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Quebec City Meute Most Liked Team in VHL


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Recently a poll held in Frank's head concluded that Quebec was the most liked team in the VHL and all that love can be seen with 5-6 pages on most Game Day Threads. Whether it's Kendrick singing the praises of his favourite province in Canada or Boom letting Brovy know that he's done a good job and saying only nice things about his spelling and grammar. In these threads Quebec shows only the utmost respect for the opposing teams players and those who decide to wander into threads that don't involve their team. Quebec is all class, we're so humble and soft spoken. If you wanted a comparison for the Quebec City Meute, picture Mother Teresa on hockey skates.


We the Quebec City Meute are a team of Ray Bourque's and everyone wants us to win the cup. Once our captain Travis Boychuk lifts the mug over his head at the end of the season the VHL will fall silent with only applause being heard and chants of Go Meute Go, as tears of joy slowly stream down Kendrick's face.


Naw I'm just fucking wit you...



Edited by Frank
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This Quebec team has nothing on the hatred of S35. We obtained half our team via FA and players saying they would hold out if not drafted by Quebec. Plus we won a Cup.

Although there seems to be a trend of Quebec being a hated team.

Edited by Mr. Power
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This Quebec team has nothing on the hatred of S35. We obtained half our team via FA and players saying they would hold out if not drafted by Quebec. Plus we won a Cup.

Although there seems to be a trend of Quebec being a hated team.


Difference is that I wouldn't have mind playing for that team. This team on the other hand...

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is amaaaazing??


Brovy and I had talks to include you in a deal when he was still on the fence about rebuilding or not rebuilding. I badly wanted to try to get you a Cup.


Honestly it's one of the key reasons I'd be super happy to see you guys win it this year, that and I think Kesler hasn't done that bad of a job as GM and probably deserves the reward. But the stuff spewing out of the posts of both "The Judicator" and "The Sheriff" these days makes me wish the VHL had a maturity test to pass before signing up. 

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Brovy and I had talks to include you in a deal when he was still on the fence about rebuilding or not rebuilding. I badly wanted to try to get you a Cup.


Honestly it's one of the key reasons I'd be super happy to see you guys win it this year, that and I think Kesler hasn't done that bad of a job as GM and probably deserves the reward. But the stuff spewing out of the posts of both "The Judicator" and "The Sheriff" these days makes me wish the VHL had a maturity test to pass before signing up. 


Why so you could fail it?

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