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Everything posted by scoop

  1. my research plan I don't have any massive data find that's ready for public reveal (ie it's a very rough looking spreadsheet; but maybe some day I'll organize it and tidy it up for you guys to look up anything you want on your own), but I do have data for me to look things up. So I'll go ahead and find some specific data relevant to the current playoff series. (Keep in mind although I do also have VHLM playoff series data, I'm strictly using the VHL data for the figures in this article) The data goes from S18 to S52. There have been a total of 149 playoff series in that time (3 per season from S18 to S30; 5 per season from S31 to S52). Data relevant to current NYA vs SEA series From S18 to S52, there were just TWO series that began as WWWLL: the S29 Finals (Toronto vs Davos) and S31 Semi-Finals (Davos vs Riga). In both of these series, the series ended on Game 6. However, unlike the current series, the winning team (Toronto in S29 and Davos in S31) was the away team. If Seattle wins Game 6, regardless of who wins Game 7, we will be seeing a playoff series pattern that we did not see a single time from S18 to S52. Taking a step back, I also want to look at how often a team has lost a series after starting WW. From S18 to S52, 74 series began with one of the teams winning the first two games. The team down 0-2 has come back to win nine times (12.2%). Data relevant to current STO vs HSK series From S18 to S52, there were FOURTEEN series that began as WLWWL. Of those... -three were ended on Game 6 -five were won on Game 7 by the team leading after five -six were won on Game 7 by the team trailing after five There have been more examples of this pattern, and it's actually a fairly even split. It's only an eight to six advantage for the team leading after G5. The past also indicates that there is a pretty good chance that the series goes to seven games. If you have any specific data you want me to check on regarding playoff patterns, go ahead and ask.
  2. It all depends on if the person included their list of players when they created their thread I think
  3. I don't have a list, no, but if I had to guess, I'd say probably top ten. Behind at least Kendrick, sterling, tfong, Victor, myself, Phil. Oh and Higgins for sure as well. And Jardy. Okay maybe not quite top ten, because there are probably a couple others as well. I don't know if guys like Draper, STZ, and Green have had enough players to have you bested. Greg probably. Frank? Jericho?
  4. It should only take me a couple more hours when I get back at it, and I'll have more data as well. How often has a team gone up 2-0 ended up losing? Who knows? NOT VICTOR'S RESEARCH, THAT'S WHO! (for the record, it happened three times from S18 to S34)
  5. Okay so I'm done up to S34 and I think maybe this is where it comes from (though maybe later on there is more to it) From S31 to S33, there were five playoff series (out of fifteen) in the VHL where a team won after starting 1-3. S31 Davos over New York S32 New York over Riga S33 Riga over Davos S33 New York over Calgary S33 Riga over Helsinki Another thing in particular that I'm looking for are reverse sweeps. I don't recall a time when it ever happened, and so far my research shows that from S18 to S34, there were none in the VHL. There was a reverse sweep in the VHLM, though. In the semi-finals, Bratislava over Kolari. Bratislava went on to sweep their opponent in the finals.
  6. Quite frankly, I'm not sure where the notion of a "3-1 curse" originated, but as someone who is currently up 3-1 in both the VHL and VHLM, I refuse to believe in it. However, because of this, I'm going to begin the inevitably tedious task of researching every playoff series in the documented history (S18 and beyond) from both the VHL and VHLM just to see how often teams have lost series after having 3-1 lead. But since I'm doing this massive research anyway, I figure I might as well go even beyond that. For every playoff series, I'm going to look at the pattern. So as a result of my research, I'll know New York's series record when they start the series with a loss at home followed by a win at home. Okay, so maybe I won't be quite that in depth. I don't plan on looking at home/away splits. Maybe though. Once I start getting into it, maybe I'll find a method of doing it where home/away is easy enough to document. I don't know exactly how much info I'm going to be gathering. I'll be watching Futurama while I'm doing it though so it's not like my time will be totally wasted. for mist4ke
  7. Can't say for sure if the VHFL will be back next season, but I figured in case it is going to be, might as well get a sign up thread going since we'll want to start the drafting early enough in the off-season to make things work. For anyone who is unfamiliar, the VHFL (Victory Hockey Fantasy League) is a fantasy league, as the name suggests. During the off-season, groups of 5-6 members will draft teams consisting of VHL players. TPE is awarded based on the standings within each group. The rules can be found here (though some things may change, possibly the scoring and TPE payout). Important note: I may change the drafting procedure this season. Rather than making selections, I might opt to just have you all send in lists, though I don't see that as ideal. I'm also not a big fan of the "draft over several days" approach, but it'll probably be necessary. I'll be asking everyone who signs up individually what they would prefer. Live drafts will also be an option if your group can find a time to work it out. If you wish to participate, please sign up in this thread! Tagging members for awareness @gorlab@Jala@Frank@hedgehog337@DollarAndADream@Beketov@sterling@gregreg@RomanesEuntDomus@Gooningitup@Tylar@BobertZ@Wasty@Paramorise@Lunaro@frescoelmo@Mr.Baller@Jericho@Kylrad@stevo@Advantage@eaglesfan036@Rowe89@Ahma@Tyler@Pandar@tfong@HFD@ChiefNoka4@KitRas@Will@JardyB10@Kyle
  8. You mean you can't just whip up a logo likes it's nothing? Well you better improve because we'll need you making one every few seasons once we start allowing every new GM to move their team.
  9. Though I suppose that'd be more relevant if Undertaker had done anything this game
  10. 1. Re-naming awards Splitting the stats into eras would not be all that easy. To begin, the first era would have to extend to at least S17, because we don't have any stats prior to then, so the best we could do is take all of the stats from the subsequent seasons away from those years and what's left are the S1-S17 stats. The idea of splitting stats into eras has also been brought up before, but not every 10 seasons. The expansion in S31 would be an obvious splitting point. And then maybe again at S50-ish. Some sort of segmenting of career stat records I suppose I could get behind, though it would be a good chunk of work for someone to do (if @Will and @Higgins want to give me TPE to do it, I can). But re-naming the awards I disagree with. I just don't think it's something we need to do. I wouldn't be totally torn up if we decided to, but I don't see the point. Something to strive for? Strive for the Hall of Fame. Strive to be better than the players in your draft class. 2. Changing VHLM Team Location I wouldn't mind seeing more re-locations. I think they can be exciting if they don't get too out of hand or happen too frequently. As soon as you take over, though? No. You have to prove yourself. Three seasons as GM at least before you can submit a proposal. We can't just allow anyone who steps in as a GM to move the team. People even less established than yourself in the league have previously been given a chance to GM a VHLM team. We can't just let anyone move a team as soon as they are made a GM. Prove yourself; prove that you are committed to the position. Then we'll talk.
  11. Or were you implying that Astrid Moon is playing like a minor leaguer?
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