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Claimed:What Position? [Final 6/6]


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At this point, there is essentially a 1% chance that A.C. Savage doesn't retire at the deadline. This is not a player that I've had a lot of fun with, stemming back into the VHLM when I lost interest and went mostly inactive. Now that I'm back into the swing of things, I can't stand having missed out on the points I missed out on. I also have a pretty horrendous build, which was formed in an effort to correct an even more horrendous build that I did as a joke. Surprisingly, neither of them have worked out. I have from now until the deadline to figure out what position I should recreate as. Feel free to voice your opinions as well.






Nope. This isn't happening. Part of what I hate about Savage is the position. I chose it primarily because there weren't a lot of them at the time. Then a few others also chose centers and I felt like I would probably always be behind them throughout my career. Plus, center is essentially the same as playing on the wing, yet you have to worry about another entire category for updating. I'd rather just load up on less categories for once. I've had one longer lasting player in the league and he was mostly a role player. I'm not saying my next guy will be some sort of legendary, Hall of Fame caliber player, but I'd like to have a player that is actually pretty good at something, not just a depth player.






This is a pretty good possibility for me. I enjoyed Jarkko, but I also pulled the same stunt with him that I did with Savage, going inactive for a long stretch of time. For Olsen, it was nearly three full seasons, which meant that he was always going to be behind, especially because I did it during the prime years of his development. I think it could be fun to make a winger that I stick with and see how that turns out. You get a lot of statistics to look at and keep track of, which would be nice. I also like the idea of continuing Olsen's career by recreating him as if he were coming back into the league, Brett Favre style. He'd be about 3-4 seasons removed from the league, so it would make sense that his skills would have deteriorated in terms of storylines. I'm not saying this is for sure what I would do if I recreated as a wing, but it is an idea. There are always going to be good wingers in the league, but I think that I could still perhaps carve out a space for myself and have a nice career. Wing also has the least amount of Hall of Famers in terms of specific position, with only 13 for left wing and 11 for right wing.






Defense is actually my original position in the VHL, but that was a long time ago and I never made it out of the VHLM. I wanted to go defense when I created Savage, but since the league had just had a massive influx of defenders I thought the timing was off. I think now might be a much better time, I could come in during the overlap of people not creating defense and have a nice career with perhaps less competition. I've really never had a defender in a hockey league, its probably the position I like the most in actual hockey, but I just have never stuck it out with one in a sim league. I wish there were more to them in the sim, they almost seem like role players with the exception of a few really great ones. Defense is the second highest Hall of Fame category with 18 guys as of the last update. I also would like to do the same thing I was talking about with Olsen, except create as Daniel Braxton. In this scenario, I would make sure to never win any awards and ultimately play as bad as possible to tarnish his career. 






This is a position that I've wanted to make for a long time, but I was talked out of it last time around and ended up with Savage. I clearly shouldn't have listened. Now in my assumed draft class there will be roughly 100 goalies created, with at least 43 of them being admins (or former ones). This means that I'd likely be pushed to the back of the crowd for my entire career, or not even get a starting job. I have a goalie in the SHL, so I guess that helps my desire, but I think I have to hold off on the VHL goalie for awhile. Maybe by the time I've gotten bored with another player and retired early the league will need more!


What do you think I should create as?

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Content: 3/3 - Surprised less wingers in HoF since there are less stats to update which could mean more TPE to fight regression. That really shocked me. In my opinion, you should make a defender. They look like fun on the VHL especially if they are good players. Also D-men are really valuable and with your TPE ability you can create a great player. 

Grammar: 2/2 - Try to avoid using contractions. Overall nice job with grammar, few changes here and there that is only down to your style so there would not be any sort of deduction. 
 I did it during the prime years of his development - Think you can get rid of his here. 
Appearance: 1/1 - Sure 

Overall: 6/6 :cheers:

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Leave that to me, good sir.


Be a goalie. I think that way we have more of a chance of being drafted together.


Trouble is I know of at least two or three good goalies entering.

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Genuinely choose whatever position you think will give you the most enjoyment. After this 3rd guy, I have figured my order is.....


1. W


3. C


Goalie never.


Have fun and whatever you create as will be fucking good.

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