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  1. 2. Not really, I haven't really thought too much about goals for the season. I'm still working on checking, so as far as my hits total goes, any goals of mine would sort of be in flux. I think any goals that I would have as far as personal stats goes, it would be in my number of hits. I'm not concerned about how many points I get, and my +/- is already disappointing enough that I don't want to set a goal for this season (plus, as we score a lot of our goals on power play, our +/- ratings will be lower). I'm currently on pace for 183 hits, and I'd certainly be satisfied with that number. At minimum I guess I'd like to see 150, but I hope to be somewhere more around 175. 2. No, I'm definitely not expecting a HoF career. I won't say it's impossible, and I think I'll definitely earn an amount of TPE that could put me in the HoF with a different build, but I'm not going to be trying for great offensive stats. I may end up rounding out my build as I become more affected by the update scale, but my early seasons will definitely not add much to my point totals. Unless I can win a few championships, I'm don't see myself even being in consideration. The impact of a defensive defenseman is harder to see, so unless I am clearly one of the best defensive players of my generation, it'd be hard to expect much. 3. I'd like to play with the best, so I'll have to say Mats Johnsson. I'm not really looking to be the top dog on my team, especially early in my career. Playing with someone like Johnsson would be awesome, especially since he's good offensively, somewhere that I don't provide greatly to my team. Plus Quik is a cool dude and I think I'd enjoy being on a team with him. 1. I don't necessarily think I would say that it's a bad thing, but I personally think it should probably be lower. In theory, I would think that making it so difficult to go from 90 to 99 would result in a lack of diversity in player builds. More people will stop at 90 in an attribute to just work on something else to get more value out of their TPE. However, this is just coming from my perspective and player-building philosophy. I do think the change to make it more difficult overall to go from 40 to 99 was a good one, but I just feel like the increased difficulty should have been more spread out. I guess I don't know exactly how the sim engine functions, but is going from 90 to 99 better than going from 60 to 69? Doesn't really seem like it would; either way, your skill is improving by 9 attribute points. The harshness of the update scale at the top just makes it harder for the best players to differentiate themselves from the next tier. 2. I'm not a comics guy, so I'm not totally familiar with either. My exposure to Marvel and DC is mostly through movies, as well as bits and pieces of information from secondary sources like other television shows or conversation. I'd say I prefer Marvel more. I've actually been catching up on all the MCU the past couple months (had only seen Iron Man 1+2 prior to a few months ago). I like the X-Men quite a bit as well. I really don't know much about DC. I really liked the Dark Knight Trilogy (particularly the first two), but other than those three, I've seen maybe a Superman movie or two. Oh, and Suicide Squad, which I wasn't a huge fan of. I just don't really know many of the characters in the DC universe, other than maybe the big names in the Justice League, but know almost nothing as far as details go outside of Batman and Superman. 3. At times yes, at times no. As far as video gaming goes, I played League of Legends for a while, but that was mostly a time waster and something to do with friends. Mega Man X remains my favorite game of all time, thanks in part to nostalgia of course, but it's a fantastic game. The Mega Man franchise as a whole is awesome. As far as current games go, I can't really say much. I am a big fan of board games as well. If you're into board games, I'd suggest a game called Biblios. It's been a big hit with everyone I've played it with. It's not too complicated, and pretty quick. Ticket to Ride is a favorite of mine, and if you like games of conquest/strategy like Risk (but don't want to play a bad game like Risk), I would highly recommend Smallworld. It might take a bit getting used to, but I enjoy it greatly. I think it's good in terms of replayability, though I haven't actually gotten to play it a whole lot.
  2. VHL Radio podcast not a point task!! https://www120.zippyshare.com/v/DvLmfuqE/file.html Things I talk about -potential Top Rookie candidates -Beavis' shorter seasons suggestion Song: Billy Talent - Leave Them All Behind
  3. I'm in favor of longer careers :shrug:
  4. It's me, the guy who likes to talk and write about the VHFL here to update you on how the season is going so far. Well, for starters, I'm not all that surprised with the current top five players; from first to fifth, at the top it goes Emil Martinov, Slava Aleksei, Sebastian Ironside, Jake Scheel, and Dragon McDragon. Most of these players probably aren't on very many fantasy teams, with Aleksei and Ironside being the most likely exceptions. Of course, these are all defensemen playing for the bottom three teams, and if you haven't figured it out yet, but those players are valuable in the VHFL given the 0.8 fantasy points per shot blocked. Slava Aleksei was recently traded to the Dynamo, so his scoring will likely go down a bit, though he is still a good player and he could get in on the scoring for the Dynamo. I'm a little surprised by the top forward being rookie Matt Thompson, but his 42 shots blocked playing for an awful Seattle team is a big reason for that. He also has 11 goals and 32 hits, so he has good numbers all-around. Aleksei Federov, Keaton Louth, Gabriel McAllister, and Jack Shepard are the other top five forwards (though Keaton Louth was likely drafted in most leagues as a defenseman, where he was playing to begin the season). All these players have a good number of goals, and with the exception of Jack Shepard, they also have a high number of hits. Shepard makes up for a lack of hits by leading the league with 18 goals and 31 points. The top goalie currently is TOR G, courtesy of a league-leading 656 saves. Markus King is the next goalie, though some of the top goalies in the league have already sat out for some of their requisite backup games. As it stands, no goalie has really broken away, which, if it happens, will likely come by way of a high number of shutouts. And to anyone in Group 2, I am currently in the lead.
  5. Picked a good time to score my first goal
  6. Titans Americans Meute Wranglers
  7. I only needed one more question for this week, maybe I'll get to some of those others next week but several of them are also similar to questions I answered directly above. For now though, I'll just respond to this Truthfully, I'm not really intently modelling Samuel Gate after anyone, and certainly not any NHL player. I am building him quite similarly to how I went about things with my first defenseman Geno Esposito. Esposito's career was cut short (retired in his fifth season) because I wanted to create a goalie for the Americans, so I never really got to see that through. I want Gate to play good, physical defense while not being incompetent in the offensive zone. That's certainly how I started out building Esposito, although I ultimately did end up making him a more well-rounded player simply because of the update scale making TPE more valuable going from 70 to 80 as opposed to 90 to 99, which I will probably end up doing with Gate as well.
  8. Just submit one half of a graphic one week, and the other half the next week!
  9. Didn't these guys beat us 7-1 just the other day Fantastic job by the special teams. 4/7 power play and 6/6 penalty kill. Nicely done
  10. someone ask me a question


  11. Dynamo Meute Dynamo Wranglers
  12. 1. Absolutely thrilled. I guess it's not quite as exciting as it could be, given that @STZ isn't active like he used to be, but the team still has a lot to like about it. It's also one of the franchises that I haven't spent much time playing for, with Diana Maxwell's final season being the only time I can think of. Plus it meant I didn't have to change my avatar, which is nice. 2. We have several pieces in place, though both STZ and @Mr.Baller not being around so much recently takes a bit away from our overall outlook. Still, Dragomir is looking like a future star, Louth should be good, and Harding is looking solid in the minors right now. We've got our goalie in place and some good young defensemen. We're a step ahead of the other rebuilding teams at the moment, which is nice. I was a little disappointed when we picked Alvaro Jokinen over Stromberg in the draft, but we ended up getting a second round pick for him, which given the recent surge in recruitment could very well turn into a solid prospect. We could definitely stand to use a couple more updating players, which we'll hopefully find next off-season. 3. As far as the team goes, I expect us to firmly finish as the fifth best team. Despite getting a win over Helsinki in our first game, I think we are behind the likes of the Titans, Americans, Wranglers, and Dynamo. As I said, we're further in our rebuild than the Legion, Bears, and Reign, so we should beat them in the standings for sure. I think it'll be a pretty decent gap both ways, with at least 10 points separating us from the team directly above us and directly below us. For me personally, I'm not expecting an incredible season. Somewhere between 35-45 points, 110-130 hits, 110-130 shots blocked. 4. To say next season would be a bit optimistic, but depending on free agency I think it's possible. We could be an attractive destination for players on the open market. I think a more realistic answer, and more of my expectation, would be to say S63. Give our current players a couple more seasons of updating, add in hopefully three prospects in the next draft that will be up in the VHL by S63. Maybe throw in a high-profile free agent signing. Yeah, I like the outlook for S63. 5. I'd have to look up Blake Lively to even know who she is, so I may as well just kill her, that's the easy one. I'll go with marry Margot Robbie and fuck Mila Kunis. Truthfully, I'm not really intently modelling Samuel Gate after anyone, and certainly not any NHL player. I am building him quite similarly to how I went about things with my first defenseman Geno Esposito. Esposito's career was cut short (retired in his fifth season) because I wanted to create a goalie for the Americans, so I never really got to see that through. I want Gate to play good, physical defense while not being incompetent in the offensive zone. That's certainly how I started out building Esposito, although I ultimately did end up making him a more well-rounded player simply because of the update scale making TPE more valuable going from 70 to 80 as opposed to 90 to 99, which I will probably end up doing with Gate as well.
  13. Franchise Cornerstone retired having won more individual awards than all but two players in VHL history


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Beketov


      Yes and no. TPE levels were lower but everyone's were so it kinda evens out. Scotty just understood the engine better then anyone else. He also might have rigged shit but that remains unproven.

    3. DollarAndADream


      For what it's worth, I sort of modeled Parechkin after Campbell. He was my best player so far.

    4. NotAVHLM-GM


      Atleast O'Malley stayed in front :) 

  14. Oof, yeah I'm a dum dum missed that. Sebastian Ironside, and then Samuel Gate for the last pick
  15. Quebec best team confirmed
  16. https://www117.zippyshare.com/v/J80d5H9y/file.html I talk about players who I think are good VHFL players for the upcoming season, and some of my general VHFL drafting philosophy. Music: Cartel - Say Anything (Else)
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