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Getting Burnt Out


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I honestly never thought I would be getting to this point but I'm starting to wonder if I'm getting burnt out on the VHL. This isn't really a statement of "the league is going down and then end is near!" but rather just an old fart of the league that maybe has been doing this for just too long. Honestly I'm not even 100% sure why I'm writing this at all. Probably because I need 1 extra point to get a full attribute point that I'm missing so I need to get it somewhere; but also because I think it needs to be known.


Anyone who's in the NY locker room with me has probably noticed that about the only time I post it's talking about my current stats or how the team is doing. That's likely because all I seem to do anymore is check the games every morning and then more or less stop paying attention. I don't want it to be this way and doing the CoDCast has really helped but I feel as if I'm not engaging in the site in the same way I used to. I feel like I don't belong in any of the discussion that's happening. Have I just been around too long? Am I too jaded? Maybe I just need to take a break for awhile and not have to focus so heavily on the sim for my entertainment. The VHL has always been fun because of the community, not the sims, and I feel as if I've lost that in the past couple of seasons. It feels as if I've gotten so caught up in my own stats being less than I want (as they always have been to be honest) and that has caused me to forget what I enjoyed about being here.


Maybe after Holik retires I'll take a break; focus on Sokolov which I never really intended on doing. Maybe I'll bring another player in at some point after but who knows. It feels like all the years of being on this site are starting to catch up with me. This is probably getting pretty ranty at this point so I should probably end it but does anyone have any suggestions? Maybe some of you guys that, like me, have been simply around the block a few too many times. I don't want to leave the VHL by any means but I don't want to feel as if I'm just going through the motions either; it's a tough situation.


*For Holik

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  • Commissioner
1 minute ago, BOOM said:

This was my CODcast question this week!



I saw, it got me thinking about it. Don't worry, I'll go into more detail when I record that tomorrow.

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I got that way and just retired. Now I only check stuff if I want to, or things I'm interested in. I'm not really involved in the community much, but I never really was - so I don't feel like I'm missing out on anything. If you want that community aspect, you might feel like you're missing things. Taking my player completely out of it has made this feel less like a job and more like a site I check when I'm bored.

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I've obviously felt this way a couple of times, but I always come back. I've gotten into a routine of getting the PT's out of the way and updating for the week, then pretty much visit now and then to check scores and say Hi to a few people. Once you take a step back, you realize that it's not necessary to spend every damn hour lurking around the board. Try to treat it as a hobby instead of a chore that requires you to do stuff.

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1 hour ago, BOOM said:

I've obviously felt this way a couple of times, but I always come back. I've gotten into a routine of getting the PT's out of the way and updating for the week, then pretty much visit now and then to check scores and say Hi to a few people. Once you take a step back, you realize that it's not necessary to spend every damn hour lurking around the board. Try to treat it as a hobby instead of a chore that requires you to do stuff.

Says the guy who was on four hours ago in the middle of the night. :P

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1 hour ago, BOOM said:

I've obviously felt this way a couple of times, but I always come back. I've gotten into a routine of getting the PT's out of the way and updating for the week, then pretty much visit now and then to check scores and say Hi to a few people. Once you take a step back, you realize that it's not necessary to spend every damn hour lurking around the board. Try to treat it as a hobby instead of a chore that requires you to do stuff.


That's pretty much where I'm at too. It's also a personal rule of mine to never take something like a commish/global mod/GM job that would allow me to be less flexible with my time - nothing against those that do, just how I enjoy sim leagues best myself.

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Que another old dude who said it also happened to them. Humbert was like that for me and was my breather, but I'm in the same boat where after Power is done and Reinholdt is all I have i'll probably only go hard for the rest of Verners career. I imagine I'll always keep a welfare player around just because this community has meant a lot to me and my development as a person over the years, especially y'know meeting close real life friends here. 


But we all get burnt out on this thing. I'm still glad to have you in NY even if all you do is post about stats. Still a good guy and hope Holik gets a Cup with us. :cheers: 

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All that needed to be said the people above me already did, I went really hard with LeBeau and O'Malley, which made me feel really burnt out as well. I actually tried to kill off all my sim league players and just have Maximoff on welfare. I've now taken a more relaxed approach and worry less about really being good (which Maximoff seems to disagree with, as he does much better as expected) and actually resulted in myself giving a second player a chance. (heck, I even created it at one of the worst possible times for a proper career)


Take some time, take it easy, and if you need us we'll be right here. The casual route is not a bad one, i'm sure fong agrees with me on that.

Edited by Green
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thats how I am feeling. i have barely checked sim results and just looked at the index from time to time but maybe that has coincided with my GF coming home so that I am not invested as much here as i want to be. Although I have cut out the SHL havent checked in like 2 weeks and havent checked the GOMHL for maybe a month, but I love the VHL and SBA so I don't think ill eever quit although I am feeling a bit burnt out after going hard with Muller.

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9 hours ago, punkhippie said:

Says the guy who was on four hours ago in the middle of the night. :P


Well he lives in Australia, so that wasn't the middle of the night.

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