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Pajodcast Episode 100 Questions/Thoughts/Comments


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We are for sure going to do this next week. We have some time restrictions this week as well as getting together all the work by the musical artists. Sterling said he would join us, so assuming scheduling is all fine assume he will be on. It will be live, it may go down after an hour and have to go up again because I won't pay for Mixlr premium. :P However it may be long. I'll announce an actual date when we know more.


However I would like any comments, questions or thoughts you want said on the air posted here. I will read EVERYTHING. Provided it isn't inappropriate and weird. (looks at Frank and Edgar) So go ahead and post away. 

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However I would like any comments, questions or thoughts you want said on the air posted here. I will read EVERYTHING. Provided it isn't inappropriate and weird. (looks at Frank and Edgar) So go ahead and post away. 

Why do you have to ruin all my fun :(

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Have Noah on it


I don't want it to get clogged with too many people, especially since this will be Sterlings first time as a guest. I'm probably going to do an ep 100 Part 2 where we bring in a bunch of guests, and you are certainly on that list! 

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I don't want it to get clogged with too many people, especially since this will be Sterlings first time as a guest. I'm probably going to do an ep 100 Part 2 where we bring in a bunch of guests, and you are certainly on that list! 

I believe those are called "ep 101"s

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What would your thoughts be on adding the draft restrictions currently in the VHLM to the VHL? (No more than 6 picks in the first 2 rounds of any draft, no more than 3 picks in the 1st round). Since expansion, this has 4 happened times (Helsinki S39, Cologne S38, Riga S36, Seattle S32).

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*Do you think anyone outside of the pajodcast regulars actually knows anything about me, or am I just the guy who posts images of tits?

* Opinions of the recent PT payout. Was the TPE amount right or should NY have been awarded something extra for winning the vote outright?

* I recently asked a rival podcast who they thought the next great forward will be. Personally, I think it will(and already is to an extent) be Tom Slaughter. For something a little different, who is someone with a big rep but who might disappoint in the next season or two? Could be a rookie in S41 or someone who will be a recreate soon.


* Is team loyalty something that should be encouraged, or is the ability to move around in order to experience LR's with different GM's and members truly frowned upon?


* Should the "Rep" system have a level beyond "Sterling" ?




Other content is with Mr Miller

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Hello guys and well done on getting this far with the series. Great effort. It was a good way to learn more about the VHL as I started my journey in the league.

For Sterling - How much does it cost to host the VHL in a calendar year?

For anyone - Does something like this quadruple week announcement make efforts to reduce inflation useless?

After adding Moher, has Frank made the moves this season to see Quebec knock New York out of the playoffs?

Looking back at the season 39 draft, link provided here


Do you think Calgary made an error in selecting Yamazaki that high, considering the veterans taken lower in that round?

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Congratulations on getting to 100 episodes guys, your podcast really was one of the most important aspects of the VHL to me, especially early on when I still had yet to learn about what was going on and who everyone was :). The pajodcast is both a great source of entertainment and information and I'm already looking forward to the next 100! Don't really have a lot of questions, but I'll try:


- If you had the power and the guaranteed support of the blue team and the members, what would be the biggest change that you would want to implement?


- Do you think expansion (in the VHL) or contraction (in the VHLM) could happen anytime soon, let's say in the next 5 or so seasons, or is the number of teams in both leagues perfect right now?


- What is your favorite VHL moment and Pajodcast moment?


- If we stop hogging Devise for the Colognecast all the time, will you guys be able to return to weekly episodes?


- After being in the league for quite a while, is your motivation still as high as it was early on or are you experiencing some fatigue?


- If you could move a franchise and re-brand it, where would that be and what would the teams new name and identity be?


- The possible battle between Helsinki and Cologne in future seasons has been highlighted a few times already, but which other teams do you think could surprise and beat those two out? Will one of the current rebuilders be ready sooner than most expect, or could a team like New York, Quebec or Riga still be competing in 3-4 seasons?


- A question that we have been asked on the Colognecast already, but I would like to expand it a little: Who do you expect to be the next big superstar forwards after Tordahl/Lindberg have retired (and please name someone else than Slaughter/XXX :P). And which young defenseman could threaten Conner Low and Matt Bentley soon? And the same goes for goalies, where we see two of the best in Lennox Moher and Eggly Bagelface retire, which young goalie (let's say S37 and younger) do you see having the best career? Or will we not see a superstar goalie like LeBeau or Moher and Bagelface to an extent for a while?

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Congratulations on 100 episodes, what an accomplishment for you guys, well done. Since I've come back to the league I've listened to every episode that you all put out and I haven't been disappointed by even one of them. You keep every episode fresh with new ideas, new segments and the same old jericho. I would say the Pajodcast was one of my highlights of the VHL, even when you guys mentioned Low and the Americans in every other sentence for weeks on end lol. Like i said, congrats on 100 episodes and here is to 100 more. Maybe you can get me in on one in the near future so someone will talk about Cote, instead of just O'Malley and Richardson ;)




In your honest opinions, do you see Vasteras, Seattle or Calgary winning a Continental Cup within the next 10 seasons? If not, which of these three teams do you believe will win one first given current status, current GM's long term potential, ect.?


Are there any changes that you believe will need to be made in order for the VHL to stay as successful as it has been over the past 7 years? Are they immediate changes that need to be made or can they be long term goals for our league?


How many jack and cokes does it take to get to the tootsie roll center of us not getting a nightly sim?


Chris you are doing an outstanding job handling New York and putting out the best roster available time and time again for the Americans. Where would you guys rank Chris among the current GM's and the all time GM's New York has had over the years? Where do you believe he will be after his tenure as GM is over? (Robbie should prove to be a tough opponent)


Devise you have provided a spark for the Cologne Express franchise and with some smart picks as of late, Cologne is looking like a powerhouse in the making as long as everything goes to plan. How far do you think you guys can take this team and do you think it can become a dynasty like a New York or Davos?


Whatever your answer is for the question above, does it suck to know that Toronto will be there in the future to thwart your attempts, thus making the Legion the next dynasty in the league? ;)


Jericho, with Kellinger's career coming to an end, what was the highlight of his career for you? Did he live up to your expectations you had set for him, even after having to waste your time playing with that Logan Laich guy? How high are your expectations for your newest player and what are the goals you would realistically like to achieve with him?


Sterling, I don't have a question for you, as the one about changes in the VHL is more for you. I'd rather thank you for all you have done and for being a vital member to the league. Now can you stop making great players for a change, your making me look bad lol.

Edited by Rex Regum
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ADV: Should I retire early, so my 8th season doesn't suck?


ADV: What are your plans going forward. Rebuild of retool like you have been?


Devise: Why do you suck so much(Laich), also how much of a riot are you at parties(Devise)?


Sterling: Find me a place to live please

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