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A tale of two Brothers // On the road again

Daniel Janser

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Graphic courtesy of Leandrofg

(Marcel's stats/Daniel's stats)


The VHL approaches the final quarter and the Wranglers are looking sharp. Here are the game summaries for the past six matches.





Calgary cemented their position as the top dog in the league by defeating New York 4-2. Wolanin was on the board first with a power play marker, which was the only goal in the first period. The Americans tied the game in the second, but GoodBrandSun on even strength and Justice in a power play put the Wranglers ahead again. Alas, it did not take the Empire State team long to cut the lead in half before the bell rang. It was the Captain who sealed the deal with one of his rare goals on the man advantage. The Swiss had an attempt on goal which Wolanin deflects, but the shot is blocked by Carter. GoodBrandSun picks up the orphaned disc and lets loose. Kennedy with the rebound. AirRig again on the biscuit and shoots, but Matchett throws himself in the way. Dan hoovers up the puck, dekes around Kennedy and squeezes it between post and blocker. Colors (2g/0a), Janser (1g/2a) and GoodBrandSun (1g/1a) were named the three stars of the night. Calgary's rookie Pedersen (.900) had the better of veteran netminder Kennedy (.895) but not by much. Calgary's power play was uncannily effective (3/5) and combined with a disciplined effort in the penalty kill (4/4) won the game.

Marcel had  0g, 1a, -1, 1 hit and 2sb

Daniel had 1g, 2a, +0, 2 PIM (Tripping, no effect on the score), 6 hits and 51.43FO%




The table turned when the Wranglers faced off the Phoenix in a 4-2 loss. Chicago went ahead first, but Daniel tied the game before the first intermission. Johansson dumps the puck into Calgary's zone, where it is found by the Rotkreuz native. Seeing that Chicago is changing lines, he immediately sends GoodBrandSun and joins the attack. AirRig back to his Center. Dan is already at full speed and cannot be seperated from the rubber and cuts through Chicago's disarrayed defence like a hot Swiss Army knife through butter, scoring an air-hook marker. The second period saw no goals. Early in the third frame, Chicago reinstated the one goal lead. Less than a minute later GoodBrandSun tied the game anew. Alas, with two goals (one of them in the Wranglers' deserted net) in the last two minutes, the Phoenix took the win. The three stars distinction went to Bob (1g/2a), Johansson (0g/3a) and Sundin (1g/1a). Dahl (.921) lost the clash of titans against Pearce (.956), who stood on his head to give his team a fighting chance. Calgary's power play was poor (0/5) while the penalty kill was okay (3/4).

Marcel was noted with 0g, 0a, -1, 4 hits and 2sb

Daniel was noted with 1g, 0a, +0, 2 hits, 1sb and 61.22FO%




In a direct rematch, Calgary lost again versus Chicago with the final score being 4-3. The Phoenix came hot out of their nest and scored three goals (one of them on power play) within sixty seconds from first to third. In the second period, the Wranglers came back with a vengeance. First Dan scored in a similar way as in the last match. The Phoenix dumped the puck and the Wranglers displayed a textbook transition game, taking advantage from Chicago's line change. Strasmore picked up the puck, pass to Justice to Janser who beats Pearce on the five hole. Vladovechsenkchushkin scored for the Albertan team in the third to tie the game. However, Chicago would have the last word and goal in this match, adding two points to their tally. Dahl (.900) and Peace (.900) came to one of the very seldon stale mates in net. Calgary fluffed on the one power play opportunity they have had, while playing okay on the penalty kill (3/4).

Marcel ended the game with 0g, 0a, +1, 2 hits and 3sb

Daniel ended the game with 1g, 1a, -1, 2 PIM (Hooking, did not lead to a goal), 2 hits and  45.45FO%




In a very balanced thriller, the Wranglers found back to their winning ways in a hard fought 2-1 victory. The first period was more of a testing ground for the two teams, with neither being able to score. The second frame saw two goals by Ablar and Vladovechsenkchushkin (both assisted by Leandro and Marcel). In the final period, Davos spoiled Dahl's potential shutout but it was too little, too late and the Wranglers rode into the sunset with two points in their saddlebags. Dahl (31 saves), Gonçalves (0g/2a) and Ablar (1g/0a) were given the post match honours. Dahl (.969) and Booberry (.939) fought a battle worthy of a cup final, with the better end for the Canadian netminder. Calgary's power play was inexistent (0/2), the box play was immaculate (0/1).

Marcel had 0g, 2a, +1, 2 PIM (Interference, no effect on the board), 2 hits and 3sb to his name

Daniel had 0g, 0a, -1, 3 hits and a 76.32% win rate from the hash marks to his name



3-2 (OT)

Calgary extended its series by a 3-2 overtime win agaisnt the Stars. Vladovechsenkchushkin scored in the first period. The second frame saw a Wolanin goal, surrounded by two Davos markers plus a fight between Gonçalves and Rust which ended in a draw but saw the Portuguese being expelled for instigation. The third period was without a goal and so the Sudden Death had to decide the game. After less than two minutes in the extra time, it was Vladovechsenkchushkin who found the back of the net. No wonder was he (2g/0a) elected as the first star, followed suit by AG (0g/2a) and Justice (0g/2a). Pedersen (.929) convinced against ART VANDELAY (.919) in net. No goals for Calgary on the one power play opportunity. At the same time, the PK-unit shut the door in five shorthanded situations.

Marcel left the ice with 0g, 1a, +0 and 3 hits

Daniel left the ice with 0g, 0a, +1, 2 PIM (Hooking, no effect on the score), 7 hits and 54.55% success rate on the draw




In a direct rematch the Wranglers gained another two points in 5-2 victory to stay at the top of the league. LA was hot and scored within 37 seconds of the first face off. But Janser and Wolanin corrected the score to Calgary's advantage. Calgary on the power play, Pedersen fetches the puck-dump and plays the disc to his Captain. Dan launches the attack via Wolanin, who enters the Stars' zone on the rush. Once in position, he plays back to the blue line to Janser. The Swiss shifts the game along the blue line to AirRig and takes his position in the slot. GoodBrandSun to Strasmore, to Wolanin who sees a gap in the box and dishes the biscuit to his Center in the slot. Quick release by Calgary's topscorer who beats Vandelay between blocker and glove. The teams neutralized each other in the second period with no goals scored. In the final frame, Gonçalves, Vladovechsenkchushkin and Wolanin scored three consecutive goals, before LA did some damage control and found the back of the net a second time this night. Wolanin (2g/1a), Janser (1g/2a) and Gonçalves (1g/1a) were named the three stars of the game. Pedersen (.889) as well as Vandelay (.881) had rather mid matches with the edge for the rookie between Calgary's pipes. The Wranglers' power play was okay (1/5), their box play spotless (4/4).

Marcel logged 0g, 1a, +1, 2 PIM (Hooking, no effect on the result), 5 hits and 1sb

Daniel logged 1g, 2a, +1, 4 hits and 55.81FO%.


The brothers' stats for this season so far read as follows:

Marcel: 46gp, 2g, 31a, 33pts, +8, 56 PIM, 78 hits, 73sb, 2ppg

Daniel: 46gp, 32g, 43a, 75pts, +29, 78 PIM, 190 hits, 27sb, 3gwg, 5ppg, 62.27FO%, 12 First Star awards


Stay tuned for further updates on our hockey exports.







GM 325: Calgary Wranglers vs. New York Americans (vhlportal.com)

GM 331: Chicago Phoenix vs. Calgary Wranglers (vhlportal.com)

GM 339: Calgary Wranglers vs. Chicago Phoenix (vhlportal.com)

GM 347: HC Davos Dynamo vs. Calgary Wranglers (vhlportal.com)

GM 356: Calgary Wranglers vs. Los Angeles Stars (vhlportal.com)

GM 361: Los Angeles Stars vs. Calgary Wranglers (vhlportal.com)



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