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Everything posted by Doomsday

  1. I look forward to the results of your observations, sir.
  2. Well, at least we won in our first game.
  3. That's because Festivus is tomorrow, silly!
  4. The only thing I loved more about that game was Byfuglien having karma collect on his bullshit by setting up Scoreacek for the win.
  5. I'm more impressed with the fact that we killed off a 5 on 3 than the fact that this was a game going into the 3rd. Good game Simbas.
  6. So close, if only we had more shooters for the shootout... Good game Locomotives!
  7. Get in loser, we're going shopping.
  8. Didn't exactly prove Chief wrong for all the scratches tonight.
  9. You shut your whore mouth.
  10. The brawl in OT was the real selling point here.
  11. It's six games in a 72 game season. If your team is as good as you say it is, you'll be fine in the end.
  12. There is a right way to handle something and the wrong way to handle something. I don't think I need to really say which one I feel it is. But just in case there is any doubt... this is not the way things should be handled here. Yeah, maybe throwing a tantrum will get results. But you know what it also does? It makes this league look bad. Bad that people who will act like that are in positions of power, especially positions that are responsible for grooming new members into the next great members of the league. Showing them that behaving like this will get results is the absolute last thing that should be done. Before a complaint thread is posted, go through the following checklist: - Am I fully informed about the issue? - Am I actually correct? - Have I gone through proper protocols in a professional manner? If you've gone through these steps, still haven't gotten results and you feel the situation is dire enough to warrant a complaint thread, follow this checklist as well: - Be professional. - Be clear and concise. - Be understanding of reasons that have caused your issue. - Be professional! It looks better on yourself and the league to handle situations in a mature, professional manner. Please, people, let's stop stuff like this from going on.
  13. Only takes me 21 seconds to find the penalty box on a good night.
  14. Should I start e-mailing lines to you now too?
  15. Went to a Phantoms game tonight... within the first 36 seconds of the game, they had scored three goals on three shots and chased the goalie.
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