123@STZ@VattghernCZ@Morcar80@Xflexz@Bobcat@Kelsier@Tate@G_Rush@Franklin@nikkisixx089@Peace@Mr Bohannan


    1. A veteran presence like Matt will help a ton. He's also a former 50-goal scorer and a career almost points-per-game playoff performer, it can't hurt having someone like that in the lineup. With the team's core of the Cup winners, we won't go down easily.


    2. It feels like a few hundreds at least, just in the season and half I've been here, honestly. So...does it matter?


    3. Definitely nervous this season. I feel like I haven't been playing my best hockey, and my NTC is kicking in next season. I'll feel more confident having some control with the NTC.


    4. Elite goaltender - check. Labatte caliber defenseman - check. High-end forward line - check. Depth - check. Yeah, I like our chances.


    5. I'd like to have a pure stay-at-home, physical defenseman on the team. I'm not saying any particular name, and there's no one on the team I'd want to be involved in the trade, it's just an idea for the sake of having one.


    6. Conference finals. Last postseason was a bust, we need to aim high to get somewhere.

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