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Claimed:KnightTime #43 - Jeltz (and a surprise) [Final 6/6]


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Episode #43




Run Time: 55 minutes


Player Profile: Vogon Jeltz


Notes: A special section that replaced questions this week!! Riveting. You can't miss it. Also, a unique player profile on Jeltz! Some great tunes and heartfelt moments. It's all here on 


Facebook Page: KnightTime Podcast


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Edited by Phil
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Good stuff Phil, especially the Bears GM bit.


Yeah it went straight from Greg to Bushito, Higgins had actually just stepped down a week earlier as Titans GM when Greg stepped down to give Bushito the job, so that could be why you thought Higgins came in between.


Only thing I was confused about was the bit about "taking Quebec to seven games". Maybe I'm not understanding it right, but it sounded to me like you were saying you went to the playoffs in S42 and had a seven game series with Quebec?

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THIS IS NOT A GRADE. If somebody doesn't grade it, then it will turn into one. ;)


The regular season definitely went by fast this week. There was a bunch of sims done to catch up with the VHLM sim, apparently. Surprised me as well.


That re-sim definitely was NOT in the Bears favour.


Most Improved should probably go to either Wylde or Koenig. Wylde jumped from 19 goals and 64 last season which was his best, to getting 22 goals and 103 points. Koenig went from 31 goals and 57 points to 50G and 50A for 100 points.


Bushito did log in on June 2nd and did some Head Grader stuff, like update the logs. Not sure what else, or maybe that was it.


Definitely a good point of view of the Seattle situation.


Molholt would probably be a fine GM. I can't say anything bad about him, really.


I've turned down GM jobs as well. I was offered Calgary's GM job before D_A stepped down. I don't think it's my thing. Who knows, as I also said no to Head Grader before and now I'm doing that. :lol:


You're wrong! YEAH! also listened to it! Not just me...


As much as Seattle being in the gutter organization-wise is good for Quebec, it still sucks. Every team should be active and it's just not good for the VHL.

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shit yea! I haven't actually taken a close look at the candidates for the award..I just was thinking of Koenig because I picked him for RoY last season and he was garbage... and now he gets 50 goals!? haha

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At least for me, the additions that Seattle made, namely yourself, redefined the Bears culture. Perhaps it was because I wasn't there, but I always viewed the team with a negative light. There is no denying the fact that I've had patches of not getting along with both Bushito and DT, so I'd say it goes a long ways to say that the LR made me develop somewhat of a loyalty to the Bears, and I think most of that credit goes to you. I didn't want to GM any more, largely because I committed to it 100% with the team I had in the USFL, and when that fell through I figured I'd had my go. However, I feel like I could do some good for Seattle, develop that same mentality, togetherness and eventually competition that could bring Seattle back to the top of the league as a premiere destination. 


If nothing else, we gave some teams hell and stuck it to Quebec a time or two even if we had no business doing so. Now it is time to do the same to Toronto, I love a good underdog story. What is there to lose?

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Context: 3/3


The regular season definitely went by fast this week. There was a bunch of sims done to catch up with the VHLM sim, apparently. Surprised me as well.


That re-sim definitely was NOT in the Bears favour.


Most Improved should probably go to either Wylde or Koenig. Wylde jumped from 19 goals and 64 last season which was his best, to getting 22 goals and 103 points. Koenig went from 31 goals and 57 points to 50G and 50A for 100 points.


Bushito did log in on June 2nd and did some Head Grader stuff, like update the logs. Not sure what else, or maybe that was it.


Definitely a good point of view of the Seattle situation.


Molholt would probably be a fine GM. I can't say anything bad about him, really.


I've turned down GM jobs as well. I was offered Calgary's GM job before D_A stepped down. I don't think it's my thing. Who knows, as I also said no to Head Grader before and now I'm doing that. :lol:


You're wrong! YEAH! also listened to it! Not just me...


As much as Seattle being in the gutter organization-wise is good for Quebec, it still sucks. Every team should be active and it's just not good for the VHL.

Professionalism: 2/2

Editing: 1/1

Overall: 6/6

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