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Everything posted by scoop

  1. taking real steps to getting better :cheers:


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Bushito


      Glad to hear it, keep it up and things will get better

    3. Devise


      Add another to the sentiment of way to go dude. Awesome to hear this.

    4. der meister

      der meister

      Positive status update is positive.

  2. holik more like lolik amiritE??
  3. 46 Americans 47 Vikings 48 HC Dynamo 49 Meute
  4. I don't know exactly why it is. I do think it has something to do with the amount of time and effort I have put into into sim leagues. It's been nearly ten years of my life. With very little down time. As far as someone holding it against me, I don't think that would bother me a whole lot. There are a few people who knew: two kids who were like 5 grades below me who I knew through a school activity (not sure how they found out; probably found a football sim through some message board and saw my name) and a college roommate who, I think I actually mentioned it to him, though he may have seen me on it and asked me about it. Can't remember for sure. But I don't really remember being super ashamed of it when I was talking to them about it.
  5. It gets significantly worse after the first three seasons, according to the prevailing opinion (including my own). I mean, I guess I liked it enough to get close to 200 episodes in (while skipping some filler stuff), though there were definitely parts that were a bit of a labor to go through from what I remember (it's been a while). And that's barely even half-way through the series.
  6. I don't particularly know why I'm ashamed of the VHL (or sim leagues in general), but it's probably the one aspect about my life that I'm not confident sharing with people in real life. It doesn't really bother me if people know that I like anime. The comments about making fun of me were mostly a joke (though it definitely shows some insecurity). The actual reference to myself as a 'loser' was not related to anime or the VHL, but rather the way that I am.
  7. lol true tbh I'm more ashamed of the VHL than I am of going to an anime convention Possibly due to just how much damn time I've spent here though.
  8. User Name: Street x Lite Cup Winner: Minnesota Wild, bitches! (I mean, yeah right tbh but I pick them every time) EASTERN CONFERENCE (M1) Washington vs (W2) Toronto Winner: Washington # of Games: 5 (M2) Pittsburgh vs (M3) Columbus Winner: Pittsburgh # of Games: 6 (A1) Montreal vs (W1) New York Rangers Winner: Montreal # of Games: 5 (A2) Ottawa vs (A3) Boston Winner: Ottawa # of Games: 6 WESTERN CONFERENCE (C1) Chicago vs (W2) Nashville Winner: Chicago # of Games: 5 (C2) Minnesota vs (C3) St. Louis Winner: Minnesota # of Games: 6 (P1) Anaheim vs (W1) Calgary Winner: Anaheim # of Games: 5 (P2) Edmonton vs (P3) San Jose Winner: Edmonton # of Games: 6
  9. fuck I turned a VHL.com article into a media spot again @Will @Phil pls help
  10. I am a very emotionally unstable person. I'm not sure that's necessary to share, but if you know me well enough then this is something you'd certainly already know. This past weekend, I was away, at an anime convention. You can't make fun of me right after I announce that I'm emotionally unstable, that'd make you an asshole. Actually though, that kind of thing wouldn't bother me because truthfully, I care very little about what any of you have to say about me. Because I care very little about any of you. At least, in a personal sense. The VHL does not really make me happy. Sure, there are times when I enjoy it, but for the amount of time that I spend on here, it's not nearly enough. This is something that I realized during my weekend. I hate that I'm about to share some of the thing that I think I'm about to say, but I'm going to. I recognize that this may just be a cry for attention. And I hate that about myself. That I feel the need to do that, as though I'm entitled to say 'hey everyone look at me, give me sympathy.' I don't know exactly what I'm trying to accomplish here. I shouldn't feel the need to explain myself. Okay, I lied. I guess I do care about what you guys think about me. (I wouldn't care if you make fun of my attending of an anime convention though; more so what you think about me as a person, not my interests). I hate that I care enough to have to explain myself rather than just say 'hey I'm gonna step down.' I don't know how in detail I'm going to get here, but if you actually care, I suppose I can share (it's just more of a story that exemplifies myself as a loser tbh). But the short of it is that on the last day of this convention, I was contemplating suicide for the first time in over two years. For the first time since I left my old job. When I was in college, it more frequently crossed my mind, but ever since I went back to working at Wal-Mart in Spring 2015, while I have been 'sad' at times, I don't think a single time have I thought about killing myself. I don't actually think I will. Like I said, this is probably more just a cry for attention that I so apparently think I deserve. And it's not my first. The point of all that is that I need to start thinking about what makes me happy. The VHL just isn't really one of those things anymore. At least, it doesn't make me happy enough to the point that I am willing to spend the extra effort as VHL Financier and the Yukon Rush GM. If I'm being completely honest, it's probably in my best interest to cut ties with the VHL altogether, but I'm the kind of person who doesn't want to hurt my teams like that. Of course, Devise and Smarch would probably both tell me that I gotta do what I gotta do. Maxwell could survive to provide New York with a decent body for a few more seasons even through depreciation. For the Dynamo, however, mist4ke is not quite at the level where he could coast for the rest of his career. I feel especially bad about this because Davos could have drafted Markus King, but didn't because they have me. The reason I don't plan on entirely quitting the VHL is not simply because I feel as though I need to provide my teams with a solid player, though. As I said, I do find some enjoyment out of the VHL; I simply cannot continue to expend as much effort as I do. If I were to leave the VHL entirely, I would probably find myself with a lot of extra time that I would probably end up wasting on something else that doesn't make me happy. So, at least as long as I don't start finding myself stressing over the VHL in the future, I think spending enough time here to continue to put in a bit of work, maybe occasional writing media spots (as doing research and writing them is actually one of the things that I sometimes enjoy) will be okay. And fuck it, I'm using this as a media spot. For Maxwell
  11. It wasn't exactly the best weekend for the financier to be relatively unavailable (was on mobile from time to time but nothing more than that), and I come back to read that apparently there was a situation. Now, I know the thread is locked, but I apparently played a role in this happening, so I'm gonna speak my piece, even though YEAH! already brought up what I have to say. There was no call up thread for Vernon Von Axelberry. This is correct. Yet I still placed him on the Bears roster on their finance sheet rather than among their VHLM players. I don't remember if someone had moved his player page to the Bears roster, which is one way that I might determine to put a player onto the pro team's finance section. However, that wouldn't have mattered to me. The Bears signing Axelberry to a $4,000,000 salary for S54 is an implicit call-up. When I see that amount offered to a player, I assume they are going to be playing in the VHL, because a VHLM player cannot be signed to such a contract. The people to blame for this situation are Banackock and Robbie themselves. I have no problem with allowing this to be reversed, but the point is, they are at fault, not me and whoever moved the player page if someone did. for Maxwell
  12. @eaglesfan036 But yeah I feel like the updaters don't get enough credit, especially @Kendrick who has been doing it for who knows how long at this point.
  13. It's not going to unfortunately. I was too busy during the off-season to make it happen
  14. scoop

    S53 VHLM Awards

    I knew John Locke's correct stats when I chose to not vote for him. :shrug:
  15. scoop

    Phukin Pucked

    1000000 to come be my goalie
  16. Maybe you don't realize this, but there is a rule place already that says teams can have one active and one inactive free agent. You could've just decided that rule would apply here rather than allow Las Vegas a second active free agent. There aren't even more than three active free agents, so this decision is all Las Vegas needed Based on your words it seems there was intent to keep things somewhat balanced, but this doesn't hinder the super team at all. Instead of allowing 1+1 you allow 2+1? Doesn't make much sense to me
  17. These players are under a different classification. I assume, anyway, the free agent term in this case applies only to players who have already been drafted in the VHLM but no longer have a team
  18. This isn't necessarily true though. If Robbie can make room for them, possibly, but he has to make an offer before they can choose to sign.
  19. Honestly, I think throughout all the award voting I've done here, Top Defenseman has overall been the toughest to decide by far.
  20. S54 purchase Player Name: mist4ke VHL Team: HC Davos Dynamo Cash you have: $5,500,000 Purchase Name: VHL.com/Radio Upgrade Cost of Purchase: $2,000,000 Cash Left: $3,500,000
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