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Draper; He Rigs


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I was actually 100% joking Draper. While I find I end up liking the results of Jardy sims more as I clearly lay out in the post there is zero evidence or logic to assume you actually rig. But hey people finally posted in a Fan590 of mine. FINALLY!

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  • Senior Admin
5 minutes ago, Mr. Power said:

I was actually 100% joking Draper. While I find I end up liking the results of Jardy sims more as I clearly lay out in the post there is zero evidence or logic to assume you actually rig. But hey people finally posted in a Fan590 of mine. FINALLY!


There's a special place in hell for people that force me to post 530 word posts.

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19 minutes ago, Kendrick said:

But then every game would be a consistent game relative to the one before.

If you change the silders (i presume overall formula and sim options are the sliders in question) for one day, and theirs only one game that day, than it would only effect that one game.

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2 minutes ago, TheNextGreatOne said:

If you change the silders (i presume overall formula and sim options are the sliders in question) for one day, and theirs only one game that day, than it would only effect that one game.

This is true, but pretty time consuming for simming one game. If Draper did that, I wouldn't accuse him of rigging as much as I would consider him a lowlife with too much time on his hands. Judging from my convos with him, he is far from the latter. 

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2 minutes ago, Kendrick said:

This is true, but pretty time consuming for simming one game. If Draper did that, I wouldn't accuse him of rigging as much as I would consider him a lowlife with too much time on his hands. Judging from my convos with him, he is far from the latter. 

Are you sure? He is a commish on a simulated hockey league. :ph34r:  

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6 hours ago, Draper said:

Okay, first of all let's not kid ourselves here Devise by saying that this a semi-joke and not an accusation, because it is in fact an accusation and one that I find quite disturbing.


Second, if I'm understanding you correctly, the bulk of your ammunition here is inconsistent scoring and such (specifically your example about Helsinki vs. Calgary). And when you ask if I tamper with settings to produce favourable results, I presume you mean the sliders like goals, hits, etc as those are the only settings that would have an impact on scoring. Aside from saying 'no, i didn't do it' I can tell you that there is literally no way for me to change any settings on a per-game basis. Any changes I made to the overall formulas that the sim uses would be reflected in every game I simmed, with no way for me to single out my own games. Unless any of the other simmers know something that I don't, they can attest to this fact. 


The only realistic way to 'rig' is to reload the sim without saving and simming and again, which would be both time consuming and pointless considering the file takes ~2-3 minutes to open and I have very little incentive to rig - even more so in the regular season where the number of games I sim is typically small. Honestly I'm surprised that certain people are making accusations here - Hell, Helsinki beat Davos 7 times this season and all of the sudden I'm cheating the league because we won two close games in overtime? I mean give me a break Ahma, you've been going around all day blabbering on with absolutely no cause or foundation for the shit you've been spewing. I don't really know what you guys want me to say here but Helsinki won a cup last year without me simming a single playoff games and our team improved between now and then, but they're only performing because I'm rigging..?


I've never put my job as GM ahead of my job as Commish and believe it or not the integrity of the league is something that I take very seriously. None of my players have ever received any kind of favouritism, and also different people around the league are aware of the fact that I've been actively exploring options to leave my post as GM for the past season or so which might give you some indication of which job I put first. As for last nights sim, it was already around 1AM for me when Jardy messaged me sim and I no longer had the live-stream software (OBS) on my computer as I wiped everything when I upgraded to Win10 a month or two ago. Sorry, but I didn't much feel like downloading and configuring it at that time of night. 


In any case, there's not much else I can say. I certainly won't deny that the fault for not live-streaming last night lies with me, and if Higgins wants to re-sim last nights games against Davos because of that fact then I could care less; it seems clear however that there will always be someone on the losing team that cries rig and thus I will be more than happy to remove myself from the pool of simmers.

You rigging bastard.

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  • Commissioner
On December 23, 2015 at 6:52 PM, Kendrick said:

This. Scotty + Co. would do things to puff up their egos. What a joke haha


Back in my day we had reason to accuse people of rigging, now it's just a fad!



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18 hours ago, Beketov said:


Back in my day we had reason to accuse people of rigging, now it's just a fad!



The fact that three different eras of members have the right to say back in my day makes me afraid of the almighty power and survivability of this league. :P

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1 hour ago, Mike said:

The integrity of this league has been ruined we don't know how far back it goes.  We must start over at Season 1.

 Fuck can you imagine us doing that? Starting over....like...what would even be real...


Would we like keep welfare and new systems. Would the VHLM be needed? Maybe we merge the two and have 14 teams. The possibilities....


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  • Senior Admin
17 minutes ago, Mr. Power said:

 Fuck can you imagine us doing that? Starting over....like...what would even be real...


Would we like keep welfare and new systems. Would the VHLM be needed? Maybe we merge the two and have 14 teams. The possibilities....



I once had a thought that after S50 we should scrap everything, come in with fresh teams, sweeping changes, and pretty much reset the league. Would be interesting :lol:

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29 minutes ago, Mr. Power said:

 Fuck can you imagine us doing that? Starting over....like...what would even be real...


Would we like keep welfare and new systems. Would the VHLM be needed? Maybe we merge the two and have 14 teams. The possibilities....


Would Shawn still be here?

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44 minutes ago, Draper said:


I once had a thought that after S50 we should scrap everything, come in with fresh teams, sweeping changes, and pretty much reset the league. Would be interesting :lol:


That is funny and slightly scary. After posting this I was thinking the exact same thing. Would truly allow us to make larger changes too. From updating to a new sim, to different career lengths, salary cap, etc.

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