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Halifax and Mexico City VHLM GM Openings + More?

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As we approach the offseason, we're once again looking to hire GMs for some open positions in the VHLM. We've got a bit of turnover this offseason and are hiring for two teams (and potentially more depending on the VHL/E hirings) - Halifax and Mexico City. Thank you to @ShawnGlade and @hylands for their great work as VHLM GMs, and for all the time and effort they put into their teams and players.


Please comment below if you are interested in any of these teams, and feel free to state a preference for a specific team. We cannot guarantee those preferences being followed if selected for the job, but we'll keep it in mind. We may also find out that we're losing another GM to the VHL hiring cycle, so there is a chance we'll need 3 GMs - so there are plenty of opportunities for all!


Serious applications only in this thread, anything else will be sent to the gulag. Feel free to DM me or Gus with any questions, comments, concerns. Happy to discuss the positions with any interested candidates!


- @VHLM Commissioner

Thanks @hylandsand @ShawnGladefor your time here in the M! 🫡 Good luck to all the applicants!

@hylands It was great being GMed by you for your final season, unfortuntaely we dident making far into playoffs but you are still the GOAT. VIVA LA MEXICO


@ShawnGlade Good luck Shawn on your future endevours!

I’ll apply specifically to Halifax. Former Hali GM right here! (I’ll apply to all 3 but preference on Halifax)

Edited by fonziGG

Naturally applying for the Halifax GM position. I will support who ever get that position as AGM.

Edited by Will3
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