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Ye thats my jam. They even look legal enough to survive in the long term.

Unrelated note, I love how all it takes for Stannis to do is just about anything and everyone is back on board. Not sure if all other characters are too fucked up or if Stannis is a bawse.

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Ye thats my jam. They even look legal enough to survive in the long term.

Unrelated note, I love how all it takes for Stannis to do is just about anything and everyone is back on board. Not sure if all other characters are too fucked up or if Stannis is a bawse.


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So I just read the last chapter of A Storm of Swords (no spoilers, worry not).

Can someone, again, spoiler-free, come up with a reason as to why that was left out of the last episode? PM me if you can't keep spoiler-free here. And don't tell me anything from the next two books.

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There is indeed pretty intense speculation that they're going to cut it.  One of the directors and the respective actor were like, "I dunno it's pretty ehhhh for us doesn't seem too important."  I'd take issue with that, but I'm holding out hope they'll open next season with it. 


The only other reason I can think of is because so much shit happened in S4 already, and the next couple books aren't that action packed.  Mostly Cersei, Dany, and Jon doing things.  They hopefully just want to open S5 with a huge twist so it doesn't seem like a dull follow up.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Cersei isnt even evil her father was. She's just in a trash situation IMO.


Let's face it. Tywin is was a badass mofo. We all wanted to be him. Joffrey was the doucheist because he did everything out of self gratification, Cersei did everything for her kids, sadly, one was Joffrey, and Tywin did it for the Lannister name. 

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wut. she was evil from her childhood. always hated her little bro.


Tywin hates him too. In fact, the only reason Cersei does hate him is because her father taught her to hate him. 

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how about killing sansa's dog? arya's friend? 


you can excuse everything with, "oh, but she had a tough upbringing." i just don't get anyone who doesn't think she's evil. total cunt.



the Hound killed Aryas friend on Joffrey's orders, did he not? I don't think Cersei had anything to do with that, although I only pay attention to the TV Show mostly.


As per the TV show, Sansa's dog was Robert's doing.


by the way, Cersei never cared about Robert so there's another thing. She was married to some fat ass she didnt care about, I can't blame her for ending up with her brother cause Jamie is pmf,


Tywin and Gregor are evil. Cersei just is a victim of her circumstance. A women in a position of power when women were not allowed power.

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No, Cersei is definitely a complete fucktard.  Whether you want to call her evil or a cunt, that is what she is.  She had Lady killed out of spite, Robert just went with it because he didn't want to deal with the headache of his bitch wife later.  Speaking of Robert, she had him killed too.  Also she seemed to get a kick out of the Red Wedding, and considering how taboo that shit is that puts her in the minority.  Extra book minor "spoilers":  She once threw her best friend into a well when she was a child, which was basically cold blood murder.  Also her method of disciplining Tommen is to have him whip Pate.  And, not really spoilers, but now that Tywin is gone in S5 she takes it upon herself to try to be "Tywin with teats."  We'll see how that goes.

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No, Cersei is definitely a complete fucktard.  Whether you want to call her evil or a cunt, that is what she is.  She had Lady killed out of spite, Robert just went with it because he didn't want to deal with the headache of his bitch wife later.  Speaking of Robert, she had him killed too.  Also she seemed to get a kick out of the Red Wedding, and considering how taboo that shit is that puts her in the minority.  Extra book minor "spoilers":  She once threw her best friend into a well when she was a child, which was basically cold blood murder.  Also her method of disciplining Tommen is to have him whip Pate.  And, not really spoilers, but now that Tywin is gone in S5 she takes it upon herself to try to be "Tywin with teats."  We'll see how that goes.



Well the question was who is worse Tywin or Cersei, and seeing as Tywin is the one who blatantly orchestrated the Red Wedding, Oberyn's sister being raped and her kids being murdered etc... I'd say he's worse. She had robert killed because she was in a marriage she wanted no part of, all becuase her father forced her in to it. She hated Robert and I don't blame her, he was fat, lazy and just drank all day, he was a bad king and an even worse father. He didn't give two shits about "his" children until he was about to die. Sure yes she had a dog killed, big deal this is GOT ffs. Tywin has knowledge that one of his key soldiers has raped and murdered a ton of people and he is still in his service, in a key way (well not his service anymore). Also I find it funny how Robert is seen as a lovable fat guy when he beats his wife, forced himself on her and is generally horrible to her. And she obviously wants no part in it.


I have no love for Cersei, but she isn't evil, she's just a trash person. In GOT almost everyone is a trash person. People love Littlefinger, but he had the first hand killed, he turned on Ned because he was salty someone else banged his girl on him, he fucked Sansa when she's like 16 in the books etc... He killed Cat's sister just because he could etc... The entire show is about power, and when Littlefinger tries to gain it, people love him, but when Cersei tires to hold on to it, people hate her. I have theories as to why people hate her so much. She's cold, calculating and  more than anything, she is a she and a lot of people hate strong female characters, good or bad. Cersei is a generally bad character, but Littlefinger & Tywin among others who are revered and held highly, are way worse. 

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I feel like Littlefingers fan club is slightly smaller than the Bolton fan club. And those who do like him and Boltons and Tywin do because they're at least competent at being evil, whereas Cersei is a train wreck. Other than loving her children, she has literally no redeeming qualities. And she's a shit mother.

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