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Everything posted by diamond_ace

  1. We have another d that will be joining us (currently in inactive fa, no team has his rights, but did a practice facility so hes now technically active) Mountain Thunderfist. Also the 12, 17, 20, 26, and 38 picks.
  2. ffs you were supposed to give me strong @Advantage
  3. i dont really have stuff, im serious 99% of the time
  4. To be fair I was actually pissed for a few days when it first happened. By now I'm good though
  5. Yeah this is old news
  6. There are no malls in El Gran Valle del Rift.
  7. Yep, sitting and talking in the discord is its own value in a way, but it produces no tangible effect in the sim
  8. Not being on the list means that when you thought of making the list, I didn't stand out enough to cross your mind. That when you thought clown, you didn't think of me, in any direction. This was the goal. Having made the list at all, I'm fine with being the opposite of a clown, but I'd have preferred not to have been there in the first place. However, given my rationale behind not wanting to be on it, it wouldn't do much good to remove me after the fact, because you can't just unthink. That's not how thought works. Not that I'd have been able to convince you to take me off it anyway
  9. Yet you forgot it and tried to pull some shit?
  10. The only tier I'm ok with being in is f. I'd rather not be on it at all, I'm the farthest thing from a clown, but I can tolerate being f.
  11. And how did waiting to see if I would budge work out for you when we were Ott and Hali? You know that doesn't work with me
  12. But you still wanted to act like a 10th overall this season is significantly better than a 13th/14th overall next season. If next draft is deep, then they're the same pick, like I said. It doesn't matter if one is labeled "a 1st" and one is labeled "a 2nd" Also if you had no use for the pick this season, you could always have flipped it to someone. Hell I'd have given you a 3rd and 4th for this, I just assumed no one would turn down a 2nd and then accept a 3rd and 4th...
  13. I told you my 2nd this year, 26th pick
  14. I get this from Shawn's side. It sucks and he prob should have tried to avoid being in cap hell in the first place, but once a team is in cap hell, sometimes you have to lose a deal to get out. He's paying beaviss to take cap. The thing I don't get is that he and I were discussing a deal where he refused to budge past a certain point - the thing I was offering, that he wouldn't do, was still less bad for him than this. I'd have taken on much of this cap had he paid me the 1st to do it, in exchange for my 2nd this year (26th pick) which is better than a 3rd and 4th. He insisted on my 2nd next year, which we all know will be a first and a half...
  15. Yep
  16. You took a 3rd and 4th but refused to take a worse 2nd from me
  17. So agms in the bigs never really used to be a thing, but since there are so many newer guys wanting to get their foot in the door and not enough vhlm spots to take all of them, I don't mind taking on a guy myself. Plus this guy has been a massive help in planning for the expansion draft, with excel sheets and everything, and I am happy to give the position to @HenrikZoiderberg. Note: this does not mean that the player Henrik Zoiderberg will be on Prague. He will remain on Seattle. @Banackock and I have a good relationship (of course, as mini commies together) and he and I can trust each other not to tamper through Zoiderberg.
  18. I came in, I know I'm not Fish or Frostbeard but something?
  19. Cunning Stunts has two *real* professional athletes! one is a "wrestler" and the other is a league two right back, so rely on them for cricket at your own risk
  20. FOR THOSE OF YOU WHO DIDN'T KNOW AT WHICH STAGE TO ROUND: Just do it whenever is most beneficial for your stats. If you have 6.7 and 7.7, rounding separately will come to 15, rounding together will come to 14. Take the 15. If you have 6.4 and 7.4, rounding separately will come to 13, rounding together will come to 14. Take the 14. Keven Foreskin @Esso2264 20 Owen Nolan @studentized 13 Samuel Ross @Brrbisbrr 15 Bruce Grimaldi @Psyduck77 20 Seabass Perrin @Sebster03 15 (rounding separately gets you an extra point) Kaspars Claude @Bruins10 13 Finnegan MacBurn @DizzyWithLogic 20 Raymond Bernard @Mr_Hatter 20 Thorvald Gunnarsson @Saelven88 20 Chad Gilbert @Fire_In_Babylon 13 Nate Telker @Telkster 13 Jeff Downey @JeffD 14 Alyksander Hunter @Jaku 15 Thorny Underyew @jack 20 Luciano Valentino @Kekzkrieg 17 Dalton Wilcox @Dalton Wilcox 19 Willie Dredge @sjs88speed 13 Ryan Busser @diacope 13 Berocka Sundqvist @berocka 20 Erik Draven @Jbeezy76 15 Hugh Chan @HughJas_ 20 Kefka Palazzo @diamond_ace 20 Tony Bolonee @Tbeez99 13 Pierre Persson @Dominus89 20 Fredrik Elmebeck @Elmebeck 15 Balentine Kidd @TukTukTheGreat 13 Jesse Nyman @Jesse Nyman 13 (you only claim your two best stats, but it didn't matter - basically just letting you know for next season) Condor Adrienne @Green 20 Charles Drumm @frescoelmo 15 Dylan Doyle @zepheter 20 Guy LeGrande @Steve you played in the bigs you don't get this Zeno Miniti @Zeno 20 Mike Van Stronk @Beerfridge 13 Micha Sage @AcousticKazoo 20 Gert B Frobe @NumberJ5 15 David Wallace @Juddy 13 Alex Pearson @Jayrad28 20 Teemu Lehtinen Jr @Sixersfan549 17 (not because the 16.27 round up, it doesn't, but because you can round each stat individually if it works out 1 higher - in this case it does) Lance Flowers @CowboyinAmerica 19 Brandon LeBlanc @Psanchez55 20 (only use two stats, but it got to 20 anyway) Kenji Hachimura @Dtayl 17 Jacob Perry @Liberty_Cabbage 15 (you got the benefit in the opposite direction of Perrin and Lehtinen, you get an extra point by rounding the combined total) Koda Adok @trevmi 15 Edu Stava @Edustava 14 Wolf Stansson Jr @Cornholio 20 Jeff Tates @PotatoKing 13 Sean McGee @Strooper99 20 A Red Guy @.sniffuM 20 Micheal Rasmussen @Connor mcdavid 18 (I gave you a little bit of the benefit of the doubt - your best two stats were points (76/10=7.6, which rounds to 8 ) and plus minus (which you did not include in your post, and therefore I didn't have to give you it, but 42/6=7) and 8+7=15, +3=18.) Ricky Johnson @Midnite 16 Brendan Plunkett @MetalToday 20 Fang Flashback @uphillmoss 20 Roadkill Steve @stevo 13
  21. unlocking to post, nothing put in now will count
  22. About 70.75 at t=3 if I'm remembering my old math right
  23. Vouch.
  24. Add 76 words so you can claim it for 4 weeks
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