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I'm sick of making graphics. I'm incapable of getting higher than a 5.5 -- how is this one a 5.5? Please explain what the fuck I need to do.  It's getting too hard to get good grades.  People who write half-decent MS's never get less than a 6. Complaint from grader above was text.




This text gets lauded by the same grader.


Do. Not. Under. Fucking. Stand.


More better sigs:





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I agree with you but it's a good thing that you doesn't get a 6/6 everytime. This sig as a style and it used some cool technic but I gotta say that it is oversharpen a bit. But yea, no offense to you frank but that zamora isn't a 5.5 at any level in my opinion.

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This sig looks awesome, really great work, but I can understand that the Grader criticized the Text at least a little bit, just doesnt look as the rest of the Sig and seems a little off.

I'm a total graphics noob though so what do i know.

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Additionally, the grader said he 'LOVED' the Zamora sig, but gave it a 5.75.  Love to me implies it's great and doesn't have much to complain about.  Even if the sig was better than mine (I don't think it was), shouldn't that be a 6?


Clearly I'm loved and you need to make more Zamora sigs <3

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I'm of the opinion that effort should override quality given the nature of the site. Not everyone can make Koradek sigs as mentioned.

Effort is essentially a free couple of marks. Unless you really don't do anything, everyone should be getting full marks on effort regardless

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yeah i vote we give kesler 6/6 because he really does try hard



And honestly the graders are way to tough, as someone who has been posting gfx on here for 2 years now my sig with bad text, no lighting, bad stock work would get me a 5/6 when I joined and now I am still getting a 5/6 and am much better.

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And honestly the graders are way to tough, as someone who has been posting gfx on here for 2 years now my sig with bad text, no lighting, bad stock work would get me a 5/6 when I joined and now I am still getting a 5/6 and am much better.


Not enough lightning.

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This thread shows exactly why i gave up on graphics and decided to solely write media spots.. but many times media spots are a pain in the ass to write.. however im not willing to get 4-5's on work that many times i think beats out work thats getting 6's... no offense to the graphic graders, but its really discouraging when ur comments and grades are not consistent, and the grades arent consistent across the board. I would become a graphics grader a) if im allowed to drop being a media spot grader and b ) more people did graphics.. you can sure as hell bet that there will definitely be more 6s and grades will match my comments..


Sorry for the rant, but I was really excited to work on graphics and make graphics, but after my last 3 were completely shot (my last one was the best imo and it got a 5) i gave up on graphics and now writing media spots that are taking forever to write because i need new ideas to keep it interesting..

Edited by d3vilsfire
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I think when it comes to graphics grading, it's important to remember that we aren't a graphics community. If this league was expressly run on graphics, then harsh grades would be more necessary. However, it's not. Graphics have become a major aspect of it, but a lot of people have also gained a lot of experience. I'm sure I could pull up sigs of mine and others that were getting 6s four years ago that couldn't pull a 4.5 now. 

No offence to the writers or GFX people in the league, but both the writing and the GFX are primarily amateur. Not everybody can make GFX like Boubs or Kora, not everyone can write like Cowboy. The difference is that the grades of writing are easier to quantify. It's easy to tell bad grammar, bad graphics is very subjective. As a result, graders end up marking sigs against the best sigs on the site instead of the user's own sigs, or the mean.


It's a tough system because you can't easily say which sigs are better, or even which took the most effort. I've had sigs come together in 20 minutes and be 6 worthy, and I've worked on sigs for hours over several days and got a 5 on them. Grading graphics is a difficult job. I think that the graphics graders probably do need to reel back their grading a little bit. On the other hand, I think that people also need to give the graders a break from time to time. Speaking as someone who has been a grader, it's difficult to quantify what really is worth a 6.

I'm going to launch an investigation into grading. I'll see what I come up with. 

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I can write a 6/6 media spot about random shit like people playing video games, opening a restaurant with contract money, or doing a team charity event while not using commas and stealing a quick image from google images.  I can do all of that in 15 minutes or less.  I can't get a 6/6 on a graphic if you gave me 3 hours and the player cutouts already with a jersey change.


When I first came back media spots were graded much harsher than back in the day but that didn't last long things quickly got back to free 6's.  You can't put graphics on a different level of difficulty as it more than anything else on the VHL is art which is subjective.  I find plenty of people who are told wow best sig they made ever 6/6 to be shit and find other 5/6 sigs really good.


We give out 4 welfare for 1 reply on a thread and we give people 5 TPE who spend a bunch of time making a graphic for the league because they don't live up to certain graphic standards based on how a person feels or interprets a sig on some random day.  IMO if you can read the text, you did the cut out/jersey change is a quality fashion, and you did more than just filter/render/clouds new layer filter render noise then you should get a 6/6 every time.


We want the league to have as many active people as possible, we want the league to continue to grow, and we want burnt out members to comeback or continue to stay around and having "graphic elite" cause people to get +1 more than welfare for spending a good amount of time on a sig point task is VHL Season 1 old mentality that has caused dozens of other sim leagues to fail.

Edited by Mike
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