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Everything posted by diamond_ace

  1. *sees criticism of veteran VHLM GMs *looks at list of VHLM GMs and does process of elimination The fuck did I do?
  2. Mike McTank, Jacobus Maximus, Daniel Couture, Adrian Burrows, Phineas Kelly, Ryan Skinner.
  3. Good luck with Halifax! Great place to start out, you'll grow with the franchise itself
  4. Unfortunately, Ottawa will not be able to offer, we have 6 D already, all of which have shown some level of activity. Good luck wherever you go, and feel free to come to me with any questions about the league
  5. Also, for full disclosure, even though this could hurt my own chances: you'd be on the third line here. We have 7 draftee forwards and all have shown signs of activity, so I'm not pushing them down the lines, it would be unfair to them. I'll make sure you get decent time though, through PP/PK/extras.
  6. Ottawa bumps to 1.5 but only there, and relies on the appeal of probably winning a cup. You can never be too sure, hence Yukon last year, but on paper it shouldn't be close.
  7. Deep run where you inevitably lose to Ottawa
  8. $1m to come play for Ottawa. We had half the picks in the draft, have built a prohibitive cup favorite, and are looking to pick up just a few more forwards to secure that.
  9. If someone passes you the puck and your skating is good but your shooting is bad, you get to the puck, and then you get a shot off and maybe it goes in maybe it doesn't. If someone passes you the puck and your shooting is good but your skating is bad, you don't get to the puck, so even if the shot would have gone in, there is no shot. Basically you need a decent enough skating in order to have a chance to do the other things.
  10. As for #3, this sim engine massively rewards skating, so you're on the right track with that one
  11. My current player is on Calgary
  12. Going to ask the same questions to my S62 guys as I did to my S60 guys 1. What do you think about getting your careers started with the Lynx? 2. Any preliminary opinions on which teams at the VHL level you might eventually want to play for? Any you'd rather avoid? If you don't know, that's fine 3. How are you looking to build your player? Stylistically, and/or players you're modeling after? 4. Long term goals? Cups, HOF, etc? 5. Member-wise: favorite hockey team? @DaftRaincloud @Tacocat @Joobles @Mike_Houle @Rzerk @803 @nymets5 @McWolf @bdu754 @Da Trifecta @eaglesfan036 @BOOM™ @Elhandon @hedgehog337 Anyone who has already answered some of these (Elhandon almost certainly has) look through alecbama's questions and see if some of those can take you to 5.
  13. If that is you, please let @Beaviss know, you will become a free agent and teams can make offers, then you can choose who to sign with of those teams. Please do not be discouraged if you weren't drafted, you can still end up on a team.
  14. James Lombardi @nymets5 52 to Ottawa Jerome Mitchell @bdu754 58 to Ottawa
  15. RW Rzerk at 46 to Ottawa
  16. 31 to Ottawa, RW, JP Desjardin
  17. 28 and 29 to Ottawa: both D, Gregor Rasputinov and Robert Renner
  18. 22 to Ottawa, Chance Matthews
  19. 19 to Ottawa, Athanasios Andrianopoulos
  20. Braylon James and Joseph McWolf at 16/17 to Ottawa
  21. diamond_ace


    So due to some errors in pick ownership, 13th was dealt when it shouldn't have, so for the sake of fairness to the teams involved, we've come to the following conclusion SSK gets 13 and 40 OTT gets 19 and 31
  22. 11th overall pick to Ottawa: Vaydar Odinsson @BOOM™
  23. Ottawa would like to thank the three previous GMs for not taking Kallis Kriketers off me. He is 4th pick, and Lando Baxter is 5th pick
  24. diamond_ace


    Hmm typically you don't post a trade until it's agreed in pm, but I'm actually good with this. Accept
  25. Who do you think wins the VHL cup this season Who do you think wins the VHLM cup this season
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