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VHL Magazine Power Poll - Goodbye my friend


VHL Magazine Power Poll  

28 members have voted

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Lots of threads on this today, so it makes for a good topic...


Today, it was announced that the VHL Chat system will be no more. Draper was kind enough to provide us with several reasons as to why league officials came to the decision, but the important question here is... do the public agree with it?


For this week's VHL Magazine Power Poll we want to see some numbers for who is on what side here. Do you agree with the league's decision to remove chat?


While the chat may have had things working against it, it was the primary way for members here to chat with one another. Either it be GMs discussing trades or off-season plans, players talking to each other about recent games, or even just two people catching up. The chat was a well supported part of the league it seemed, and with its departure it seems that a little part of the forum has died.


BUT this is all for the better it may be as this will lead to the forum being upgraded, as Draper said in the announcement. On top of this, we now have the opportunity to get more discussion going on the forum and make it look a bit more appealing to people who haven't seen the site before.


There are many more arguments that could be made for either side, but let's get to the point. What do you think about the change? Make sure to comment with your vote for a chance to get into the Mag as always!


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  • Senior Admin

does democracy even matter? here we are voting on if we agree when the dictators already have voted to get rid of it.  


im just joking. I just want to have my quote in the mag. 


Nowhere do we claim this is a democracy ;)

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I'm eager to see what these forum improvements are going to be. They are part of the reason chat had to go, so maybe it will have been worth it. I don't buy into the concept that having chat takes a lot away from the activity of the league, and when we've been without chat in the past, people wanted it back. I'm on the fence right now, but I support the league in whatever direction they go with this.

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I'm eager to see what these forum improvements are going to be. They are part of the reason chat had to go, so maybe it will have been worth it. I don't buy into the concept that having chat takes a lot away from the activity of the league, and when we've been without chat in the past, people wanted it back. I'm on the fence right now, but I support the league in whatever direction they go with this.

this right here. Honestly, i liked chat. but i will wait to see what the improvements are before i threaten suicide over chat. 

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ALSO what i feel, is that whoever makes the donations on the site should have a bigger stake in what goes on here. They put money into the site. They are the ones who pay for chat more than likely among other things and if they are ok with chat not being here than I will see where they go with it. 

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I'll probably talk about this more in my podcast tomorrow, but probably the biggest loss with the chat being gone is losing the "catching up" aspect of it. Discussing games and the league is probably more appropriate on the forums anyway, and as I said in the Announcement thread, negotiating is probably better in PM. But losing the ability to quickly say hi to forum friends in indeed a bummer.


Overall, glad to have my 10 pixels at the bottom of the window back. :exercise:

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good, some people are still rational here.

I don't think expressing the opinion that you don't like chat being gone is a lack of rational being shown.


Saying you are going to quit the league because chat is gone isn't rational.  Most people (there are a few who don't fit this) are just disappointed with the change but are still going to stay here.

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The whole debate shouldn't be even there yet. People only see the downside of it because the actual reason why there's no chat is because we'll update our board (which haven't happened yet).


So why creating a debate when we only see one side of it ? I don't think this is rational. 

Of course the chat was awesome, and I'll miss it, but every big decision has his downside. No offense to eagles, but the chats around emoticons (:3) won't be a big lost here. Yes negotiating was easier since we could talk in private easily, but the biggest difference between us and other leagues isn't that we have a "chat", it is mainly because we decided to spend money on a non-BS board like IP Board. That's where the focus should be.

Edited by boubabi
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combined with other features that past updates have.

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and people speaks like there was no alternative, which is false. Looks like no real research has been made to look if another chatbar was available for the new version. We haven't had a chance to experiment and test the new board, who looks way more friendly to use for an administrator. The possibilities are infinite. A community chat on top of the site would be just enough to get people going. 

Edited by boubabi
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I'll pretend I understand half of that and say I look forward to seeing it action.


Until I do though (and feel there is a legitimately important upgrade here), I stand firm that chat is at the moment a loss that understandably many are not pleased about (including myself).

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Yes because it'll return in the future in some form, and there are worthwhile benefits for the upgrade



@username tagging alone makes it a no brainer IMO. 

For you, tagging is worth it.  I see tagging as one of the worst possible features to any site I've been on with it.  I find it annoying to read and inconsistent to use (not sure what the site was running but it didn't work half the time).


and people speaks like there was no alternative, which is false. Looks like no real research has been made to look if another chatbar was available for the new version. We haven't had a chance to experiment and test the new board, who looks way more friendly to use as an administrator. The possibilities are infinite. A community chat on top of the site would be just enough to get people going. 

Adding any other sort of chat bar will cost more than we can probably afford given we are going to be "upgrading" here.  I'm under the assumption that won't be cheap.


Community chat really isn't what the point of chat was but yes I would imagine that would likely be installed.

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