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Everything posted by diamond_ace

  1. So why is a 66 year old woman playing professional hockey in the VHL, and how exactly has she earned a spot on one of the two new expansion teams? It's a long story, and we'll get into the long story at another time, but for right now we'll start just a few years back. A charity hockey tournament was held between four teams comprised of celebrities, politicians and well known figures from four countries: Czech Republic, Russia, Sweden, and Finland. At that time, Dagmar Havlova was the wife of Czech president Vaclav Havel, prior to his death, and was invited to play for the team as mostly a publicity stunt. Starting as a projected third liner, Havlova climbed her way up the lines as the tournament went on, ultimately ending up as the leading scorer of the tournament. A few scouts took notice of this, and invited her to play in the Extraliga, where again she started off near the bottom of the roster. Despite taking a season off when her husband died (a major loss nationally as well, so the league had a lot of themed matches and pre-match fanfare to honor Havel's life, much of which Havlova was a part of despite taking the season off of playing) she still managed to become one of the major stars of the league. At this point, she's been in the Extraliga for a while, and hasn't really stopped impressing, so a few VHL scouts started to look her way. Vaclav Hrdina, former VHLer, currently the coach of the CDL team the Plzen Brew, fed a few pieces of information to his mentor, Clark Marcellin, who had only recently found out his old GM was about to make a return. Marcellin passed it forward to the man he'd worked so closely with for so long, former VHL GM Jason Glasser, who ended up deciding to sign Havlova as his designated player.
  2. If this is your protection list: @eaglesfan036 welcome to the team
  3. I read all the ecn articles
  4. The other day, @GustavMattias and I were talking about the possibility of placing a team in the current location of what used to be the great ancient city of Ur. Now, that location is Tell El-Muqayyar in Iraq, and so the Tell El-Muqayyar Temples were born. This was an entire team concept based solely around the fact that no one can be bothered to spell out a four letter word, your. Gus and I had a good laugh about it, but now it's about to get me more TPE. Let's come up with a few more team names based on bad grammar, shall we? (Also tagging @Renomitsu because anything Gus is tagged in, Reno ought to be tagged in) Dover Defiant This team is based off the word "defiantly" which is more commonly used in place of "definitely" than it is used in its proper context. Spotting the rare defiantly in its natural habitat has become something of a Loch Ness Monster sort of thing, and if you claim to have seen one, people would be forgiven for thinking you were either mistaken or lying. I've decided to base them in Dover, because it just feels like more of an insult to the English language if the team is in England. Paranaque Pacific This team is based on the use of "pacifically" to mean specifically. No one really knows where this usage started, but at least unlike "defiantly" it doesn't use another actual word. Even spell check agrees with me, as I had to take an extra step for my phone not to change it to specifically. As for the location, there are a lot of places bordering the Pacific, but fewer inside of it, so I went with the Philippines here because their people are called Filipino, and the fact that it changes from Ph to F feels like it should be grammatically incorrect even though it's correct. So theiyr're you have it: teams that I could theoretically expand to, based solely around grammatical errors. I don't know how many words this is since I'm on my phone, but if it's too short, I'll add a team when I get home.
  5. I saw a "defiantly" in its natural habitat a few weeks ago, which is rare anymore
  6. I used to play Fifa 98 as Solomon islands all the time. Maybe I'm putting a team there...
  7. Yes but not until later tonight
  8. Also, I clearly must have been tired going to work earlier because I didn't even spot the fact that whoever edited this in used the wrong form of its. it's - it is its - the thing possessed by it (in this case, the commissioner possessed by the league)
  9. I'm assuming your European team was Fucking, Austria
  10. I've been here way longer than 2013, that's just when we switched hosting sites. Also, no hof players, but I'm already a hof builder. The article for that can give you any other history about me you'd want to know
  11. Pretty sure Davos is far enough west to be closer to the Scandy teams than the Eastern teams
  12. I never get excited enough about anything to use an exclamation point @Enorama You calm down buster!
  13. Who tf edited that
  14. Given how late I'm creating I'm not going to a team that's outside of the playoffs, I'd play 10 games. Would be very open to playing with you guys next season
  15. Finn will absolutely be protected, only one year older than Pouta and more than twice the tpe. I think it would be Gles, maybe.
  16. Screw this league and its shitty Commissioner Quik!
  17. ? I think you'll be protected, but if you're not, I'm immediately taking you (unless Eno gets first pick in expansion and takes you first)
  18. What's going on is that Quik said it would be better for me to retire and recreate like Eno did and they can unretire Kefka, rather than just floating Havlova out there on her own outside the portal.
  19. Player Information Username: diamond_ace Player Name: Dagmar Havlova Recruited From: Member (Coach Reilly) Age: 50 Position: C Height: 75 in. Weight: 180 lbs. Birthplace: Czechia Player Page @VHLM GM
  20. Yes. This is a person who exists in real life, and she is a woman
  21. Getting a $50 gift certificate at trivia, at a place that has 8 different flavors of margaritas (fuckin strong ones too) and then having to spend the whole $50 the following week, when there's only 2 people: wise decision, but it does cause some reason to stop in this thread. Fine now, but was definitely deserving of a post in here a few hours ago. Also, @JardyB10. Just because
  22. Also, Havlova does not exist in the portal right now. Wasn't about to retire Kefka and unretire and all of that, however Eno's doing it (although I didn't notice he retired and unretired Kastelic until much later). I figure we can just add Havlova when the time comes
  23. If I'm just creating now, there wouldn't be much point going to a non-playoff team. You guys can feel free to draft me for next season though, I feel like you'll have a good team
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