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My Thank you


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I'm sorry if I missed anyone, so many messages and everything. I may have missed some people.


As you all know, over 2months ago my wife lost her battle to cancer. Me and my son, hit some very hard times. Still most days of the week go by and I miss her. It's something I wouldn't wish on even my worst enemy. 


Most won't remember, but when I created Komarov. I wasn't married, though I was seeing my wife to be, had no kid, and was down on my luck job wise. As my life became hectic with everything I lost time here. I was never intended to recreate, I wanted to be a star and that was it. 


When my wife passed, I had no time for anything. I was so busy, when I finally got time I told everyone what happened. The support I got was incredible, I was welcomed like I was family. I don't leave my lockeroom much. I keep my head out of drama, I just want to have fun. The support I got, was a huge reason why I chose to return. 


The community had been great to me since, and I would like to thank everyone who has helped me through these tough times. 


@boubabi, @Dewie, @evrydayimbyfuglien, @eaglesfan036, @Kendrick, @gorlab, @StevenStamkos91, @DollarAndADream, @boom, @Ahma, @Molholt, @JardyB10, @Da Trifecta, @Toast, @JPL, @sterling, @Draper, @der meister, @Phil, @CoachReilly, @tfong

Edited by Gooningitup
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Well when it comes down to it we are all human, and we all live lives. So when it comes to those lives I wish no one pain, I can provide empathy and relate to losing family members. You re a tough individual though, one who survived watching a love one leave early. <3 you brother!

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It very much shows the strength that you have to have endured through all these tough times for you. I'm glad that those of us here have helped you out in some way, and I know all of us here wish you the best heading forward.


I'm happy that you chose to return.

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It's funny how much technology impacts the world we live in compared to previous generations. It has been used for a lot of evil, but also a lot of good. The support offered by virtual friends is something I have experienced in times of need, and I am glad that you have received similar support. As Kendrick said, we are all human in the end, and it is our empathy that bleeds through the technology barrier and let's us relate. 


I'm happy to see you continuing to fight through the struggle of life, and proud to have been able to provide some admittedly small amount of comfort in this time.

Edited by der meister
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You are an undeniably strong human and have faced trials most of us dare not ever dream about. The least we can do is try to stand by your side to provide a modicum of support for you to lean on whenever you need it. Whenever you need it, we'll be here for ya <3

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You have been a great member to the community and always someone who would create some good discussions at times. Life hits us hard when we least expect it and sometimes it's not for the best. It's good to see you are still going strong and still managed time to come on here through all the rough times you faced. Hopefully better things come to you and your son because you are more than due for it. Thanks for being a good friend and person to talk with.

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