AFRICA, the country - Last week, the young English Defender for the Reign, Phil Villeneuve, stated on his blog that he was not fully dedicated to improving himself.
Well, he's proved it. He's outdone his words.
The former Rookie of Indifference, now the Sophomore of Deterrence, has skipped down to the southern hemisphere on a plane to Africa.
Why, when he's coming back, how he was allowed to do this, what will be the consequences are all questions that Villeneuve probably didn't consider.
Some believe that it was one of the League's commissioners that drove him to the hot plains of the Serengeti:
"This time Victor has gone TOO FAR," said PITA Leader of the VHL, Joey Kendrick. "I always knew he would start driving members of the community away, but he's CROSSED THE FUCKING LINE THIS TIME."
Kendrick is currently picketing outside the Alfie Estate. Crowds may form and the police may need to get involved.
As for Villeneuve, who cares? This Kendrick raging story's going to win me a Journalism award!!
Reporting from the Lativan Labia Lines this was
Mike Hunt